Is it legal??


New member
Okay, I know someone posted the info from SC SLED the requirements for a No Concealed Weapons Allowed sign. Well, here is one I found at a "local" bank....based on what I see & then what I read from SLED, this is NOT legal correct??
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You are correct, it's not legal. It has a red silhouette of a gun not a black one. It doesn't have “NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED” written in black. Another thing is it appears its not on the door. It also looks too big. If you are doing business with that bank I'd tell them that I was going to close my account because of the sign and take my business somewhere else.

SECTION 23-31-235. Sign requirements.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any requirement of or allowance for the posting of signs prohibiting the carrying of a concealable weapon upon any premises shall only be satisfied by a sign expressing the prohibition in both written language interdict and universal sign language.

(B) All signs must be posted at each entrance into a building where a concealable weapon permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealable weapon and must be:

(1) clearly visible from outside the building;

(2) eight inches wide by twelve inches tall in size;

(3) contain the words “NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED” in black one inch tall uppercase type at the bottom of the sign and centered between the lateral edges of the sign;

(4) contain a black silhouette of a handgun inside a circle seven inches in diameter with a diagonal line that runs from the lower left to the upper right at a forty five degree angle from the horizontal;

(5) a diameter of a circle; and

(6) placed not less than forty inches and not more than sixty inches from the bottom of the building’s entrance door.

(C) If the premises where concealable weapons are prohibited does not have doors, then the signs contained in subsection (A) must be:

(1) thirty six inches wide by forty eight inches tall in size;

(2) contain the words “NO CONCEALABLE WEAPONS ALLOWED” in black three inch tall uppercase type at the bottom of the sign and centered between the lateral edges of the sign;

(3) contain a black silhouette of a handgun inside a circle thirty four inches in diameter with a diagonal line that is two inches wide and runs from the lower left to the upper right at a forty five degree angle from the horizontal and must be a diameter of a circle whose circumference is two inches wide;

(4) placed not less than forty inches and not more than ninety six inches above the ground;

(5) posted in sufficient quantities to be clearly visible from any point of entry onto the premises.
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I am curious. If I were a bank I would most likely want to have a way that I could prosocute a robber or intended robber. However, knowing the laws of concealed firearms and that CWP holders are more educated on the laws and knowing that based on record they are law abiding citizens... I can post a sign that is improper that allows them to enter with a concealed firearm. Make sence? In other words the sign is intended to add to the abilities to prosecute the bad guys, and not to keep CWP holders from entering while carrying. Its probably better for them in a robbery if there are CWP holders within their lobby.
Probably not... I suspect any banks lawyer will say that the cheapest answer to a robbery is to give the person then money and let them leave as fast as possible. We live in a society that doesn't want to take responsibility for anything.

I would not tell the bank that their sign is wrong... their solution would be to just fix it and then where are you?

As for the "If I ran a bank statement. Here's my thought... If I ran a business what I would post is "No Illegal Weapons Allowed" That would work as well as anything... actually the only thing it would do is cause really ignorant folks to think that guns aren't allowed ...
As long as you are concealing correctly there is no problem! I have seen some very sloppy concealment jobs on and off duty! I always point these out to the person when I see them. The attitude of the person Im speaking with plays a large role in how I respond to them.
I am gald to see the discussion about this because this bank was in the news last week for a robbery. I would NEVER tell the bank that their sign is wrong, I think anyone who would tell that to the bank is crazy because if you have to go in, some idiot comes in there and holds the place up, you have a chance to put a stop to it and probably save your own & someone else's life.

Aggressive1, I find it interesting that you bring that point because that's what I actually had in mind. Most of these criminals/ignorant citizens don't know the regulations for the signs and therefore CWP holders would know that this sign is non-complient and still go in with their concealed weapon.
That's right!! The story about this is that the guy who robbed the bank, got away in his van. Someone was behind him when opened the bag & the dye pack went off. The guy sitting in traffic behind the van saw this and called 911. He started following the van...the robber realized he was being followed, got out & shot the guy in the car behind him. Caught an artery in the neck. I have spoken with many people at the bank since they all know me from several years of business & the guy is still in ICU and supposed to make it from what they tell me.

