Keeping your gun in the car in the cold?


New member
Whats the best thing to do with your gun in the cold? Like when you go to work and have to take it off and leave it in the car? When it gets below zero and such how would you keep it in your car?
Good find tattedupboy. After reading S&WM&P40 OP, the first thing that came to My mind was, the kind of storage container the weapon would be in. From reading the article, everyone was giving replies on condensation of the type and only two replies on mentioning "gun case" and "combat container". I guess what I am saying/asking is, if the weapon is to be stored in the vehicle with the conditions mentioned, being more specific, would some kind of insulated case be even better; would something like that make a difference too?? I THINK this is what S&WM&P40 was asking??
My weapon gets locked up in a foam case in the locked vehicle. Don't know if the foam helps in insulating but I know the foam keeps the weapon from getting banged up. Good question S&WM&P40!
I'm going to start looking into abbreviating everyones names, this is getting tiring on my fingers! :rolleyes:
IF I misinterpreted the article (from tattedupboy) then I guess I did not read it correctly but I'm sure You know what I mean.
Cold is cold no matter what container you have it in. Unless the container is heated the firearm will eventually reach outside temps. If you want to keep condensation down then I would recommend using a firearm sock or a fleece lined case. Also keeping it well lubed wil help. There's not much you can really do about it.
I like the thread that Tattedupboy provided, yet I too have a few thoughts, feel free to let me know if I am off base. (Easy now. lol)

I like the idea of a sock or some type of protective material, towel, or paper, or something which will absorb the moisture. A good, hard-sided, well-insulated case works well, too to keep out most of the moisture if the foam is made to absorb it. If not, wrap your firearm in a sheet of newspaper then place it inside the case.

We have somewhat of an opposite problem here in the desert. The tiny bit of moisture we get yearly isn't nearly enough to worry about affecting the metals as much as it might in wetter parts of the country. Often,we are more concerned with the dryness. Our toys need to be oiled lest they dry out. The dryness preserves most things well, but is not good for smoothness or ease of the working parts or the mechanics in machinery. (I'm not sure how to say that correctly.).

When it's cold outside it can still be warm in the car. Thinking back to a few cold winters, don't we use work extension lights to keep the engine blocks warm in our cars while they rest for the night? As well, my safe has a light to dissipate the moisture and provide a tiny bit of heat.

So, I'm thinking that a coffee cup warmer, the type that we plug into the aux or cigarette lighter port in the dash board, would keep things cozy.

Or, how about a Link Removed of some sort? These can last +/-8 hours and can be bought online or at Bass Pro Shops and the like.

I like to use good shooting gloves because the feel of the cold hard steel of a pistol, even with wood or rubber grips, is not for me, unless I would ever need it for self-defense, that is. I like to practice with my toys with minimum discomfort because our friend, Arthur Itis, visits all too often. :wink: :offtopic:? TMI? Sorry. :lol:

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