New member
That's not the way it works. Instead you insist that the manager follow you around the store while you finish your shopping! :haha:
Actually, in many states such as Washington, it is the law that requires an employee to escort a purchased gun out the door.
Here's one for you - entered a retail sporting goods store here in Washington to buy a black powder cap and ball revolver open carrying a .45 loaded with 11 rounds. 1st the state of Washington requires the state background check form to be filled out for the black powder revolver even though it is exempt by both state law and exempt from NICs by Federal law. 2nd, I had to be escorted out of the store with this revolver in the plastic package (it was a set that you buy off the shelf or mail order with the revolver, balls, powder measure all in a plastic package) by an unarmed store clerk while I am open carrying my pistol which, in Washington, no license is required to do!
and another one...
Went to Walmart to buy a Swiss army knife for Daughter #1's birthday. The knives are on locking peghooks so i needed an employee to get it off hook. Sporting goods section was closed so he escorted me up to front register where he stood holding the knife while i stood in line. It was run up, paid for, and placed in bag before it was handed to me....all the while i was OC'ing.