Kel-Tec PF9


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Has any one paid atention to how fast these PF9's start to were out ?
After 600-800 rounds mine is getting real loose, and showing major wear marks. I was shocked at the manufactures 6000 round limit stated in the manual. Any one else see this? Thanks, Mike
Has any one paid atention to how fast these PF9's start to were out ?
After 600-800 rounds mine is getting real loose, and showing major wear marks. I was shocked at the manufactures 6000 round limit stated in the manual. Any one else see this? Thanks, Mike

They actually got a "limit" on the number of rounds the gun can shoot? Definately not a gun that I would be buying anytime soon.

Just wear it out send it back and they will build you a new one. I never noticed a 6000 rd life in my manual. I'll have to look again.
lifetime warranty

send it to Kel-Tec and if they have to they will make a new pistol with the same serial #. It is what it is, a cheap (inexpensive) carry pistol made for personal protection, not a range hog. Break it in with FMJ then shoot a few mags of carry ammo to ensure reliability then pack it and forget it.
send it to Kel-Tec and if they have to they will make a new pistol with the same serial #. It is what it is, a cheap (inexpensive) carry pistol made for personal protection, not a range hog. Break it in with FMJ then shoot a few mags of carry ammo to ensure reliability then pack it and forget it.

Not sure about others on the board, but if my life is depending on my pistol, I don't want "cheap". I'd rather spend a little more and get something like a XD or Glock that won't break down at 6,000 rounds, or need to be "rebuilt" due to excessive wear. I understand that the Kel-Tec runs in the mid $300 range, while a Glock or XD is in the mid $500 range. My life is worth the $200.

If shooting for recreation or sport, I've got no problem with "cheap". When using a gun for protection, I'd go with "quality". I've got friends who swear by the Kel-Tec. I don't like the feel of it, though I'm a firm believer in personal choice. If you like the feel of the gun and have confidence in it, then by all means use it. I would exclude highly recommend against using the price factor as a sole or major deciding factor for any personal protection gun.

send it to Kel-Tec and if they have to they will make a new pistol with the same serial #. It is what it is, a cheap (inexpensive) carry pistol made for personal protection, not a range hog. Break it in with FMJ then shoot a few mags of carry ammo to ensure reliability then pack it and forget it.

Problem is I never got through a mag without some sort of failure to feed or light strike.
PF9 For Sale

It's been a reliable little thing, all the kel-tecs I've owned prior
(p32 and, p3at) have shown little wear after years of abuse. I would bet my life on them. I understand you get wat you pay for but these guns aren't cheap crap(HiPoint, ect.) there just inexpensive to produce. Looks like I will just have to wait for my Walther pps to come in, or buy another pf9 to break in and carry, while using this one to practice with. Thanks for all your imput.
Every Kel-Tec I own has worked 100% out of the box. A little fluff and buff helps tremendously. I trust my life to each and everyone of mine. Every brand of weapon out there will have a few lemons. I have a Glock 33 that I wouldn't carry for anything. It's been worked on by factory gunsmiths, several hundred rounds through it and still won't chamber reliably. However, I don't go out and tell everyone that Glock's are crap (just my closest friends:D). Kel-Tec makes their weapons in Florida and are 100% American made. They stand by their Lifetime Warranty. Just a call to them is the first step to getting it repaired.
I have a P-3AT which I chose for the small size and low weight, not the price. The general rule for these is to "shoot a little, carry a lot" and it will serve you well. Maybe get two, and practice with one while carrying the other, then after some years, move the carry down to practice and get a new carry one.

They do have significant downsides, which is that they completely lack most basic features - no safeties, no slide lock, very small sights, small gripping surface, and they also have quite a kick to them. Comfort was not the first priority; this is a niche gun designed to be concealable. Some people will hate it, and those people should not get one.

I understand you get wat you pay for but these guns aren't cheap crap(HiPoint, ect.) there just inexpensive to produce.
I have actually found Hi-Points to be extremely reliable and accurate relative to their more complicated counterparts, and thankfully absent of any chrome frivolity. All business and no extras other than what it takes to get the job done.
I had a keltec p40.

It is the only gun that I ever completely broke cleaning it. Was very interesting.
Kel tech pf9

Yeah i noticed the wear out and loosness,even sent it back but wearin is ocurrin again. Well for 300 i guess and such a small auto its expected,buy a ruger sp101,2 1/4 barrel its great rugged built like a tank,little heavy for a concealed but it will make u feel like u got a real gun with u....
I'd rather spend a little more and get something like a XD or Glock that won't break down at 6,000 rounds, or need to be "rebuilt" due to excessive wear. I understand that the Kel-Tec runs in the mid $300 range, while a Glock or XD is in the mid $500 range. My life is worth the $200.

When using a gun for protection, I'd go with "quality". I've got friends who swear by the Kel-Tec. ... I would exclude highly recommend against using the price factor as a sole or major deciding factor for any personal protection gun.

I hear what you are saying.. But sometimes.. For SOME people.. Price has to be a factor..
Surely you are not advocating that people should wait the extra 6 months (not being able to carry anything) until they can save up the extra $200-300 to purchase something more "quality" (as their 1st gun).
If they get in a bad situation during that 6 months, what do you suggest, they whip out the $450 they have saved and beat the bad guy with it???
That quality isn't going to do them any good as $450 is sitting in a drawer, and the wish list gun still sitting at the store... Sometimes you have to go with what you can get, and then hope to upgrade later..
I purchased one for Off Duty and was unable to qualify with it. At 25 yards, I could not consistantly hit the target. Just a side note, I had just quaifitied with a 2" snubby revovler at the same distance. i did not keep the PF 9. I then purchased a Kahr and had a much beeter score...
I just picked up a PF9 I will giving it a try at the range in the next few days I was looking for an inexpensive light weight carry alternative to add to my stable ill see how it performs during the break in period and go from there. Rather be tried by twelve than carried by six :) Hector
I bought one for my wife a few years back and was not crazy about it. She liked the size for her and the price wasn't bad. Once we started breaking it in it failed numerous times. I ended up with a lemon. I can't bash on the makers of kel-tec for the design and size. Some people have had awesome luck with them but I can't bring myself to buy another one.

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