La OC group meeting for February 2010


New member
The January meeting is behind us and it's time to get ready for Febuary. The Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League (LOCAL) holds it's meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. That means the next meeting will be February 3. Same place as always, the Shoneys in LaPlace at the Hwy 51/I-10 intersection. We usually start at or right after 6:30pm.
So if you are in the Southeast Lousiana area, are interested in Open Carry and want to join others who are trying to make a positive difference, make your plans now to be there.

LOCAL Business Meeting
Shoneys Resturant (we reserve the back room)
LaPlace, Louisiana (on hwy 51 near I-10)
Feb 3, 2010 (the first Wednesday of the month)
It's been many years since I've been to a Shoney's. I hope you guys have a good time. :)
Not so much fun but we got a lot done. We are working on by-laws for chapters and elected officers as well as lots of other business. The choice of Shoneys was as a Open Carry friendly place where we could meet and since most of us are coming straight from work, or in my case going to work after the meeting, we can eat if we want. The thing is we are usually trying to handle so much stuff as quickly as possible that the poor waitress has to find a place to put our plates. We have the tables covered in paperwork, laptop computers, writing tablets and various other stuff so we have to move stuff to make room for our dinner. She's trying to find out who had the All American cheeseburger with fries and we are making motions, seconding, opening the floor for discussions and voting on stuff the whole time. Poor girl, she is used to us by now and we tip very well too so she doesn't mind as long as we don't elect her to head some committee while she's there taking our orders. :biggrin: The staff is always friendly and when we leave after the meeting the manager always waves and says something like "See you guys next month." Not many places are that open to having a bunch of guys with guns on but Shoneys has been good to us.
Not so much fun but we got a lot done. We are working on by-laws for chapters and elected officers as well as lots of other business. The choice of Shoneys was as a Open Carry friendly place where we could meet and since most of us are coming straight from work, or in my case going to work after the meeting, we can eat if we want. The thing is we are usually trying to handle so much stuff as quickly as possible that the poor waitress has to find a place to put our plates. We have the tables covered in paperwork, laptop computers, writing tablets and various other stuff so we have to move stuff to make room for our dinner. She's trying to find out who had the All American cheeseburger with fries and we are making motions, seconding, opening the floor for discussions and voting on stuff the whole time. Poor girl, she is used to us by now and we tip very well too so she doesn't mind as long as we don't elect her to head some committee while she's there taking our orders. :biggrin: The staff is always friendly and when we leave after the meeting the manager always waves and says something like "See you guys next month." Not many places are that open to having a bunch of guys with guns on but Shoneys has been good to us.

All the more reason for us to spread the word to ALL Gun Owners in the area, to frequent this Shoney's. Be sure to write a few letters to the home office complimenting this particular store. Every little bit helps, and the occassional compliment from Corporate Headquarters is like a trophy to them. I've always felt it was important to give credit and patronize any place that was "Gun Owner Friendly". I helps our image as well, and opens the door to non-gun owners and their perception of guns and gun owners. Good Job. May have to stop by if I can make the drive.