Is the CZ75B a reliable carry option ?


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I have been looking at the CZ75B as carry and IDPA option. I have read that CZ is and accurrate and durable gun comparable to Sigarms and Para. Any CZ owners confirm this is a good weapon for conceald carry?
I have a stainless CZ75B. Awesome pistol. I haven't had it long (4 months?) but it has never failed to feed or had any issue with function or reliability. No matter the ammo it seems to keep on chugging. It's also a beautifully made weapon. (I've never seen such precise engraving.) If I weren't such a .45 junky I'd carry nothing else.

(FWI, A CZ75B loaded and with one up the pipe along with two spare mags means you're carrying 49 rounds. BGs, steer clear!)
The CZ75 is a world class handgun

Col. Jeff Cooper put the CZ 75 series pistol in high regards.
The Israelis copied the internals for the Jericho 941 and the baby eagle.
EAA Witness, and Armalite AR/24 are both based on it.

It is a great...RELABLE...combat handgun. I have a Baby Eagle because of the lineage and the reliability of the CZ 75 Mechanism.
CZ makes some fine guns. I have never owned one, but I have shot a friend's at the range once or twice with nary a hiccup.
I am a big CZ fan.

With that said, the only reliable carry firearm is the one that you have tested. Even if you purchase that fine CZ, you will still need to put a good 500-1000rds through it flawlessly before you consider it for protecting you and your loved ones.
I have a 75B SA (single action only version) that feels very good in my hand and is very accurate. However, it will never be a carry for me because of all the problems I have had with it.

When I first got it I experienced a FTF (3 point bind) rate in excess of 50%. I sent it in to CZ-USA for warranty work and when I got it back I was still having FTF about 20%. I am now only having the occasional FTF, but they are still there. All ammo has been factory FMJ of either Remington or Winchester.

I also got the .22 cal Kadet conversion kit with it and from day one I have been experiencing a 10 – 20% misfire rate. Ammo works fin in other weapons and always fires in second attempt.

I know that CZ has a good name out there and that a lot of people are very happy with them, but I will probably never purchase another CZ because of the problems that I have experienced with both of the CZ product I have. For a 9mm I will stay with the Hi-power.
I have a 75B SA (single action only version) that feels very good in my hand and is very accurate. However, it will never be a carry for me because of all the problems I have had with it.

When I first got it I experienced a FTF (3 point bind) rate in excess of 50%. I sent it in to CZ-USA for warranty work and when I got it back I was still having FTF about 20%. I am now only having the occasional FTF, but they are still there. All ammo has been factory FMJ of either Remington or Winchester.

I also got the .22 cal Kadet conversion kit with it and from day one I have been experiencing a 10 – 20% misfire rate. Ammo works fin in other weapons and always fires in second attempt.

I know that CZ has a good name out there and that a lot of people are very happy with them, but I will probably never purchase another CZ because of the problems that I have experienced with both of the CZ product I have. For a 9mm I will stay with the Hi-power.

I had similar issues, but I have to tell you that if you contact Mike the gunsmith for CZ he is great. He gave me some fixes that were outside of the scope of CZ replacement parts. Sort of like sending a Macy's customer to Gimbel's (if you recognize the dated reference). He is very knowledgeable and very helpful.

You can locate his email on the CZ USA site.

If you still have that gun I would try and contact him, let him know what has been done, and take a shot that maybe he can suggest something.
Sort of like sending a Macy's customer to Gimbel's (if you recognize the dated reference).

I do recognize the quote, great movie! We watch it every year.

I do still have the CZ because it really feels good in the hand and it, with the Kadet conversion kit, is the only .22 pistol I have. I will lookup Mikes e-mail and ask him what he can suggest.

