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My wife told me that I wouldn't be allowed to carry my 2 1/4" Victorinox Red pocket knife with me into the court house, but I pushed the issue anyway. "Empty your pockets, take off your belt." said the officer at the check-in counter. "Take that back to your car", he said. I huffed out. Huffed back to the counter and plopped my things back in their tray. This young deputy says, "calm down, take a deep breath." I said, "We're not flying the unfriendly skies here. Why the strip search?" "Just calm down", was all he would say.
When did it become necessary to prevent a person from carrying a 2 1/4" freaking pocket knife? I cut myself more often with a safety razor. I could inflict more damage with the car keys, and the shaft of the car key is longer than the blade of a pen knife! This wasn't Federal Court; just some tiny little county courthouse in southern Missouri. There's no common sense left in the world.
When did it become necessary to prevent a person from carrying a 2 1/4" freaking pocket knife? I cut myself more often with a safety razor. I could inflict more damage with the car keys, and the shaft of the car key is longer than the blade of a pen knife! This wasn't Federal Court; just some tiny little county courthouse in southern Missouri. There's no common sense left in the world.