Ladies - what gun to you carry?

Oh heck I did not know you could replace the springs. I thought once the spring got weak you had to buy a whole new one. I have had semi auto's for years and I have worried about the springs forever. I thought it was a one spring deal.. I feel so much better now.

So many people, even on here, are always talking about over stressing your spring as if it was the life of the magazine. No one ever said they could just get a new spring. So why are they are making a big deal out of it.. They made me even more paranoid about my springs. Thanks for clearing that up.

I do not know why but My Taurus PT 145 did not have a book with it. I went to their web site hoping to download a book but they did not offer one. I can call them and probably should call and ask for one. They do offer a disassemble and reassemble video.

You can go to the Taurus website and contact them for information & specs on your weapon. You should be able to order any parts you need as well. If they want to to charge for a manual then simply ask the questions you have.
I obviously don't know who provided you information about the springs, but my guess it was a "male shooter". And, that's why we have a separate forum specific for us LADY SHOOTERS. I don't know what experiences other LADY SHOOTERS have had, but most of the LADY SHOOTERS I have been around are not in a "pissing contest" to be the "know it all" of firearms. They just share information & try to be helpful to one another, because LADIES we must face the fact that we are a MINORITY when it comes to carring firearms no matter if your a Law Enforcement Officer or a CC shooter.
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Why should that make a difference?

As to carrying one less with a semi-auto, that used to be the advice for certain pistols, particularly the Browning Hi-Power and some of its various clones. However this is 1980's era advice. Semi-autos have come along way in the past 30 years. I would not hesitate to carry a modern semi fully loaded up. (I carry a Glock 22 BTW)

Some of the Clinton-ear reduced capacity magazines did not always work fully loaded, but that's because they were delibrately crippled so that an eleventh round could not be loaded into the magazine. I use the standard capacity magazines with my Glock for this reason.

What makes a difference with me regarding the name of a Female Firearm Club called the "Crystal Pistols" is I don't want to be associated with "strippers". I was just giving my opinion about the name that was suggested.

I don't try to load 11 rounds into a 10 round magazine. I find that impossible. I load 10 rounds, charge my weapon, drop the magazine and load another round which ends up 10+1.
I got out an sighted in my Taurus. Now (if I do not flinch) I can knock the flea off a tick.. Ok so maybe not, but I can hit my target. ROFL.

I found my Problem with failure to load. It is the magazine the plastic loader thing inside the mag is going vertical and not pushing the front of the bullet up into the barrel. I think a call to Taurus is in order tomorrow. I will see that they say. If I am having the problem on a new gun, then I am probably not the first one, especially since both Mags are doing it, not just one. It is usually the 3,4 and 5th rounds.
The Glock series of pistols do not use "clips" to load ammunition, they all use detachable magazines. AFAIK, the only semi-auto pistol that did use clips was the Mauser Broomhandle, a WWI era pistol. Relvolvers on the other hand are often loaded with moon clips.

I really do not understand why some of you GUYS have such a problem with the word CLIP? Did a CLIP pinch your nut sack one day? Jeeze. I was taught what I first learned about guns by my Father who Learned about them in the army in WWII. He used the word clip. I have been trying very hard to remember to type Mag instead of Clip, but sometimes it just slips off the end of my fingers. It is not meant as a personal insult to you guys.

This is not a School where I should get a RED MARK on my paper for using the wrong word? Besides you misspelled REVOLVERS above.. So There I can correct you also. Also nut and sack are not dirty words, therefore not swearing. So if my Dad was WRONG, dig him up and tell him that he taught me wrong.. Until i get used to using THE PROPER WORD, Lay off my back. :angry:
Extra capacity or 15 round magazines

TX did lift it's "extra capacity" magazine law a couple of years ago that was only available for law enforcement officers. When you refer to "standard capacity" magazines, I think of the 10 round magazine that usually comes with the weapon one purchases. The 15 round "extra capacity " magazine is usually purchased separately from my experience. I'm done with this conversation. It is a mute point.

I carry a S&W M&P Compact 9mm open in a DeSantis Thumb Break Scabbard and a S&W 38 Special Snubby in my purse. ;-) If I need to conceal on my body, my only options are a slim Keltec P32 using the beltclip in front cross-draw or rearward strong hand draw positions or my K-frame revolver in a belly band. ;-) My body won't allow for anything else to be concealed.
That's because he was probably familiar with the M-1 Garand which did in fact use a block clip to load ammo.