What if this guy was just minding his own business heading home? Going to the store, going to Wal Mart not even following this robber but the robber THINKS he is being followed?? If this does not make the case for people to carry full time, I don't know what does.
Are you sure that it's 8"x12" exactly... would kind of be hard to tell with a see through label like that...

also, they have to have the correct sign on every door/entrance to the location... as I mentioned in another post... Grangers here in Greenville has what looks to me like a correct sign beside their front door... I walked around back to the loading dock and the employees entrance... no sign... as I understand the law, it means the sign on the front is not legal regardless of whether it is printed and posted in the right place or not.

I guess from the banks stand point what the sign means is an armed robber should reveal his gun before he comes into the bank... that's the only logical conclusion I can come up for posting the sign.

but then my logic and banks seldom match.....
Who cares if the sign is legal? Concealed is concealed. Unless they know you're carrying whats the problem?

Now if you want to try therm on this I bet you'll have a problem whether the sign is legal or not. They'll say you knew the intent of the sign.

In my CWP class we were told to obey the sign even if it wasnt legal. You're best bet is to not do business with such businesses.
Who cares if the sign is legal? Concealed is concealed. Unless they know you're carrying whats the problem?

Now if you want to try therm on this I bet you'll have a problem whether the sign is legal or not. They'll say you knew the intent of the sign.

In my CWP class we were told to obey the sign even if it wasnt legal. You're best bet is to not do business with such businesses.

Do you seriously think that these businesses with the "illegal" signs would push the issue to charge you with a crime if your CC firearm is instrumental in ending a bad situation on their property?

I suggest that you study your local laws and get your legal advice from "competent legal counsel" who are familiar with the laws in the places you will be carrying. I strongly recommend against taking any "legal advice" from a LEO. Unless the said LEO is also an attorney, you may get "bad" advice.

Know the law and stay safe.

Do you seriously think that these businesses with the "illegal" signs would push the issue to charge you with a crime if your CC firearm is instrumental in ending a bad situation on their property?

I suggest that you study your local laws and get your legal advice from "competent legal counsel" who are familiar with the laws in the places you will be carrying. I strongly recommend against taking any "legal advice" from a LEO. Unless the said LEO is also an attorney, you may get "bad" advice.

Know the law and stay safe.


Did you miss my point? I think you did. And, since you did Ill detail it. If the sign is not the legal sign, Im going in. Im not going to have a problem because concealed is concealed. Now, if someone sees my gun and calls the law Im sure there will be a problem. No, Im not going to jail and if I do Im gonna have a nice case for my lawyer. You'll notice I said that we were told that in our CWP class to obey the sign anyway. I did not say that I subscribed to that notion. Do I think the business would push the issue if I stopped a crime in their store? Probably not. Again, concealed is concealed. If they see the gun and they dont know their sign is illegal you still ay have to deal with the "MWAG" deal. Thats no fun now is it? I still say its best to let them know that because of their sign, you wont be doing business with them. I would not recommend you tell them the sign is illegal.

Um yeah, I have studied the local laws.

Thanks for the welcome to the forum. :-)
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Here's the real (my) answer to any or not if caught.....

"I'm terribly sorry, I did not see it, I will leave imediatly, BY"

Don't debate, argue or anything else.... if they want to discuss it with me they will have to while following me out the door.....

If they are calling the law then tell them you'll wait for them outside by your car since they don't want you inside and It would be trespassing for you to stay there. If the law is called I would not leave from the parking lot... in fact you might want to call the dispatcher (sheriff or city police) and let them know where you are and what you look like.....
Here's the real (my) answer to any or not if caught.....

"I'm terribly sorry, I did not see it, I will leave imediatly, BY"

Don't debate, argue or anything else.... if they want to discuss it with me they will have to while following me out the door.....

If they are calling the law then tell them you'll wait for them outside by your car since they don't want you inside and It would be trespassing for you to stay there. If the law is called I would not leave from the parking lot... in fact you might want to call the dispatcher (sheriff or city police) and let them know where you are and what you look like.....

Good answer. Calling local LE youself is a good idea as well.

You're right, this is NOT the official sign designated by SC Code SECTION 23-31-235. My bank has a similar sign, but it is all white and clearly not the required sign. I carry concealed in my bank in SC, but I would never try to stop a bank robber unless he was committing armed robbery and clearly endangering the lives of innocent people. In fact it is really best to let them steal the money and leave (as long as they hurt no one). Bank robberies are best left to the FBI to solve after the fact. Over the years they have mastered an exact science to apprehending bank robbers. So, in short, unless legally restricted from doing so, you can carry in a bank. Just remember to be responsible for your own actions and know when and when not to intervene.

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