New member
^^^ I agree^^^
I think it's primarily for safety and liability reasons.
1. Someone walking through the store with a rifle/shotgun could panic the sheeple and cause someone to make a "man with a gun" call to the popo.
2. IF a panic set in, a CC newbie may even want to be a hero and take the "man with a gun" out.
3. Some BG's may want to try to steal your new gun.
4. Walking in a Walmart parking lot carrying a long gun could get you shot or hassled by an over zeolous rookie LEO.
(I got stopped "felony" style one "night" by a passing "rookie" cop because I came out of a resturant holding an umbrella that he thought looked like a shotgun.)
5. Walking through the store with a WW manager helps you look more like a customer than a potential BG.
6. They probably have to do it for insurance/security reasons.
I think it's primarily for safety and liability reasons.
1. Someone walking through the store with a rifle/shotgun could panic the sheeple and cause someone to make a "man with a gun" call to the popo.
2. IF a panic set in, a CC newbie may even want to be a hero and take the "man with a gun" out.
3. Some BG's may want to try to steal your new gun.
4. Walking in a Walmart parking lot carrying a long gun could get you shot or hassled by an over zeolous rookie LEO.
(I got stopped "felony" style one "night" by a passing "rookie" cop because I came out of a resturant holding an umbrella that he thought looked like a shotgun.)
5. Walking through the store with a WW manager helps you look more like a customer than a potential BG.
6. They probably have to do it for insurance/security reasons.