July Giveaway - Winners Posted!


Staff member
7.62 - Front Sight Training Certificate

hotrod26 - $70 Gift Certificate for JSHolsters.com

Hubs - Free Tshirt from Link Removed

4 Winners of a free book from GunLaws.com up to $25:
CA CCWInstructor

4 Sets of FirearmsLocator.com Ear Plug Containers:

Congratulations to everyone and thanks for posting. We will be picking back up on the giveaways starting next month. There's been a few things that came up this month that have not allowed me to get around to them. The main thing being kidney stones! I've been dealing with them the past few weeks and it is nothing pretty.

This month we have multiple items with multiple winners! To win all you need to do is participate on the forums as I will be choosing users that were active during June at random. There are the same prizes as last month but one new one. I am now picking 4 winners a month to get a free book up to $25 from gunlaws.com / Bloomfield Press. These are coming from USA Carry as someone gave us a generous donation which we are using to run this giveaway for the next few months.

Item 1: Front Sight Training Certificate (Details below)
Item 2: $70 Gift Certificate for JSHolsters.com
Item 3. 4 Winners of a free book from GunLaws.com up to $25.
Item 4: Free Tshirt from Link Removed
Item 5-8: 4 Sets of FirearmsLocator.com Ear Plug Containers: Each set contains 5 containers, one of each color they offer. So there will be 4 users that win a set.

Link Removed

Front Sight Training Certificate Details:
This is an Expanded First Family Front Sight Course Certificate that is good for enrollment in any of the following classes:

Two Day Defensive Handgun
Four Day Defensive Handgun
Two Day Tactical Shotgun
Four Day Tactical Shotgun
Two Day Practical Rifle
Four Day Practical Rifle

This is a great opportunity to get some great training from Front Sight. I am a Life member myself. I'd like to thank them for donating such a great prize.

Certificates are transferable, but not redeemable for cash, and non refundable. One certificate per person, per course when enrolling in a Four Day Course. Two people may use one certificate when enrolling in the same Two Day Course together. Certificate must be presented with a completed Application for Training. Certificate only valid for a student's first course at Front Sight and has no expiration date.
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Luke, you da man!
Bin thinking about prizes.....

Howdy Luke!
I've Bin thinking of a nice cheap give-away that is sure to express your feelings at any U.S. range, at 70 cents a pop, here's a link to something I could shoot at all day, in fact prolly get thrown out of the range come closing time with 400 or so more rounds left to fire.
Link Removed (Osama Bin Laden Target)
The more U buy the cheaper they get, stock-up on 1,000 at 50 cents each. I don't think they deal with gift certificates, but maybe announce a winner, e-mail them a code, they reply 2 U with a mailing address and U call these folks up 'Law Enforcement Targets'
Phone: 1-800-779-0182 Fax: 651-645-5360
Offices are located at:
8802 West 35W Service Dr NE
Blaine, MN 55449-6740
Then their shippers send your lucky winners how ever many they rate from 1st prize maybe 10 targets to last prize say 3, let Law Enforcement Targets do the shipping & handling your call and economical prizes sure to perk-up any in or out-door range. They show rolled-up in a cardboard tube USPS regular mail 7-10 days after placing an order. Heavy paper stock around 3' wide by 4' long and good vivid colors. 'Dead Ringer!'
Shows off your shooting skills and makes a personal statement no one will miss, but many may envy.
I ordered a roll of 100 two years back, I'm down to about 10 left, and many ranges I have used them at I find that fellow shooters start taking shots at my bin-targets on my frigging lane (!!!), saying sorry and blaming their poor shooters or just asking where they could get some for their own use, they seem to be a natural magnet for most hot lead going down range. From air-rifles to arrows to .50-Cal Barrett sniper shots KA-splatting his turban to shreds @ 1K meters; they R legal even in Kalifornian ranges. They are also pretty popular as fan-posters in some parts of this world! So much for Koranic portraits of anyone being forbidden as idolatrous! Hope U get the 2 JPG's I tagged onto this, my Beretta 96 dreaming about where it would love to be any day, and what arrives in the mail. Maybe I've Bin thinking too hard!

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I'll check out those targets, thanks. And I haven't thought about anything for the year anniversary just yet but I'd like to do something.
Greetings, real newbie to the site, but glad I found it. For those who serve or served in any of the Armed Services, first let me say thank you. For those forgotten or ignored upon their return, I humbly say welcome home.

I think I will enjoy looking around at the threads and particpating where I am able to.
Congratulations to all this months winners. I see a lot of deserving members on that list. Congrats again!
Woot! I'm speechless! So, I'll read a book from gunlaws.com

Thanks Luke, and thank you gunlaws.com

Luke, I emailed you as requested. Thanks again.
Woot! I'm speechless! So, I'll read a book from gunlaws.com

Thanks Luke, and thank you gunlaws.com

Luke, I emailed you as requested. Thanks again.

Actually these books are being purchased by USA Carry, not donated from gunlaws.com. A very gracious member had donated some money which I'm using to run this particular book giveaway for a few months.
What a sweet deal! Thanks for the free book.
This website is a great resource on it's own, the freebies make for a super bonus.
Thanks again, KenS.
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Thanks for the Gift Certificate to JS holsters. I have already ordered a holster. Keep up the good work!!