It Finally Happened


New member
The time: 0200 July 5, Hwy17 North to New Bern, NC from Jacksonville, NC

My wife and I, with another couple rode our motorcycles to Myrtle Beach, SC to see the Carolina Opry. We departed Havelock, NC at 2:30 pm and headed West on HWY 70, we met the other couple and headed south on hwy 17. I was carrying my PT145 in a Crossbreed Supertuck. We ate and went to see the 8 pm show. The show lasted until, 1030 PM. After stopping for gas, we headed north on hwy 17. Traffic was light after we left South Carolina. After leaving Jacksonville, NC on Hwy 17, we rode through Maysville and Pollocksville. After Pollocksville, the road is two lanes until just before you get to New Bern, where the road opens to four lanes. About a half a mile before the four lanes, as we rounded a corner, I saw the blue lights of a law enforcement vehicle. I slowed down, and it was then that I realized that there was a check point ahead.

After I stopped, the state trooper asked for my drivers license. I pulled both my license and my CCW permit and handed them to the State Trooper. He saw my CCW permit and before I could tell him that I was armed, he asked me if I was armed. I responded, Yes Sir. He handed me back my license and permit and said thank you.

I have to admit, I was nervous. But am glad that my first experience was a very positive one.

Ride safe.

Chris Woods
Havelock, NC
+ 1 with NDS... it really is too bad.

Glad your first was a postive one, and I'm encouraged to hear not all officers are 'scared' of law-abiding citizens with guns.

Sounds like a nice ride too!
You are brave out riding a motorcycle at 2:00 am. Don't you know nothing good happens after midnight. I suspect that you were very cooperative and probably weren't drunk went a long way toward the good encounter. Surprising how many people would object to any check point and tell the officer about it. Also I suspect that they were looking for drunks at that time of the morning. Did they have any pulled over? :wacko:

After all that how was the show? :biggrin:
You are brave out riding a motorcycle at 2:00 am. Don't you know nothing good happens after midnight. I suspect that you were very cooperative and probably weren't drunk went a long way toward the good encounter. Surprising how many people would object to any check point and tell the officer about it. Also I suspect that they were looking for drunks at that time of the morning. Did they have any pulled over? :wacko:

After all that how was the show? :biggrin:

Yes, I questioned the ride in the late afternoon and the return ride. However, once we left Mrytle Beach, there was very little traffic. The last 30 minutes, we passed three bars. It is spooky after midnight.

Of course, I was very focused on my responsibilities, but I did not see anyone pulled over.

The two hour show was excellent.

There are in fact a lot of officers that support an armed citizenry. I posted an article in a thread a couple weeks ago that was written by a police officer. He completely supports the law abiding citizen being armed. Also, there were multiple comments on the article from other LEO's supporting his stance. There are a lot of a** hole LEO's out there with an elitist mentality but there are a lot that are on our side as well.
I have a good friend who is a Deputy Sheriff and his wife teaches with my wife. He advised her to get a gun and carry it in her car's console at all times even at school! He said his wife does as well as many other teachers. He did tell her to get a revolver. They are trying to get a group of elementary school teachers together to take the CWP class together so they can all get their CWP. A CWP class of school teachers would be a great story for the news but it would also bring out the antis to the hissy fit stage and want them fired. There are about five teachers at my wife's school who are married to some type of LEO so I suggest you don't try anything there. :no:
papers please

You know I really get tired of that "papers Please" BS. When you have as many friends and realatives as I have that they have been hurt, maimed or killed but drunken drivers I don't really care what they do to get them off the road. A drunk driver ran into the back of me one night. He would have been fine if he had kept his mouth shut but no, he had to go and mouth off at me and the cops until they finally got tired of it and charged him with DUI.

A friend of mine was playing with her 2 year old son in he front yard one Sunday afternoon when a drunk came plowing through their yard killing the two year old and injuring her to the point that she can't shoot a gun to defend herself now. My 17 year old cousin decided it would be fun to ride his motorcycle on Christmas Eve night with no lights on. it was a sad Christmas day. Screw that "Papers Please" BS and spare me the It's My Right to Drive Drunk drivel.
The time: 0200 July 5, Hwy17 North to New Bern, NC from Jacksonville, NC

My wife and I, with another couple rode our motorcycles to Myrtle Beach, SC to see the Carolina Opry. We departed Havelock, NC at 2:30 pm and headed West on HWY 70, we met the other couple and headed south on hwy 17. I was carrying my PT145 in a Crossbreed Supertuck. We ate and went to see the 8 pm show. The show lasted until, 1030 PM. After stopping for gas, we headed north on hwy 17. Traffic was light after we left South Carolina. After leaving Jacksonville, NC on Hwy 17, we rode through Maysville and Pollocksville. After Pollocksville, the road is two lanes until just before you get to New Bern, where the road opens to four lanes. About a half a mile before the four lanes, as we rounded a corner, I saw the blue lights of a law enforcement vehicle. I slowed down, and it was then that I realized that there was a check point ahead.

After I stopped, the state trooper asked for my drivers license. I pulled both my license and my CCW permit and handed them to the State Trooper. He saw my CCW permit and before I could tell him that I was armed, he asked me if I was armed. I responded, Yes Sir. He handed me back my license and permit and said thank you.

I have to admit, I was nervous. But am glad that my first experience was a very positive one.

Ride safe.

Chris Woods
Havelock, NC

Or lucky. Does your CCW permit allow you to drive while carrying?
Hey FN1910

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't it illegal to have a weapon in your vehicle on school property???

The Dove
You know I really get tired of that "papers Please" BS. When you have as many friends and realatives as I have that they have been hurt, maimed or killed but drunken drivers I don't really care what they do to get them off the road. A drunk driver ran into the back of me one night. He would have been fine if he had kept his mouth shut but no, he had to go and mouth off at me and the cops until they finally got tired of it and charged him with DUI.

A friend of mine was playing with her 2 year old son in he front yard one Sunday afternoon when a drunk came plowing through their yard killing the two year old and injuring her to the point that she can't shoot a gun to defend herself now. My 17 year old cousin decided it would be fun to ride his motorcycle on Christmas Eve night with no lights on. it was a sad Christmas day. Screw that "Papers Please" BS and spare me the It's My Right to Drive Drunk drivel.

I hear what you're saying, FN1910, and I too am angered at the f##ckin' idiots who choose to drive while drunk. I ride a motorcycle quite a bit so I'm especially attuned to this issue, as you seem to be.

However...and I say this with all respect...I do care what they do to get them off the road. It's kinda the same argument the "antis" have about guns: "there are so many killings by guns that we will do whatever we have to do to get rid of all guns". Including trampling on good citizens' rights. I'm not saying that checkpoints are necessarily wrong (they do kinda bug me, to be honest), but just that I have a problem with that blanket statement of "whatever it takes".

This may not be a good analogy and I will humbly accept any correction you or others might have.

BTW, what also really pisses me off is the failure of the legal system to stop REPEAT offenders. We all know of the folks with multiple DUI's who continue to drive.

I'm also sorry for your personal loss.
Hey FN1910

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't it illegal to have a weapon in your vehicle on school property???

The Dove

Not if you have a CPL in SC.

However I know many that do and the police know it. Behave yourself and there won't be a problem.
I've been pulled over 3 times here in michigan by the state boys, each time i told them i have a ccw, an their is a loaded handgun either on me or in the door pocket. they all said thanks for letting them know.

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