Iowa Open and Concealed Carry Laws and Information


Benevolent Overlord
Hey guys, I've updated your permit's page.

Click here to view.

I looked through the Iowa statutes and didn't see anything relating to automobiles and firearm storage--any help? Also, do Iowa permits count as a NICS check (you show your permit and they waive the bg check at the gunstore)?

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Also, do Iowa permits count as a NICS check (you show your permit and they waive the bg check at the gunstore)?

Yes it does count as a NICS check. As far as automobile transport and storage if you have no permit, long guns must be unloaded, and either fully cased or broke down into separate pieces (bolt out of receiver, barrel from receiver etc.) making the gun unable to fire. Handgun must be unloaded and stored in a container to large to conceal on one body and unaccessable to occupants while in the vehicle (in the trunk).
It counts at the gun show also. Takes away a lot of paperwork, and makes things simpler. It should; to get a PTC you have to pass the same BC that you would in any gun purchase.
Does anyone have a Non-resident Iowa permit? I was wondering how much justification they require before issuing the permit.
Does anyone have a Non-resident Iowa permit? I was wondering how much justification they require before issuing the permit.

I don't want to say it's impossible, because there is a non resident permit available, but your chances of getting a non professional, non resident permit are about slim to none. From what I understand it's not too difficult to get a professional, non resident permit, but of coarse you would have to justify and prove you would be using it professionally (LEO, security, etc.).
I just want to say hello I'm new and hope to get my permit soon. I do have one question-- does the state frown on open carry?? I only ask because the job I have I carry a side arm and am use to it.
I just want to say hello I'm new and hope to get my permit soon. I do have one question-- does the state frown on open carry?? I only ask because the job I have I carry a side arm and am use to it.

use to it what?
Sorry, I am use to having it open carried. But I found the information I was looking for and see that this would not be wise.
The way I hear it....It is perfectly legal with permit...but as of right now IA is May Issue and issue is completely at the whim of the sheriff...if he doesn't like that you OC he can revoke your permit.
new member

hi, all. just stumbled across this site and it looked interesting, hope to learn from here and maybe share what small knowledge i have countybob
hi, all. just stumbled across this site and it looked interesting, hope to learn from here and maybe share what small knowledge i have countybob


Not to take anything away from this awesome site...

If you haven't already found is an Iowa specific forum with lots of good info...

Link Removed

On 1 January, 2011, you will be legal to carry in Iowa if you have a permit from any state.
After 62 years I will no longer be a criminal in my neighboring state 20 miles away. :biggrin:
In just two more days, Jan 1, 2011 will issue in a new year and a new era in Iowa CCW laws. Hallelujah!

"Shall issue" instead of "sheriff, may I please;" recognition of all other states' permits issued to resident of other states; training standards and opportunities no longer monopolized by individual sheriffs; yes, it's going to be a new era in Iowa gun laws.
Yes sir, just a day and a half and and Iowa will join most of the nation, as far as firearm laws.

The uninformed, misinformed and just plain stupid are having a hissy fit! Relax folks, take a couple of Pamprin and call me in a couple of years!

Nothing is going to change. No blood in the streets.
i'm just reading old posts and am amazed at the excitement of non-iowans for our new 'right'! thanx all that worked so hard and fought to have these rights observed!
In response to vehicle carry, I asked the sheriff in my county about that, and he said that a firearm may be accessible to the driver IF the driver or a passenger has their permit to carry AND that firearm belongs to the permit holder. Otherwise the rules are as usual... inaccessible to driver, unloaded, and in a case of some sort.
In response to vehicle carry, I asked the sheriff in my county about that, and he said that a firearm may be accessible to the driver IF the driver or a passenger has their permit to carry AND that firearm belongs to the permit holder. Otherwise the rules are as usual... inaccessible to driver, unloaded, and in a case of some sort.

said sheriff is blowing smoke. There is nothing in statute that says the firearm must belong to the permit holder. I could borrow your gun and drive around with it without you being there.
In response to vehicle carry, I asked the sheriff in my county about that, and he said that a firearm may be accessible to the driver IF the driver or a passenger has their permit to carry AND that firearm belongs to the permit holder. Otherwise the rules are as usual... inaccessible to driver, unloaded, and in a case of some sort.

I agree with mrjam2jab that your sheriff is blowing smoke. Here just south of you in Missouri we had the same sort of B.S. from anti-gun, anti-armed citizen LEOs when we first passed CCW. Your sheriff is simply trying to negate the law as far as he can by giving you false info about what you can now do.

You don't say what county you're in. The IFC (Iowa Firearms Coalition -- Link Removed) is doing a great job of correcting and/or publicizing these sheriffs so that they can be targeted for defeat in the next election. But they can't do that unless people like you report who the sheriffs are and/or which county they are from. Knowing that one sheriff out of 99 is giving false information is not helpful. It's just complaining for the sake of complaining. Knowing which sheriff is giving out that info is helpful. Then action(s) can be targeted to correct the situation.

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