Judge blocks CCW in National Parks


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A federal judge yesterday blocked a last-minute rule enacted by President Bush allowing visitors to national parks to carry concealed weapons.

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by gun-control advocates and environmental groups. The Justice Department had sought to block the injunction against the controversial rule.

The three groups that brought the suit -- the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the National Parks Conservation Association and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees -- argued the Bush administration violated several laws in issuing the rule.

In her ruling, Kollar-Kotelly agreed that the government's process had been "astoundingly flawed."

She noted that the government justified its decision to forgo an environmental analysis of the regulation on the grounds that the rule does not "authorize" environmental impacts. Calling this a "tautology," Kollar-Kotelly wrote that federal officials "abdicated their Congressionally-mandated obligation" to evaluate environmental impacts and "ignored (without sufficient explanation) substantial information in the administrative record concerning environmental impacts" of the rule.

Interior Department spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said last night the department could not comment on the decision because "this is the subject of ongoing litigation."

The regulation, which took effect Jan. 9, allowed visitors to carry loaded, concealed guns into national parks and wildlife refuges. In the past, guns had been allowed in such areas only if they were unloaded, stored or dismantled; gun-rights advocates said they saw no reason to be denied the right to carry concealed weapons in parks when they now can do so in other public places.

Bryan Faehner, associate director for park uses at the National Parks Conservation Association, said his group is "extremely pleased" with both the court decision and the fact that Interior is now conducting an internal review of the rule's environmental impact.

"This decision by the courts reaffirms our concerns, and the concerns of park rangers across the country, that this new regulation . . . has serious impacts on the parks and increases the risk of opportunistic poaching of wildlife in the parks, and increases the risk to park visitors," Faehner said.

Source: Washington Post
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It's hard to think of a lawful CC license/perit holder as being a "poacher". I've seen many poachers in my time. I have yet to see a poacher use a handgun. It's usually a rifle or shotgun. I've seen a couple of cases where poachers used archery equipment, but never a case where a handgun was used.

It sickens me that folks would use our wildlife and natural resources as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens. :mad:

Why do you think they call it "concealed?" If they don't know you're carrying...

Once again, a bunch of idiots are trying to legislate our rights away. Funny, but I don't take them seriously. Should anyone? Are Yogi Bear and BooBoo going to turn you in?
Why do you think they call it "concealed?" If they don't know you're carrying...

Once again, a bunch of idiots are trying to legislate our rights away. Funny, but I don't take them seriously. Should anyone? Are Yogi Bear and BooBoo going to turn you in?

Doubt that "Yogi Bear" or "Boo Boo" will be around to turn anyone in, but should something happen (like what's recently been happening with folks doing stupid stuff while CC'ing like shooting toilets, etc.) then imagine the headlines; "CONCEALED FIREARMS PERMIT HOLDER BUSTED!" Do we really need this kind of publicity? :nono:

We pride ourselves as being lawful and doing our best to comply with the law despite our personal feelings. If you're gonna choose to violate the law, it's ultimately your choice. I'd strongly suggest that you don't advertise your intent on the internet. Postings from another forum were part of a news article in a fairly large metropolitan newspaper. Be careful what you post online. The internet isn't as "anonymos" as you might think.

Why do you think they call it "concealed?" If they don't know you're carrying...

Once again, a bunch of idiots are trying to legislate our rights away. Funny, but I don't take them seriously. Should anyone? Are Yogi Bear and BooBoo going to turn you in?

another moron! good way to make all ccw's as bad.

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