You did not even answer Crownsnakes question. All you want to do is throw out a lot of technical language and terminology and cut down other shooters in an EFFORT to make yourself APPEAR superior to the Ladies who use this Forum as it was intended for. It is supposed to be used for communication, sharing ideas , discussing problems, etc... . It was not intended for cutting down other shooters who may not know the correct terminology per your standards. Drop the BS and become a particpant who is WANTED in the forum, able to help solve problems, share ideas...and not use it to Toot Your Own Horn because we really could care less about your so called technical input. You may think you are better versed, better qualified, better expert..., but your always in a pissing contest with someone. People who always have to Toot their own horn usually have a lack of self esteem or are Bullies. Wake up and smell the "Magazine or Clip". From my experience, Magazine vs Clip only counted on firearm tests and in the Accademy. After that it didn't matter what they were called. And I don't recall anyone asking for a history lesson on WWII weapons.

I really do not understand why some of you GUYS have such a problem with the word CLIP? Did a CLIP pinch your nut sack one day? Jeeze. I was taught what I first learned about guns by my Father who Learned about them in the army in WWII. He used the word clip. I have been trying very hard to remember to type Mag instead of Clip, but sometimes it just slips off the end of my fingers. It is not meant as a personal insult to you guys.

This is not a School where I should get a RED MARK on my paper for using the wrong word? Besides you misspelled REVOLVERS above.. So There I can correct you also. Also nut and sack are not dirty words, therefore not swearing. So if my Dad was WRONG, dig him up and tell him that he taught me wrong.. Until i get used to using THE PROPER WORD, Lay off my back. :angry:

Hey Crowsnake, I feel your heat. I agree with you 100%. Read a post I sent regarding your being slammed for using Clip vs Magazine. Appears you only insulted self serving shooters. Always remember "To thy own self be true". Your Father had more knowledge than this entire forum put together. My Father was also a WWII Veteran. It's probablly a good thing my father is not around to see this BS. If I had to believe a WWII Veteran over a few who are eat up with terminology issues, I will always go with the WWII Veterans who ACTUALLY went to war and defended our country and used their weapons to their fullest extent. Hang in there and don't ever be concerned about asking a question or providing us some input P.S. I think I misspelled your name when I wrote on the post I asked you to read. Sorry
I am not realy sure why you are being so hostile. I was simply stating the FACT that the Glock series of pistols does not use clips to feed ammo, they all use magazines. Subjects can get realy confused when people blatently use the wrong terms in a discusion.

Also with respect to the term standard capacity magazine, when it comes to the Glock 22 or 31, the standard capacity magazine holds 15 rounds. That's what that pistol was designed to hold. Calling it a high capacity magazine only confuses matters. A 10 round magazine for a Glock 22 is not a standard capacity magazine, it's a reduced capacity magazine, plain and simple. Also Glock and some after-market companies make a +2 floor plate for the standard capacity Glock magazines. Assembling a +2 floor plate onto a standard capacity magazine does not make it a high capacity magazine either. The correct term is +2 magazine, indicating the installation of the +2 floor plate thus allowing two additional rounds to be stored in the magazine.

Your the one who is confusing people. You are comparing apples to oranges. There are a lot of different models of Glocks and each are different in some way. Before you get on your soap box regarding standard, reduced or high capacity magazines, find out which model one is referring to before you go into a lecture. And, while on the subject of a lecture, this Forum is not set up to be a lecture nor have you been appointed as the instructor. Quit being a "know it all" if you wish to participate effectively in this Forum. Most of the Ladies joined to have fun, share some info & help each other. Your responses remind me of the guy in our accademy who always sat alone, ate alone, left alone...
And lay off crowsnake.
I don't see any post where Crowsnake was slammed for anything. I merely explained that the Glock series of pistols does not use clips. Clking9mm, you need to be alot less hostile.

This is my LAST post to you G50AE.

