Irony at Wal*Mart


After purchasing a rifle at the local Wal*Mart, a manager is contacted to walk the customer and the rifle out of the store. The rifle is still boxed. Along the way the manager keeps in contact with someone at the other end of her radio, letting them know where she and the customer are located, leaving the sporting goods area, going past the automotive section, now outside, etc., etc., etc. Once the rifle is deposited inside the customer's vehicle the manager lets the radio know that her job is finished. I wonder if she might see the irony, what she might have said or done, had she known that the customer and spouse were cc'ing? So, what is the purpose of Wal*Mart's policy?
It is a walmart safety precaution

After purchasing a rifle at the local Wal*Mart, a manager is contacted to walk the customer and the rifle out of the store. The rifle is still boxed. Along the way the manager keeps in contact with someone at the other end of her radio, letting them know where she and the customer are located, leaving the sporting goods area, going past the automotive section, now outside, etc., etc., etc. Once the rifle is deposited inside the customer's vehicle the manager lets the radio know that her job is finished. I wonder if she might see the irony, what she might have said or done, had she known that the customer and spouse were cc'ing? So, what is the purpose of Wal*Mart's policy?

They did the same to me when I bought a muzzleloader for my son's B-day. It really serves no useful purpose other than to let any jerk who wants to listen to the NON SECURE walmart radio know where to get a gun and what car to break into as soon as you leave to finish shopping.
They did the same to me when I bought a muzzleloader for my son's B-day. It really serves no useful purpose other than to let any jerk who wants to listen to the NON SECURE walmart radio know where to get a gun and what car to break into as soon as you leave to finish shopping.

Bass Pro Shops have the same type of policy. Good point about the radio, Festus. The Wal*Mart manager did mention to the radio that she had a box with a gun, but not that it was a rifle. I don't believe that she mentioned in what vehicle she placed the box, though I suppose that anyone listening could also be following. Heck, they could be following without listening! So, a better scenario might be: next time the customer and spouse will visit the sporting goods department last, get in said vehicle, then leave the area!
That's standard Walmart policy. They jut carry it outside the main entrance around here and give it to the customer.
Same here in town. I thought about writing a letter to the store manager. I'm sure the reason is for "safety of the other customers." However, if I was going to go postal, wouldn't it be a lot easier to snatch my already-loaded .45 off my hip and start blasting Vs. breaking loose all the tape on the box, opening the cardboard box, loading the rifle, and then start shooting?

...what car to break into as soon as you leave to finish shopping.

I would hope the buyer whould have enough intelligence to do their shopping FIRST and then go buy the gun. If they are stoopid enough to leave a gun in the car after everyone watches them put it in there, then turn around and go back in, they are probably not intelligent enough to be handling a gun anyway.

Count yourselves lucky if your local wal mart still sells firearms period. Thoise that still do are getting fewer and fewer. And I was always in a hurry to go shoot whatever firearm I had just bought.
Count yourselves lucky if your local wal mart still sells firearms period. Thoise that still do are getting fewer and fewer. And I was always in a hurry to go shoot whatever firearm I had just bought.

Yup, and not that I really care, but we're certainly lucky that Rosie O'D hasn't found out! :haha: j/k
at my part time job , which is Cabela's in hoff. este.,il . we have the same policy.we walk the firearm to outside the main entrance ,then give the customer their piece.
company policy & can u say " LIABILITY " .EVERYONE SUES EVERYBODY FOR ANYTHING.just a " per say " safety measure.we cant even help a customer load & tie up a canoe or kayak on the vehicle.
Conversation I overheard while near the Walmart gun center:

"i don't care if you are on the biatholon team, there's no way we are selling you a rifle and a ski mask!"
Liability and fear of law suits has all kinds of businesses performing tasks that make no rational sense, other than simply C Y A.

The bigger the business, the bigger the potential for a bigger suit.
Same here in town. I thought about writing a letter to the store manager. I'm sure the reason is for "safety of the other customers." However, if I was going to go postal, wouldn't it be a lot easier to snatch my already-loaded .45 off my hip and start blasting Vs. breaking loose all the tape on the box, opening the cardboard box, loading the rifle, and then start shooting?


Not to mention cleaning off all of the excessive lubricant and quickly load the magazine(s).

Same thing with me at Cabela's when I bought my pistol, just no radio or verbal announcements. The salesman carried the pistol til we got out the door. I guess the idear is so that you don't load the gun while in the store... but if that was someone's intention, they could just do it outside then come back in. And this is in Idaho where CCW is common. Oh well...
I've bought all of my handguns from Sportsman Warehouse. They have always walked them to the cashier. When the transaction is complete, the cashier puts them in a bag and says "Have a nice day".
Gander Mountain has the same policy less radio and the transfer ends when they give you the piece outside their front door. Why...I'm not really sure. ..something to do with liability...DAH!!:patsak:
Same thing with me at Cabela's when I bought my pistol, just no radio or verbal announcements. The salesman carried the pistol til we got out the door. I guess the idear is so that you don't load the gun while in the store... but if that was someone's intention, they could just do it outside then come back in. And this is in Idaho where CCW is common. Oh well...

But at that point they are no longer liable for anything that happens, that is the simple reason for the policy.
It might also have something to do with the item you're buying. They do the same thing to me at Bestbuy when I buy something that costs more than about $500 and is relatively small. Heck, they even do it with Ipods that are less than $200.

At the end of the day, this policy makes it harder to steal guns than if they just hand it to you and let you walk it to the register yourself.

Just a thought.
Gander Mountain has the same policy less radio and the transfer ends when they give you the piece outside their front door. Why...I'm not really sure. ..something to do with liability...DAH!!:patsak:

I have purchased a couple at Gander Mountain and they only placed them in my bag after I did the paper work and paid for it. You are allowed to carry in the store with a CC it is store policy.
Of course its a liability thing, but it also makes security a bit easier for them. If a firearm leaves there store in hands other than that of an employee, then it is stolen ... no question. That covers all the probable cause questions in a force detainment that would likely accompany the action.

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