Is the Sig p226 Blackwater Tactical Worth Nearly 4 Figures in $$$?


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I love my p250 compact in 9mm, but I've been thinking about adding a sportier brother. Is this worth the extra coin(s)? I like the bells and whistles (4 x 20 round 9mm mags, factory fiber optic sites, etc.) and I love my Sigs, but it seems so expensive these days. Does anyone think the price will drop?


If by 4 figures you mean $1000.00 then I'd say it's OK since a P226 Plain Jane model is nearly $1000.00. If it's available and you like it, GO FOR IT!!!!!!:pleasantry:
Maybe you should look into the P226 "Blackwater Special Edition" as possibly a future collectors item. According to Sig's website, that model is discontinued for the new "Blackwater Tactical" I can't compare the two, but never really heard any serious complaints about the Blackwater models. Since Sigs are generally $1,000 more or less, then go for it.
I don't expect you are going to see any gun prices going in the downward direction anytime soon

Amen. Put a deposit on the sig today--now on the waiting list. It may be used primarily for decoration, since my city has ZERO 9mm ammo.

I have the Sig P229 Equinox .40 S&W, which runs about $1000. It has been worth every penny. It's my primary carry piece.

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