I see "hostile" is one of your favorite words you like to use when you respond to a post. There is no hostility in me. Just humor and pity for you. So go sit in the back of the Forum by yourself where the "know it all's" sit. You also might want use the dictionary to look up the word "alot"you used. The word "alot" is two words, not one. I thought you might want to know that since you like to "appear" to come off as one who is so perfect & knowledgable.
And as for your reply to crowsnake, you did slam her. She advised she knows the "correct" terminology for magazine vs clip. She was explaining why she used the word clip in place of magazine. She did not ask for a lecture about the series of Glock pistols & that they use a magazine.
I don't see any post where Crowsnake was slammed for anything. I merely explained that the Glock series of pistols does not use clips. Clking9mm, you need to be alot less hostile.

If you actually read my post you would see that I used CLIP the first time and corrected myself the second time using the word magazine. When I re-read it my brain did not see that I had used Clip the first time, cause it seems natural to me.

I have never EVER EVER said clip to someone and had them say "What are you talking about?" because everyone KNOWS what you are talking about, the Magazine clips into the gun. No matter how much it pisses you off when someone uses the wrong word, people know what it means.. And most people will not put someone down for using it. Especially face to face. But give them a forum then they can put people down who do not know where they live.

There was no reason to correct me, It was obvious if you had actually read it that I had already corrected my self a phrase later.

So AGAIN I ask, What is it that rubs you so wrong about the word clip? Why do you feel the need to jump all over someone for using that word? Anyone on this forum is here to learn, eventually they will learn the proper words and terms to use without the need to be insulted for using the wrong ones. So what bothers you so much about someone saying CLIP instead of MAGAZINE?
After you put a full clip in your gun then you round the chamber and that takes one of the rounds out of your Magazine, which takes pressure off the spring. @ least that is what was recommended to me. Perhaps it does not need to be done. With my .380 I would pull the magazine and add that round to replace the one in the chamber. I only had 7 that way.

Here is the original post that caused all the trouble. I said Clip at first then corrected myself with the word Magazine the next time I mentioned it. That self correction should have been enough to keep from getting jumped on but it wasn't. Actually it was enough that I considered leaving the forum. You see this is not the first time I have been jumped on for saying CLIP on a forum. As you can see by the fact that I have been correcting my self.
Hey Crowsnake, I feel your heat. I agree with you 100%. Read a post I sent regarding your being slammed for using Clip vs Magazine.

Thanks for the support. I am sorry we high-jacked this thread. I really feel bad that I miss typed clip instead of Magazine. I knew better cause I have been jumped on B4 on Forums for this. That is why I got mad, It is not just one guy unless it is the same guy on both forums. Which is possible. They seem to take it personally when you use the word clip for some reason. As I said Above they know what you are talking about even if it is the wrong term.

My Dad was in WWII and he called all magazines clips. I learned to shoot from him. It is hard to change a term you have used since you were old enough to hold a gun. 8 or 9 years old. Why it matters so much to the guys is beyond me. It is just a word. Are they afraid we are going to start using clip and root out their precious word magazine, cause it is a shorter easier to use word? I will never understand why it matter so much when EVERYONE knows both terms, and they have been exchangeable for YEARS. Since WWII actually or WWI..

I do not think the fact that I am a girl or guy should matter it is just the way I was taught. My husband still uses the word Clip cause he learned from my Dad too, later in life but he was taught that way the same as me. If I went around correcting him every time he said clip it would not be long he would get pissed off too. LOL.
I have to admit that for the most part guys treat me pretty well on these forums. Oh sure you always get some A-hole. But for the most part They are gentleman. Also when I go to ranges, or deal with people at Gun Shows they treat me just fine. Some praise me for Buying more ammo then my old man. In fact both of the guns I have bought at Gun shows have been from women.. (Now there are a few guy vendors who give you the look, that says What do you think you are doing buying that) But they are the minority and most vendors like my money as well as my husbands. Most of the Gun shops ect. have learned that we are the growing market and they need us to keep going.

It is the same with Motorcycles, Now the ladies are buying. So the guys are coming around. At the last gun show I had an old guy tell my husband how lucky he was when he saw me buying 500 round of .45acp. Of course Don said that it was expensive to have a wife into guns. Told him I spent more than he did. The guy said his wife will not even shoot one and he really wished she would go to the range with him.

