Kimber with laser sights.


New member
I'm thinking of getting a Kimber Ultra Carry II w/ laser sights. A local dealer has one for $1050. Anybody carry one of these? I also welcome any comments you might have on laser sights in general.
I have never shot a Kimber Ultra Carry, but it being a 1911 is a plus. Very proven design. Lasers are good for low light situations. I have a Crimson Trace on my M&P and you can't see it a 25 yards in sunlight. If yoiu are using it indoors, in the dark, or at dusk, it works well. Hope this helps.
+1. If you have that kind of money then go for it. Kimber makes good guns, and being a 1911 makes it even better.
You'll love it. I've got a full size Crimson Custom Carry II and a stainless Ultra Carry II and both are great shooters. I like using the laser at my indoor range for training, it really shows how un-steady my aim really is :sarcastic:.

I've had my Kimber Ultra Carry for several years and it's my preferred carry weapon. Looks like you're getting a great deal with the night sights and laser sight, enjoy!
Had one

I had an Ultra Carry II with Crimson Trace Grips and I loved it. It was the first "good" gun that I purchased. Then one day my eyes met a Colt "New Agent". Same size gun but no sites sticking up on top and $200 more than the Kimber new. Well, I am an impulsive kind of guy, sooo! I bought what my heart desired. Now, the economy being what it is left me with the decision to keep both or do a good friend a favor, because he had been bugging me to sell him a 1911 style for carry purposes. So I could use the extra cash, I did. I swapped the grips to the New Agent and that is what is on my hip now in the Kramer holster.
It sounds like a good price for the Kimber for you and you will be well pleased.:cool:
I have one on my hip as we speak. I've carried mine for almost couple of years now, and never had a problem. That price sounds around what I paid 18 months or so ago. Make the plunge and buy one, you'll be glad you did.
You'll love it. I've got a full size Crimson Custom Carry II and a stainless Ultra Carry II and both are great shooters. I like using the laser at my indoor range for training, it really shows how un-steady my aim really is :sarcastic:.


All over the place, aren't you? :eek: Let's hope your groups get a little tighter before you start carrying it regularly!