I've decided to make a statement for 9/11


Chuck & Ted 2012
Tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of 9/11 and the more that I think about it, the more it pisses me off.

I've decided to open carry all day tomorrow. I hope that many people will ask me why I am carrying. I will then explain to them that I am carrying because it represents to me that not only can I legally carry by law, but I also feel that by open carrying, I am saying that I am not going to be a victim of those that hate what America stands for. I am going to defend that to the end. I didn't spend 6 years of my life being prepared to put my life on the line (and did on more than one ocassion) to defend my country and our personal freedoms to sit around and cower because some whack jobs have decided that we suck.

I may be alone in this, but I will still persevere to at least a small degree.
It wasn't until after September 11 that I realized that I could no longer go through life living in condition white. That, together with my home being broken into the following week (while I was there) made me realize that no one is going to protect me except me. I bought my first firearm (a Mossberg 500) sometime later that year but for whatever reason, didn't buy my first handgun until June of 2004, and did not get my LTC until August of that year. That's my September 11th story.
good for you. I hope you get quite a few interested people asking that question in a polite and not scared way. you could really make some people think that way. I might do the same if I was not in germany right now:P
Evryone remembers where he or she was when news of the attack came through (and yes, I am not afraid to use the word "attack" regarding 9/11 - it really annoys me when I here some politician, celebrity, etc. use the word "tragedy" to describe what happened ) - I was here at work. The whole thing didn't register with me until I saw the first tower fall, then the other....I still remember the outrage I felt!

And you know what really pisses me off? it's the fact that Osama bin Laden STILL hasn't been taken out by our guys!:mad: This is a damn shame, IMHO.

I'd better go before I go off on a tirade. I'm sorry, but memories of that day are still fresh in my mind. I haven't forgotten - I hope that no one ever does!:nono:

Well, after sleeping on it, I decided not to do it. There are so many negatives associated with 9/11 that I thought that adding one more potential negative thing in a very liberal community might not be the best thing to do.
The thing I remember the most is that for several days after I could be in traffic and look over at the drivers around me and most had a kind of blank stair. I guess a lot of people were in shock. Before that day I think a lot of us had thought at sometime that something like that could happen but when it did it was still so unreal. The scary thing is it could happen again and even worse. There is always the potential for s senarieo similar to that in the t.v. show Jericho. Perhaps not on as large a scale but it could happen. I pray that it doesn't.
good for you. I hope you get quite a few interested people asking that question in a polite and not scared way. you could really make some people think that way. I might do the same if I was not in germany right now:P

Germany? You can't even carry there! WTF?!

Seriously, I hope you enjoy your trip and stay safe.
You are not alone my man. I found this post a little late but I do the same thing on 9/11, memorial day, and veterans day. I did two tours in Iraq and lost several friends and it's my way of showing everyone in the community that I know what the world can do and have seen it first hand like yourself and will NOT be a victim. All other days I CC though. Haha

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