Justice Served


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People tell me I don't need to sleep with a gun here in suburbia. I say they're wrong. This puke didn't get what he deserved when he B&E's this home. I hope he gets it in prison. Over, and over, and over. So many people know this family, and they are good people. This was heart breaking.
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People tell me I don't need to sleep with a gun here in suburbia. I say they're wrong. This puke didn't get what he deserved when he B&E's this home. I hope he gets it in prison. Over, and over, and over. So many people know this family, and they are good people. This was heart breaking.

what terrible event, sad. I walk around my house and my yard with my gun when I'm home as well as have it right on the end table while I sleep. It is never far from me. All you gotta do is pick up the paper!
now this guy doesn't deserve the quick courtesy of 2 to the temple. He needs to be slowly and violently "Taken Care of" in jail and then become pig food while he is still alive

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