Lapsed pistol permit


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Hi all,

Posting this on behalf of my father, he is a retired law enforcement officer who isn't the most computer literate person.

Since retiring and getting on in years, his memory isn't what it was. Recently he became quite ill unexpectedly and had to be hospitalised. A friend of his, also retired LEO, came by and secured my father's firerms (rifles and handguns) so that not only would there be no risk from a break in (there is a safe but we didn't want to chance it) or to any health professionals who stopped in.

Unfortunately it seems that my father had let his license expire some time ago. His friend brought them in to the local Suffolk County PD and turned the handguns in for safekeeping (he didn't want to risk having unlicensed firearms) and explained the situation. He received a receipt in return.

As my father is still recovering, he asked me to see if I could find out what he needs to do to get his license reinstated and get his handguns back from the PD. I phoned the PD and they told me that as I'm not the party concerned, that it is none of my business, and that my father, as a former LEO, should know what to do. :-(

Has anyone any idea what steps my dad needs to take in this situation, in order to get his permit reinstated and claim his handguns back from the PD? I don't live nearby - I'm quite far away (about 3500 miles!) so my assistance is limited to emails, phone calls and asking for help on forums.



Either you or your fathers caregiver to contact his former PD officers association an ask them to get involved. Do not let this linger as they'll be deemed confiscated an ordered destroyed.
I agree on the PD association. Get those back. Then he should make and to give most or all to you and disappear them from his immediate premises somebody snatches them again. Don't worry nobody's going to go digging around too far or likely at all to find them. Out of sight is truly out of mind when these situations happen. Don't you just love the
people's republic of Cuomostan....

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