Kahr Arms


New member
Was reading in this months issue of Conde Nast Portfolio magazine that this company was founded and is still currently run by the son of the Unification Church (the Moonies- Reverend Sun Myung Moon). Apparently the funding to build the Kahr Arms $20 Million dollar empire came from the Unification Church and is part of thier broad plan to have a segment of many entities to allow thier self sustinance under the "New World Order". The Unification Church has its hand in everything from automobile manufacturing to agriculture and mass food production. The manufacturing of their own arms here in the USA, or their hand in the funding and reaseach for arms manufacturing, is to allow them to protect their future communities from potential invasion.

Talk about getting the most out available 2A rights... these guys have not only put a new twist in the lollipop, they're gettin ready for something:eek:.
i don't know anything about this. I do know they are part of Thompson and Auto Ordnance. They were probably, however, at one time all independent companies. :)
i don't know anything about this. I do know they are part of Thompson and Auto Ordnance. They were probably, however, at one time all independent companies. :)

Yep, I was actually quite shocked at how may different businesses they're dialed into, to include the founding nad current senior mgmt of the Kahr Arms manufacturing... very interesting read in Conde Nast Portfolio.
I had also read somewhere that the son is not involved with the Church.

Funny that you mention that because the point of the article was to outline the next in line to obtain the reigns of the Reverend Father and it has generally been accepted that this son (Justin Moon) is the most likely heir. The article says - ...Kahr's success could influence the future of the church itself. With the True Father , as followers call Reverend Moon, slowing down, speculation about his heirs has begun to emerge. Church watchers say the fact that Justin has built a company from the ground up makes him a front-runner in any possible succession race to lead the Moonies and run a church business empire valued in the billions of dollars.
Test drove a couple of Kahrs didn't care for the recoil.:D
Makes you wonder whose side is who on?
Hard to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.:D

I've known about this since they started this company and it does influence my buying decisions. I certainly don't think that they should not be legally allowed to own the company but I just don't like supporting certain organizations, the Moonies being one of them.

I've known about this since they started this company and it does influence my buying decisions. I certainly don't think that they should not be legally allowed to own the company but I just don't like supporting certain organizations, the Moonies being one of them.

:confused:This one is a tough call for me- Although the Moonies are part Christian and Part Confusionist- I still consider it a cult of sorts. However, they are capitalizing on their 2A rights as citizens of the US to keep and bear arms.

This one may take a while for me to sort out intellectually.
Moonie Gun----NOT!!!

I read where Justin Moon was not involved in his Fathers Church. He was living in Korea, working for Daewoo in the Arms Design and Engineering Section and had worked on some of the projects for the Korean Military arms. He later immigrated to the U.S with the help of his Father and initially worked for some American gun companies, until starting Kahr Arms. He later bought out Thompson/ Auto Ordnance from Numrich Corp. in New, York. From what I understand, a "Moonie" he is not, but of course maintains a relationship with his family. :rolleyes:
Man, my two favorite weapons are made by them. My Kahr PM9 and my Para Ord P-10. I wonder how many Moonies have been shot with a Kahr or Para Ord? :rolleyes:
I read where Justin Moon was not involved in his Fathers Church. He was living in Korea, working for Daewoo in the Arms Design and Engineering Section and had worked on some of the projects for the Korean Military arms. He later immigrated to the U.S with the help of his Father and initially worked for some American gun companies, until starting Kahr Arms. He later bought out Thompson/ Auto Ordnance from Numrich Corp. in New, York. From what I understand, a "Moonie" he is not, but of course maintains a relationship with his family. :rolleyes:

Nope... most of what you've heard is incorrect. Like I said above the entire interview given by Justin Moon himself, Senior Members close to the Reverend Moon in the Unification Church, and several of Justins VP's in the Kahr Arms corporation are in this months issue of Conde Nast Portfolio business magazine You can read the entire article "Money, Guns and, God" right here and get the facts: :eek: Link Removed
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At 18, Justin got a license to carry a handgun, co-signed by one of his older brothers. He became obsessed with guns, especially the compact Walther PPK, the brand James Bond carried. Justin pored over trade magazines and sketched out his own designs. By his junior year of college, he had decided that he wanted to make his own weapons and that guns would be his future.

Over the next two years, he worked on the design and often traveled to Saeilo, the family’s precision-machine company in Queens, New York, where he began to build a prototype. He wasn’t an engineer, but that didn’t matter. In 1992, he graduated from Harvard magna cum laude, and soon after, the perfect pistol—the one that would get the tight-knit gun world talking—was complete. “He walked into the shop one day and said, ‘I got it, I got it,’ ” remembers David Konn, a longtime Kahr employee and a current member of the church. “That’s when it all started.” (Konn is no longer with Kahr. He now works in the alternative-medicine business.)

In 1993, Justin founded Kahr, taking for the name a made-up word that combined his affection for German engineering and fast cars. It is unclear what role his father had in the formation of the company, but many people familiar with Kahr believe the True Father was at the very least consulted. “I used the connections I had,” Justin replies when asked what part the church and his father had in the formation of the business. “I borrowed money.” What is known is that in his early twenties, the son of the True Father morphed from Kook Jin into Justin Moon, and right away his objective was clear. “I wanted to create the ultimate line of concealable pistols,” he tells me.

Justin’s prototype became Kahr’s first gun, a double-action steel 9 millimeter he called the K9. It weighed 25 ounces and was six inches long, about as big as a wallet. Although the world had seen small guns before, it had not seen small guns that fired large-caliber bullets and fit snugly, almost invisibly, in the pocket of a pair of beach shorts. Gun folks called it a pocket rocket, and some considered the design the closest thing to a Platonic ideal. “It was one of those hand-to-the-chin moments,” Greg Jones, a gun critic, says. “You see it and think, Why didn’t I think of that?”
So, doublenutz, do you actually do anything besides post on usacarry forums all day long? :o
:confused:This one is a tough call for me- Although the Moonies are part Christian and Part Confusionist- I still consider it a cult of sorts. However, they are capitalizing on their 2A rights as citizens of the US to keep and bear arms.

This one may take a while for me to sort out intellectually.

Yeah!!! But I can take a guy and his religious faith, if he's standing beside me on the 2nd amendment. If he doesn't try to shove his religion down my throat, and allows me to freely practice mine, then we can live together peacefully. But when he try's to take my gun, his faith had better be great.:D