IWB Carry?

armed traveler

New member
I'm considering changing to inside the wasteband carry. Should I assume that my pants and shorts will have to be replaced with ones that are 1 to 2 sizes larger? If that's the case, the cost of the new holster is going to actually be a lot higher than I originally anticipated. Any thoughts from IWB carriers would be greatly appreciated.
I have two IWB holsters that I use a lot during warm/ hot weather. I have not had to change pant size but did buy a slightly larger belt. I don't know how you like your pants to fit around the waist but I like mine to be slightly loose fitting (not hang down to your rear loose) and this allows for the addition of the holster. Of course things tighten up while carrying.
Yup. If you're pants aren't tight already, you'll most likely have enough room - of course there are a lot of factors that may invalidate this assertion. You should get a good IWB belt that is about 4" larger than your usual belts.
I usually carry IWB, and agree with what both ron and mud have said. That's been my experience, as well. I've not had to buy any new clothes to carry IWB, but a new belt did help... with my usual belt, I was on the last notch when carrying, and it didn't fit quite right like that.
I wear my regular pants and use my regular pretty wide belt with no issue..
I guess it depends on what you carry too. If you're carrying around a .50 Desert Eagle it's going to have a much greater effect that if you are carrying a subcompact 9mm..
If you're carrying around a .50 Desert Eagle it's going to have a much greater effect that if you are carrying a subcompact 9mm.

I had the mental image of trying to carry a full-sized DE .50 and tipping over to one side, off-balanced... :laugh:

Better carry one on each hip for balance! :sarcastic:
I to wear my pants lose fitting and no not to my A@@ Crack. I have caried IWB and OWB and the only thing is that you will need to do is ensure you have a good belt that is a few inches larger. And depending on what holster you go with will depend on the comfort as well. My Super Tuck fits better and not as tight as my High Noon IWB. The Super Tuck is probably the best fitting holster I've ever worn. I only use my High Noon when I am appendix carrying. So if your wearing rock star tight jeans then you may have a problem but that would be the only reason I see for having to buy new clothes.
If you have love handles hanging over, IWB is painful. On the other hand, if you're from "da hood" and wear your pants loose half way down you butt, consider a shoulder holster.
I carry SOB or shoulder with my Auto or OWB Clam for the wheel gun. Got those handles since birth so IWB is as Saltcreek points out, painful. As for the plumbers crack, it's now known as Man Cleve.

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." --author and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
I wear my regular pants and use my regular pretty wide belt with no issue..
I guess it depends on what you carry too. If you're carrying around a .50 Desert Eagle it's going to have a much greater effect that if you are carrying a subcompact 9mm..

If you carry a .50 Desert Eagle, you should use a SmartCarry holster.
If you have love handles hanging over, IWB is painful. .

I am 6'2" and wiegh in around 430 lbs. I have no problem carrying IWB. It is actually very comfortable, and my britches dont hang off my rearend. I carry a springfield xd 9mm with no problems.
My favorite IWB holster is a Kholster. It is very much like the cross breed super tuck but half the price. If you are interested, they are going on sale July 22-25 with their small & medium holsters only $38.50 delivered. go to Link Removed if interested. I sure like mine.:yu:
I find that some of my pants fit fine IWB and some just don't have any extra room for it. It will be more cost effective to loose a little weight than to replace your wardrobe. Just think you don't have to buy more expensive shorts and pants. You loose weight and will be healthier and save money on food to buy more ammo.

As several others have mentioned some pants will work as is and some won't. Your best bet is try all your wardrobe to determine what will or won't work. Tac style pants and shorts (5-11 or Blackhawk) have elastic in the waist which helps, but some are wary of the tactical look. Both companies also make a "Tactical-Non Tactical" style. Some of my regular jeans and shorts work but others don't. Im fortunate that I wear black Warrior Wear Tac. Pants as part of my uniform(Volunteer Paramedic, Firefighter) so most locals think nothing of the look. I carry a G-17 or 19 in a Crossbreed Super tuck. (in the winter A G-37 with CT laser and surefire X200 in a Blade Tec OWB (Heavy winter Clothes) The advice about weight was also very good and I am trying that approach right now since gaining 30 lbs after quitting a 40 yr smoking habit.
The losing weight idea is awesome...just as long as you figure that every 15 lbs is roughly one waist size which is conveniently about the amount of extra space you'll need depending on your gun of choice, original pants fit, and any accessories that you are interested in concealing.
For example, I carry a sig p239 in .40 and a spare mag IWB. I'm highly considering adding a tactical light but would have to carry that owb, lose more weight or buy bigger pants. Also you might want to consider a small allowance for the thickness of your holster.
A really good belt goes a long way toward making IWB carry comfortable.

The same can be said or written in this case, for a good holster. CrossBreed SuperTuck is a good choice.

A custom maker I have become a fan of is Gary Brommeland. Holsters Concealment Systems Gunleather Concealed Carry for Weapons

I have one of his IWB MAX-CON V holsters for my Colt Officer's ACP and it's breaking in very well.
Also have one of his OWB Mag pouches with the forward cant. Very well made.

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