Kahr Owners Group

Red Hat

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I just started a Kahr Owners Group. If you own a Kahr please join and tell us what you have. Link Removed
I thought that I did reply, but I don't see it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, the Glock Guys are plotting again. (just kidding)
I have three KAHR, a CW9, K9 and a K40. My primary warm weather carry is the CW9, IWB and loaded with Cor-Bon 90 gr PrB's Cool/cold weather brings out the K40, OWB with 135 gr PrB's. Both are carried in holsters made by Jim Speidal (The Beltman).
I don't have the camera nor the expertise to post pictures, yet
Hey all,

Glad to see this group. I also have three Kahrs, and they pretty much comprise my every day carry. (I guess I should change my username to ThreeKahrs4Me). I have a CW9, PM9, and PM45. I carry the PM9 in an RKBA Holsters pocket holster or a SmartCarry anytime I need deep concealment. I carry the PM45 in a Crossbreed Supertuck most other times. I love all three of my Kahrs! I haven't had any reliability issues with any of them (500+ rounds with each); the only problem I have is that the PM45 ejects the last spent case of each magazine back into my forehead - not sure why, but it happens with any brand/load of ammo in any of my 4 magazines. And it's only the last round in a magazine. Anyway not really a problem, just a minor inconvenience. Thanks Red Hat for starting the group.
Wondered when someone would get a Kahr group going! Currently a P9 and a K40. Niether one has failed to go bang when the trigger is squeezed, no matter what I'm feeding it. Gotta love that dependability!
We have enough members. The Kahr Owners Group is up and running. Jump on over to the Group Forums and click on Kahr Owners.
I recently purchase a P9. It's super comfortable to carry, but tight as a tick. I've put about 300 rounds thru it, I think it still needs a few more to be properly broken in. My glock 23 is still my primary until I get used to the P9. Overall, a good gun.
Midway has them for $22.50, however they are out of stock. You can add it to your wish list and request an email when they come in. Link Removed

I just bought a Kahr K9 and so far really like it. I too would like to buy extra magazines but would like to pay less that the $40.00 on the Kahr website.
Have you guys had luck with third party mags for the Kahr? I'm curious because i had run across some posts that said they weren't so hot.
Finally got the PM40 to the range today. Put 100 rds though it with no problems. I'm surprised at how well the pistol shoots and how accurate it is for its size.
I bought a spare mag for the wife's CW9 at a local store for $30. All three stores that we usually deal with had them for about the same price. It is a factory mag.
i have a cw9 that i carry daily it has been flawless through 400 rounds and so comfortable to carry.....was thinking of getting a cw 45 but a friend of mine recently purchased one and we took it to the range for the breakin....it has several issues after the 200 rounds and a good cleaning...the mag drops on the last round almost everytime and if it doesnt dropout...the last round will stovepipe or wedge in the mag..and it jams at times...he contacted kahr and they sent him a new mag catch but im not to sure this will fix all his problems....anyone else had any problems with the 45 i really want one but i want a gun i can trust
I know this is a Kahr thread. We do own a CW9 and it's been a great gun. I don't shoot it much but my wife can blow the center out of a target at 7 yards and group 4" at 15 yards. That said, I LOVE my Glock 45. I really don't think you can go wrong with a Glock, and price wise, they are comparable to most other 45's. I love my G30 so much I'm adopting a big brother for it...A G21.

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