Kydex, Leather, Other?

What do you prefer?

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What do you prefer for your holsters? Kydex or Leather?

The first good holster I bought was my COMP-TAC C-TAC which is kydex and loved it. I had to pickup an extra mag holder and another extra mag/flashlight holder for some training I was taking. I didn't have time to order Kydex from Comp-Tac so I went to a local gun store. All they had was leather so I just bought them. I've had them for a few months now and I wore the single mag pouch almost everyday. It still seems pretty tight on my mag and hard to get out at times.

So I decided to stick with Kydex. I just got my extra mag holder from Comp-tac today and I already like it more than my leather one.

I'm not to experience with either of them so I'd like to get some other opinions. What do you prefer?
This crossbreed holster I got is nice and it is Leather and Kydex. I'll be doing a product review on it soon.
I love my smartcarry. I prefer it to other holsters I have (about 8 from Galco-Ross-Bianchi etc ...) I also have a pocket holster I made for my P3AT. You can make one if I can;
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Smart Carry.

I do plan to invest in an IWB soon, I just haven't decided on which one yet.

Shoulder holsters look like they'd have their place too.
I bought a shoulder holster for my Beretta 90-two the first day I bought it, it was my first gun. I haven't put it on once. I've carried with a Comp Tac C-TAC IWB holster since I got my permit.
The best IWB holster I've been able to afford (retired on a fixed income) is the G-Code "Comfort Carry" from .. that I use with my G19. It's kydex with a ballistic nylon back pad that not only makes it disappear on my body, but is very comfortable. I have actually gotten so used to it that I have to actively check that I'm carrying before entering a posted business here in KS. Unfortunately it IS a crime in KS to carry into a posted business unlike some other states.

I've seen the Crossbreed and it's probably the best combo of kydex and some other material, but like I said, it's a mite expensive for my budget.

I also have a Blade-Tech all kydex IWB that I use with my 1911 .45 and it's pretty comfortable as well, but could use some padding on the backside for long term carry.

I had a Don Hume leather IWB holster for a Kahr CW9/CW40 when I had one, but I didn't like it. It was too bulky and on my frame it was uncomfortable. It pinched when I sat down and just was painful to carry. Now that I've gone to the G19 for summer carry and the Comfort Carry holster, I tend to carry all the time rather than just when going into bad areas of town.

Just my thoughts and experiences with the various holsters, not intending to disparage or tout any holster maker as they all have fine products that fit the style and method of carry for different people. Leather is much more elegant in appearance, but since we're carrying concealed, elegant is a moot point IMO.

Opinions are millionfold, and everyone has one like an oft mentioned part of a person's anatomy, YMMV
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I have carried in leather for more than 13 years, but recently picked up a Kydex holster, and must say I am impressed.

I can't say that I am converted by any means, but am satisfied enough that I would consider it to be a good interim choice especially since so many of the custom guys are so backed up.

The Kydex in particular is a Comp-Tac paddle holster. I bought it as a two fold experiment. One for a paddle (I usually IWB) and two for plastic. I must say that I am pleased with each.
Carbon Fiber. :)

I prefer to have some level of retention with my holsters, so I'm a big fan of the Blackhawk SERPA Level 2 retention holster.

I used to use Fobus in early days for my P95 but soon went to leather.

Currently my 226 sits in a K&D Eagle Defender OWB . excellent rig and holds in tight - despite now having been worn daily 2 1/2 years.
I prefer SmartCarry for summertime carry and a fobus paddle holster under a jacket or coat for fall and winter carry. The trick to keeping one's gun accessible while carrying in a SmartCarry is to wear loose-fitting pants without a belt. Tight fitting pants and belts make it more difficult to acces your gun. The one thing I do have problems with, however, is drawing my weapon while sitting. Does anyone have any suggestions on that?
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This old dog tried the new trick holsters made from Kydex and even the carbon fiber, but returned to what has worked for him for over 3 decades. Good old leather. It can be made into a true work of art, to not only showcase a special weapon but to also securely retain and protect that weapon. I tried IWB carry with several Kydex style holsters and was about to give it up until I tried my shooting budies Milt Sparks. I never thought a holster could be so comfortable. I like the way the Versa Max 2 has straps fore & aft to securely lock the holster in place, preventing it from rocking back & forth when walking, sitting or even running. I also like the way the straps pull the holster around your body shape, mine being rounder than most, aiding in the concealment of the gun and holster. I also have the Brommeland Max Con V built on a similar platform as the VM2 but made of thinner material allowing for a more discrete carry. I really prefer the leather and the beauty and feel of what can be done with them. One holster that I have been looking at, that is a hybrid like the Crossbreed is one made by Mr. Tucker of Tucker Gunleather here in Texas. I think If I were to make any changes, that holster might a harder look by this old dog.

I prefer leather iwb. I have not tried a kydex iwb, however. I do have some owb kydex and they are fine. I just think an iwb kydex would be uncomfortable. I do use kydex magazine holders though.
DeSantis and Don Hume. Like 'em both, but Hume seems to have the better quality.:cool:

I've got one of both. They're nice, but I find myself always using my UBG Canute IWB. It's perfect for me. All leather, all the time. I like the feel better.
The God made features in leather can't be reproduced by man. I'm a super fan of Milt Sparks and even Galco. I have some Krammer stuff and a holster on order with Mark Garrity.

Leather is THE way to go in my opinion! :rolleyes:
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Leather for me

I like the Kydex, but I am a real fan of leather.

I just received my new Bonneville from UBG... complete with sharkskin face. I have to say that it an incredible work of art. Support and retention are absolutely wonderful. Got a mag carrier too.

I'll get some pics up soon.
Oops...I forgot to post the pictures:

IWB Holsters

Milt Sparks Versa Max 2

Brommeland Max Con V

Tucker Heritage
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