Kane not able


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Grand jury investigating anti-gunner AG Kane has recommended criminal charges against her.

The special prosecutor and grand jury investigating allegations that Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane leaked secret information to a newspaper have found evidence of wrongdoing and recommended that she be criminally charged, according to numerous people familiar with the decision.

The panel concluded that Kane violated grand-jury secrecy rules by leaking investigative material in a bid to embarrass political enemies, sources said.

Some of those familiar with the grand jury presentment say it recommended charges that included perjury and contempt of court.

Kane’s tenure has been marked by controversy over the last year, much of it generated by an Inquirer disclosure that she had secretly shut down an undercover “sting” investigation that had caught elected officials from Philadelphia on tape accepting cash.

She also refuses to defend the new gun reform law. Now that the Grand Jury has recommended criminal charges against Kane, a county AG will decide whether or not to indict her.

Make the calls people. Let your reps know how displeased you are with her as AG and she must be held accountable and given the boot.

Charges Recommended Against PA AG and Dedicated Gun Grabber, Kathleen Kane - The Truth About Guns