Taking out the trash!!!
Good Job Luke and amddude!
Thanks to you both for swatting our persistent unwanted pest again.
Just to clarify I was contacted by some patrons about the Liquid whatever he calls himself's intrusion, I am
only a patron of USA carry too, meaning I
can't do what the folks who run this site
can, block anyone except from the only area I do watch over, and to date I am
damn proud of
every member of Vets and Guns, but the
very same terms of service that USA Carry has apply there too, and I would have to eject a patron if it got too wild in there or face a private reminder from Luke to do my job
or leave.
I only watch over one social group Veterans and Guns, and I try to keep WA regional group current with good CC related links specific to Washington State only, kinda pet project when I have lived here for a decade. OK I also post to interesting threads in the forums but Vets and Guns is my prime concern.
I do not read every thread nor do I go looking into patron's personal data, unless you are thinking about Vets and Guns and I am working on letting you into that social group. All visitors to your profile data are logged when they go in for a look around, I don't think my name crops up on many/any (?) of those screens.
The very best folks can do if L-G shows up again under a new handle is to contact Luke if this
creep comes back trashing up the joint with his usual patron smears and fixation on the sexual nature of accusing patrons of being involved with,
classic L-G catch-words/phases/guns he owns (Ruger) or things he likes no matter what he calls himself or how many times he
sneaks in, he has a
well establish pattern of
'flattery' that marks him
so well, look at the source, an
angry childish kid who wants on here
SO bad and can't behave himself when he finds a way in moving straight into
attack-mode, troll behavior best handled by Luke and amddude.
With 3,500+ patrons posting 24/7 and threads
all over
many forums and sub-groups, 2 folks
CAN miss what us patrons
can alert them to. They have to get some
shut-eye even when USA Carry is up and running on the
WWW, but once they see complaints they
can plug the hole, something I
can't do. I will help you if some idiot is defaming you and it ends up in my inbox. I'll cut, copy and paste it onto a
private e-mail to Luke is all I can do and was doing at midnight on 12 Sep when
'prince charming' slipped in with his
spray can of hate tagging patrons and raiding profiles
Persona non-gratis, be it him or
any other user who can't keep it together on here. Yeah I have been warned a few times myself about
flaring up, so I use the '
ignore-list' to blot out contact I don't need and only see it quoted by others. Got me 3 names in mine and wild-cards on Liquid
I am prolly on a few ignore lists which is a
great way
NOT to read the
long-winded posts I often make,
just like this one!
I hope that helps those patrons who contacted me last night way upset understand I have
no 'special privileges' here, and I
certainly don't have
anything to do with running USA Carry, just supporting it with the best info I can find or helping to answer questions I am familiar with, my driving force to set-up Vets and Guns.
Thanks again for cleaning up the place Luke and amddude, it makes for a
much better
climate when you don't have to worry about who is going to act stupid with the words we post or start up a defamation
tantrum with his copy of '
Adobe Photo-Shop for Trolls ©' on our uploaded pictures.
Canis-Lupus :no: