Ireland Bans Handguns


Staff member
Justice Minister Dermot Ahern has signed new gun control legislation into law. The act bans handguns in Ireland and also introduces a requirement for referees, background medical checks and standards for the safe keeping of guns in the home for all firearms licence applicants.

Read About It: Link Removed
Not surprised the Irish lawmakers have decided to join the English and the Australians in the deep end of the turd pool.
Not that I have any intention of visiting Ireleand in the near future, but I sure as hell am not going there now. If people would let their tourism department know that they will not visit a repressive country that will not allow law abiding citizens to even own handguns, maybe some of these countries would think twice. I don't know if it would work but I will see if I can find an email address to send them a note. JMHO.

Semper Fi
I would expect foul play at the polls before I would think the people wanted this.
Remember they recently rejected the Lisbon Treaty. I'd bet they have the same problem we have: scum bags in office pulling all the levers, bringing in tyranny, while the people scream "no more."
I have some friends in ireland.. not sure what their take on this is. going to have to ask them. but looks to me like countries are following a pattern. gee I wonder why?
I have some friends in ireland.. not sure what their take on this is. going to have to ask them. but looks to me like countries are following a pattern. gee I wonder why?
I hope you don't mind if I answer your rhetorical question. The international banking establishment which controls governments and is pushing for even MORE of an unelected global government that THEY control, is dragging white nations down so they cannot be a threat to their future plans. Does that about sum it up?
I hope you don't mind if I answer your rhetorical question. The international banking establishment which controls governments and is pushing for even MORE of an unelected global government that THEY control, is dragging white nations down so they cannot be a threat to their future plans. Does that about sum it up?

yep... that pretty much sums it up.
There is so much data out there that it almost seems like they want more violent crime.
violent crime breeds government dependence so the sheep can feel safe. All the while the elite entrench themselves in power.
Europe is pretty much all socialist now, no surprise there.

Despite the problems with America I thank the Lord I was born here.
violent crime breeds government dependence so the sheep can feel safe. All the while the elite entrench themselves in power.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
I would like to add that taking guns away from the general population also takes the power away from the people, so tyrants can feel safer about raping and looting a country.

Remember, gun control only makes criminals safer, i.e. 99% of all governments that have ever existed.
Take a good look at Europe—it's disappearing fast. Its demographics are fatal: native populations are simply not reproducing, and people from cultures utterly antithetic to Western values and heritage are flooding in and reproducing fast.

Old Europe seems to have lost the will to live and in another generation will be unrecognizable, its roots in Christianity and the Renaissance completely severed. If population trends continue, what we know today as Western Europe will be a Moslem caliphate.

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