Kel Tec P11 Questions


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Any Kel Tec Owners have opinions on mods for the firearm? Which is better the polymer guide or the metal? I am getting a P11 and want to know what efficient mods there are for it. Thanks everyone
I have two P11's. One was fine out of the box and still is. The other I had a problem with but that was corrected with a cleaning and lubrication job.

Im a big fan of the P11 and dont think it needs any mods actually. I do like the addition of the mag shoe to get my whole hand on it.

It may or may not need a fluff and buff but I dont see anything else it needs.
Any Kel Tec Owners have opinions on mods for the firearm? Which is better the polymer guide or the metal? I am getting a P11 and want to know what efficient mods there are for it. Thanks everyone

I'll give you the same answer for this question as I do for anyone asking what firearm they should purchase. First, you have to determine what you like in a firearm, and then go out and modify it to make it what you like. However, if the firearms you own need to be modified a lot in order for them to be what you want them to be, then maybe you're better off purchasing something else that more closely resembles what you want out of the box.
Yea--I"ve had a P11 for about 4 years now.
Not my favorite gun but it is often used for CC due to it's size
It's got the worst DA trigger I've ever shot but that's just an endearing feature that comes with the design.
No mods on mine
It's just fine as is and it does function perfectly.
My advice would be--buy it --clean it --shoot about 200 rds to be sure it functions properly and you're good to go

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