Kicked out of Woodman's Gorcery Store in Onalaska Wisconsin


New member
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This from: ICarry.Org

Update by admin: Woodman's has reviewed any alleged policy and has opted to take the high road and not discriminate against the lawful behavior. Lawful open carry (WI) or container carry (IL) is fine. Follow the law and Woodmans has no problem with you.

I have not yet been able to veryify this from Woodman's but the news does come from Shaun Karnish of ICarry.Org so at this early date I have 98% confidence that this is so.

Stay tuned for further updates as they come in. If in fact this is true, Woodman's has my dollar back with no hard feelings and I will continue to shop and recommend Woodman's as the fine grocery they are.

I would like to thank Mr. Woodman and Quint for rethinking policy and doing the right thing. Thank you all at Woodman's!!!


Jan. 25, 2010 WOODMAN'S GROCERY STORE IN ONALASKA WISCONSIN! Customers asked to leave because they were armed and open carrying.

Woodman's Grocery discriminates against gun owners in general and is holding to a Liberal bias against guns and gun owners. They are anti- 2nd Amendment.

Call to Woodman's Corporate. . . . .Quint Woodman, executive in charge of corporate policy. Around 1:00pm Tuesday January, 26 2010

The full transcript of that call is right here. . . Link Removed Click for the complete conversation.
I do vote with my wallet. This is just a heads up. Things are already in the works. Our Second Amendment Rights are at stake here. If we allow Liberal drones to determine the way we live, we deserve what we get.
If you're ever out in the crazy liberal feminized state of washington I will tip my hat to you, look you in the eye and say to you "Your Balls are bigger then mine" I do have a Concealed Carry Permit, but don't have the guts to do it open.

Good luck to you folks out in Wisconsin .... keep fighting for you RIGHT to 2A
If you're ever out in the crazy liberal feminized state of washington I will tip my hat to you, look you in the eye and say to you "Your Balls are bigger then mine" I do have a Concealed Carry Permit, but don't have the guts to do it open.

Good luck to you folks out in Wisconsin .... keep fighting for you RIGHT to 2A
I have a Michigan Concealed Pistol License, but my OC is purely dependent on the weather, and/or location. Since my Winter coat covers my pistol, normally, the only way I could OC while wearing it would be to use a thigh rig, and I see no use for that.

However, when I get where I'm going, I do take my coat off, whether I'm in a restaurant, or library, or book store, anywhere I'm gonna be staying for a while, and don't wish to get over heated. But that's just me. :)
Idaho has OC but I've never seen anyone actually do it. One gun shop owner said you'd probably get arrested for disturbing the peace if u did OC. CC is the way to go IMO.
Idaho has OC but I've never seen anyone actually do it. One gun shop owner said you'd probably get arrested for disturbing the peace if u did OC. CC is the way to go IMO.

I OC'd in ID. Went all over the place, from the Potato Museum in Blackfoot, ID, to shopping malls in Boise. I got some interesting looks from people, but did't have any problems. A few LE talked with me, not about me doing anything illegal, but more like "What's your favorite SD round", or "How long have you been an OC'er?" None of them asked to see any permit, and all of them treated me with respect and were very professional. I even traded shoulder patches with one of them. :biggrin:

One thing I did do was to ensure that I properly unloaded and stored my firearm prior to entering any of the Native American reservations or casinos'. I wasn't about to be made an example of due to my ignorance of a particluar tribe's laws.

My experince with OC is as long as you follow "the rules" and conduct yourself in a civil manner, you shouldn't run into any problems. I do recommend to anyone who opts to OC is that they need to be prepared to be stopped by LE and should know the laws where they will be OC'ing. It's a good idea to have the current laws in writing and on your person in the event that you're stopped by some LE that's not familiar with the law and gets a little too ambitious.

I thought that Wisconsin was a "no carry" state.
You've got Cheeselandia confused with the People's Republic of Illinois. ;)

Wisconsin has Legal Open Carry, although many of those in positions of authority would like to discourage that as much as they can.

On Illinois, there's some question as to whether or not OC is legal. It depends on how you interpret the laws of that socialist state. :)
Aha.....I thought that the PRI and Wisconsin were the ONLY NO-carry-at-all states. Apparently, that's just IL, then. I did not realize that.
You've got Cheeselandia confused with the People's Republic of Illinois. ;)

Wisconsin has Legal Open Carry, although many of those in positions of authority would like to discourage that as much as they can.

On Illinois, there's some question as to whether or not OC is legal. It depends on how you interpret the laws of that socialist state. :)

That discouragement issue with the LEOs has; at this point, mostly abated. They have been informed by local government not to harass legal open carriers because they do not want the municipality to be sued into the ground because of some gung ho cop with a grudge.

Don't cha hate it when your city gets sued for thousands of $$$ and you have to cut services because some Sheriff or Police Chief didn't do his job and put a collar on their dogs.

Some LEOs are good, some not so good. I have several friends and acquaintances in law enforcement and they are all good men and women, patriots and they conduct their business ethically and honorably. RTC supporters. They have my respect and support.

My experience in the last year and a half has been positive and remains so especially with the recent victory with Woodman's.

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