I try not to think that my being female matters, I also try to not look at a person's skin color. I try so hard not to profile, but sometimes it is impossible. Most of the time though I think I manage it fairly well. I do not even look at that most of the time, I just take in the person as a whole. But I am human and My mind goes there sometimes.

Most guys want their wives to carry, they want their women to shoot, so they feel they are safer. Most of you guys treat us wonderfully. It is just a few sour apples that want to spoil the basket. So keep your families safe and keep your wife armed. My husband buys me Chrome or a Gun for christmas.. ROFL.
Let's tone it down a bit in here folks. I'd prefer not to read about nutsacks, well, basically ever, but especially not in the women's forum. Sheesh.
Went out yesterday and bought a Ruger SR9c. Love it! If you are looking for a user friendly, light carry pistol with a grip that fits your hand you won't be sorry adding this one to your list of guns to check out :)
Met a guy from Chicago the other day at a biker rally in Illinois. We got to talking about CC. I was with a CC friend from Kansas, and mine from Mo. He kept asking if we lived in a bad neighborhood. We said no. I told him about the 15 CC applications in our county on an average day and he was amazed. He asked if we ever had to use our guns. Both of us said no. He just did not understand. We tried to explain that the more GG's who are armed the less BG's will be wanting to take chances with us. Of course we were all drinking and not carrying at the rally so it was hard to get it through the booze haze. LOL. I told him I was glad to have mine a few times and I had postured toward it twice, but never had to pull it out. Neither time was I in my actual neighborhood.

Anyway the point is while he did not really understand he was not freaking out about it. He was open to it. Perhaps at another time, when we were all sober we could have explained better, and he could have comprehended better But @ least he was not scared of the big bad packing biker people... He may think about it later when sober and Google some info.

So while people from Chicago are taught to FEAR guns, not all of them do. It may seem alien to them for an average person to be carrying but it does not always scare them. We did inform him that in all other states besides Wisconsin and Illinois that he would be shocked @ how many average PPL are carrying a gun.. Even the soccer Mom with 3 kids screaming at her in line at the grocery store, might be packing a .45... Once he gets out of the 2 black states.

When I lived in Illinois the idea of the average person CC was alien to me, Now it seems quite natural, and I am always looking for that Belt clip or bulge.
Reaching out

crowsnake, I have often wondered why there are not more atempts by the gun rights movement to reach out to motorcyclists and gay and lesbian people. Both groups should certainly find alot of comman cause with the gun rights movement.

Curious thought! Most of the motorcyclists I know do carry or are pro guns, at least my Harley friends do, can't speak for the crotch rockets ones. As for the other group, they seem to be liberal in their thinking.
crowsnake, I have often wondered why there are not more atempts by the gun rights movement to reach out to motorcyclists and gay and lesbian people. Both groups should certainly find alot of comman cause with the gun rights movement.

I think us Motorcyclist reach out to gun rights movements weather they reach back or not. A lot of bikers I know carry. A couple guys I know were not legal and I chewed them out, telling them they needed counted that every CC permit sends a message to the people asking for votes. Plus if they got caught carrying illegally they could loose their chance to become legal. They are both on the legal side now.

I also know a couple of guys who did some things in their past that prevent them from ever being legal, but they carry anyway. I mean they were young and drunk and stupid, and did whatever, and now for the rest of their lives they can not legally protect themselves or their families. Having a permit makes you more cautious about what you do that's for sure.

I am not sure what sexual orientation has to do with carrying a gun, unless you are referring to gay beatings. But that is not usually a problem for lesbians. Most people think lesbians are cool. My husband sure thinks they are, and he is not really comfortable around gays. Plus most gay guys I know do not LIKE GUNS.
I prefer my Glock 23, compact .40 caliber. I am still learning a lot about it even though I've had it for zonks. My BUG is an XD, thigh/leg carry. In winter I OWB. In summer...well, it's gonna be a bit hard if I don't wear a cargo pants and I am getting to look like a squashed pumpkin when I do so back to jeans and IWB I suppose, provided I find one that will be comfortable enough for me to use. :wacko:

This is not related to your post, but your pic of your dog, I assume whom is named Tucker is so cute. What kind of dog is he? The reason I am so curious (beside the fact he is adorable) is he looks like a Min Pin pup. I have Min Pins & that's why it caught my attention. Also, I'm a Glock gal myself.
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