Is registration becoming a reality NOW?


Folks, this is a bit lengthy, but you may want to take a look anyway. Very interesting information.

How about this folks! It is beginning to happen just like we thought.

Are you ready for the House Bill titled 'HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009'. It will make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C. As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL#, SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if a private sale. Each update will cost $25 and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms. This bill and its language mirror almost completely one defeated last year in the House of Representatives by soon to be Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Will we the citizenry be as lucky this time?

Pass this on to everyone who believes in strict Constitutionalism and remember that laws only apply to those who obey them. Criminals by definition and nature do not abide by laws. New laws and restrictions only apply to the law-abiding citizen and are not written with the criminal in mind. With guns, it is not about having laws on the books to prosecute individuals, it is about taking guns away from the people so that no one has them in the first place. One last item to note, when assuming power and creating a fascist state, Hitler was a proponent of strong gun laws because a disarmed populace was much easier to control than an armed one. The kings of old also outlawed weapons of any kind in any region that they conquered to quell the ability of the citizens to uprise against them.

The Founding Fathers of this nation understood all of the above and because of this they included the second amendment in the constitution. In fact, they knew that at some point in every society's life span that the need for the population to arise came about. To this end they made the right to keep and bear arms against a tyrannical state an absolute right that could not be revoked. They did this because the first thing tyrants and despots do is to remove a population's right to defend themselves. When this is done, the tyrants have no problem with the destruction of society, as we know it.

Send this on to all true patriots! Protect your Second Amendment! The following is a summary of the bill as provided by the Congressional Research Service. If you read the whole bill, you'll find it will effectively preclude the ownership of ANY firearms by law-abiding people unless licensed by the Attorney General. How long do you think THAT would take?? Congressional Research Service Summary The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. GovTrack did not write and has no control over these summaries.

1/6/2009--Introduced. Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 - Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act or a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked. Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements. Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearm license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number. Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements. Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system.


1. transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensee, unless the transfer is processed through a licensed dealer in accordance with national instant criminal background check system requirements, with exceptions;
2. (2) a licensed manufacturer or dealer from failing to comply with reporting and record keeping requirements of this Act;
3. (3) failing to report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Attorney General within 72 hours;
4. (4) failing to report to the Attorney General an address change within 60 days; or 5. (5) keeping a loaded firearm, or an unloaded firearm and ammunition for the firearm, knowingly or recklessly disregarding the risk that a child is capable of gaining access, if a child uses the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury.
7. Prescribes criminal penalties for violations of firearms provisions covered by this Act. Directs the Attorney General to:
8. (1) establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse;
9. (2) conduct continuing studies and investigations of firearm-related deaths and injuries; and
10. (3) collect and maintain current production and sales figures of each licensed manufacturer.
11. Authorizes the Attorney General to certify state firearm licensing or record of sale systems.

It has started!
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Thank you for the post. I just emailed my state representative the following. Feel free to copy and send what I've written. It's generic enough.

Rep. Brown,

Today I learned of a new bill (HR45-Blair Holt) that was introduced last month by Rep. Bobby Rush from Illinois. I realize the bill is still with the committee and has yet to be voted on, but wanted to inquire about your intentions.

As your constituent, a legal and safe hunter and gun owner of handguns and long guns, I am concerned that this bill represents the first step toward an INFRINGEMENT of the second amendment of the Constitution. I sincerely hope that you will oppose this bill and take the steps necessary to block it's passage.

I am not against gun safety, to the contrary. However, enacting this bill will not decrease violence. It will make gun ownership more difficult for law-abiding citizens only. Criminals will continue their lawlessness regardless of the law.

Please contact me to let me know your intentions. Thank you.
Just wrote my Congressman an both Senators

Thanks for the heads up. This is a direct attack on 2A. It will also represent an unlawful tax in the update fees.
This is just the beginning. It will get worse and we knew it would with a Marxist President and Congress.
I think the big reason why they're doing this is so they will know who to go after when they start banning specific firearms. what will be next? forcing people to register when they renew their auto tags then having them pay a fee to vote? if you don't vote you go to jail. they're gonna have to reserve a whole city for a prison just like in escape from new york. they're probably hoping people will get rid of their guns before they have go give over all the info on themselves the gov't wants. I guarantee you the politicians that vote for this bill have never had to fight for their life in a crime situation.
I think the big reason why they're doing this is so they will know who to go after when they start banning specific firearms. what will be next? forcing people to register when they renew their auto tags then having them pay a fee to vote? if you don't vote you go to jail. they're gonna have to reserve a whole city for a prison just like in escape from new york. they're probably hoping people will get rid of their guns before they have go give over all the info on themselves the gov't wants. I guarantee you the politicians that vote for this bill have never had to fight for their life in a crime situation.

what will be next?

Perhaps stamping 666 on the foreheads.:butcher:

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