Well, the CZ75 is used by more police forces and military outfits around the world than any other pistol. There's probably a reason for that.
CZs are fine guns, and yes they are used by more police and militaries. The company also owns Dan Wesson now as well, and it's designs are the basis for a number of good clone guns, the Desert Eagle, EAA Witness, Armalite AR-24, Israeli T-95 and others. I personally don't own one now, but I'm thinking of getting the subcompact .40sw 2075 RAMI as my next toy. All my research leads me to find most folks love 'em.
I love my CZ75 decocker... I have not had a single issue with any ammo from silver bear/golden bear, to winchester ... nice balance, less kick then my dads sig 226...
I have owned many CZ's, and carried them. I have had a few problems, as is expected when you own seven or eight of the same make of gun and shoot thousands of rounds out of them both in practice and competition. Other than the Glocks that I now carry (and have far fewer rounds out of them), the CZ's have had fewer malfunctions than any other semi-auto that I have used, and FAR fewer than the 1911's that I have used, which seem to be the gold standard for many people. I stopped carrying my CZ-75Bs and my .45 cal EAA Witness for one reason - they can get very heavy. The CZ-75B is NOT tactical Tupperware! The CZ-75 P-01 is a bit more comfortable to carry than the -75B, but I do not particularly care for decockers.

I carry a Glock 21SF now, or a Glock 20SF if I am in the field. They are certainly NO lighter than a CZ-75B. However, I like the 13 rounds of .45 ACP carried in the G21SF (the EAA only carried 10, and you could not find magazines without ordering them) and the 15 rounds of 10mm carried by the G20SF (CZ does not chamber the 10mm, and the EAA in 10mm has the same availability problems as the .45 EAA). Even though I have switched to the Glock, I still maintain that the CZ is better built, better feeling, and more naturally pointing than the Glock, and I would still recommend it as a carry pistol.
CZ 75B is one of the finest, if not the finest firearm around. I am a proud owner of one made for the European market, with the Omega trigger system. with 16 shots I made a cut out of the bulls eye at 50ft and taped the red circle to the paper target at the bottom. As for carrying the piece, most the cops in Europe carry the 75B or P01. It's just an all around great weapon.:biggrin:
I love my CZ's--very reliable and very accurate.
My 75BD (decocker) is a little big for me for CC so I use the 75 compact or P01. But yea--if you can carry a 75 B--it would be an excellent carry gun
I have had CZ's several of them since '97 and i do not remember when or if i have had a failure. Some days i would shoot a few hundred rds at my range. Those trips have sold alot of CZ's with others wanting to know what i was shooting. The Military and NATO approved P-01 are very accurate and reliable. Mike has always made anyone's CZ run that i know of. I went from Sigs never there again to CZ's. and have been more than satisified. The Czech Police had the P-01 go thru a harsher test than NATO. I like the way the slide fits into the frame making all slimline. Col. Jeff Cooper who did not care for 9mm's chose the 75B over the BHP for a few very solid reason's.

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I carry a 75B (40S&W) daily it is a reliable choice ( In 3 years I've had exactly one FTE) but it is a heavy choice. I wear Perry Suspenders when I carry it
Forgot this, CZ its illegal to have hollowpoints in the Czech Republic. So if your CZ is an older one or not they cannot check the gun to function of HP's in any CZ. I have a CZ 97B .45 fed FMJ fine but not HP's so Mike did some ramp work on the barrel. Now it feeds anything and everything and i do have alot of various HP .45's 185 to 230gr and alot .45+Ps, good luck

I do recognize the quote, great movie! We watch it every year.

I do still have the CZ because it really feels good in the hand and it, with the Kadet conversion kit, is the only .22 pistol I have. I will lookup Mikes e-mail and ask him what he can suggest.

Why on earth would anyone want a CZ pistol? Tell you what, I'll pay for the shipping and you can send that 75B down to me when you don't like it!

My suggestion is that you stay with their metal pistols. They've had some funky issues with their polymer guns that will make you wonder. The polymer truly isn't hard enough and that has to be part of the issue.

The 75 is great, the SP-01 is awesome, the P-01 is slick, and the SP-01 Tactical (if you like a 5 inch 19 round combat pistol). I own several IMI/IWI copies of the 75 and have had several of CZ's newer family members, including the P-07 Duty.

As said above, test fire it with hollow points before you carry it. The 75's may not like hollow points. The P-07 Duty and the Phantom fed them just fine right out of the box.
Like I said in a previous post, I have a CZ 75 B made for the Czechoslovakian market. It wasn't made for U.S. customers, and it feed's All the ammo I can give it without problem's. This includes Hollow point's. With any pistol that doesn't feed correctly the problem is usually fixed by polishing the feed ramp.Link Removed

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