I carry a .380 LCP Ruger everywhere I go.
But I WANT a Taurus Millennium .45 (Ya I know the name is 2 ft long but you know what gun I mean)
I want a Ruger Mark II or III for target. A bull nose preferably. I figure the bull will give me about the same accuracy as the 45 for practice. I know I would need to shoot the .45 enough to be comfortable with it, but I need to practice with a light gun so I can afford to shell out the rounds. LOL.
I am a good shot with my .380. And I do very well with my .22 revolver. But I get so tired of loading the revolver. I have been thinking a lot, and I have decided since I can not afford both at this time. I should keep target practicing with the revolver and get the Carry gun I want. ASA I can afford it. My LCP is good but winter is coming and I should be able to have my .45. I watched Tim's Review of the Taurus and that is what helped me make up my mind.
I had the Taurus Millennium .40 in my hand used at the last gun show, But I want the .45, I held one of those new, and it is pretty much the same gun weight and size wise so why go smaller, especially since .40 ammo is higher than .45. It is bigger and heavier than the .380, DUH. But it is not much bigger or heaver than my Kel-Tec P-11 9mm, which I intend to sell.
My husband still thinks I am silly for carrying around the house, and everywhere we go, but at least he has stopped asking me if I have my gun. And he has kinda stopped asking me to leave it in the car when we go places. He got his CCW too but I think he only go it cause I did. Or for when he is out on the road with his service truck and feels he might need it. He still has that attitude, U might need it here, but you won't need it there.. I figure I hope I never need it, but I do not want to be caught without it. We have some questionable neighbors and they have questionable ppl always driving up, so I just am prepared. Nice neighborhood, just one bad house.