Investagations of violations of civil rights.

You are clearly part of the reason the public has such disdain for LE. As much as you'd like to think your above the law and part of some para military organization, YOU ARE A CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER and apparently one who clings to the us vs them mentality instead of being part of your community. You are answerable to many civilians, including your mayor, governer, state AG, judges, state reps and your state senators. See they have authority over your boss and you, might want to reconsider that mentality of yours.

Well said Might. I would like to add this too. Citizens do not have to kiss your a$$ and that is not a violation of any law. I predict that in the near future you will have your 15 minutes of fame on youtube violating someones rights and a large settlement from you and your city to boot. I wish you well with your next career. I hear that making licensee plates can be very therapeutic or maybe try gardening.
First off take your meds and put the flag away you are waving.
It is clear you are anti police. Pay attention to the post,
POLICE answer to POLICE not some holier than thou civilian.(Like YOU)
That is what internal affairs is for, NOT YOU.
that is what department policy is for NOT YOU
And I could care less how mad you get,its the way it is.
Be a good citizen and mind your business. You have NO business
being in any oversight committee.

Insofar as your juvenile comment about living with mommy,
please. I dont live with my mommy. I ride yours.
Now have a cup of cocoa and have mommy tuck you in and dry your tears.
Maybe when you wake up in the morning you will be in a better frame of mindbut I wont hold my breath on that one.
And as far as my signature is concerned(while I dont owe you an explanation,I felt you should know. It was a saying coined by one of our Watch Commanders for the public housing details in Chicago. Dont like it? Oh well.
When you reply with your masturbatory rantings (and you WILL respond,people like you cant take a spanking and shut up) Try to stay focused on Civilian Review Boards.Not WW2 or some tangent that you trip off on in your rant oops I mean reply.
And like I said, you want to oversee police or be in their business then become the police. Have mommy sign a note saying its "ok" for you to take the tests. When you become one, immediately apply for Internal Affairs. Then you can critique and arm chair quarterback police actions all you want. Until then,MYOB.

Night night bunky.:yu:

Unfortunately the OP was removed so I can only glean the content of the OP from the Op responses. However I cannot imagine there is anything that can be said concerning review boards and civil rights that would elicit a crude and abusive response like this.

This is the kind of POS attitude that have people like Whitetiger wanting civilian review boards put in place. And why the ACLU have so much work on their hands.

If you really are a LEO, and I whole heartedly doubt you are, I can understand why Chicago is in such dire straits with government level corruption. As long as there are cops with your attitude there will always be need for review boards that are not governed by the very people the review board should be overseeing.

MYOB? Can you hear yourself? It IS her business! The protection of civil libery is everyones business and if you see it otherwise, I suggest it is time for you to resign whatever post you hold in the government and seek anger managemt. Your attitude toward civillians, the very people you are sworn to 'serve and protect' is the reason most law abiding citizen have very little trust or respect for cops. Your tirade personifies the term "pig".
When you post what I say please post my quote. Not your edit of it.

Aside from that remember, I protect YOUR rights as well as mine.
You may not like that and I could care less but bottom line here is
review all you want after my Lt. clears you to do so.

Sad how the liberals infiltrate this blog.
when you want to review the police BECOME the police.
Take care.

Is that anything like the criminals reviewing the criminals?
Cortchubby. Canton officer Harless thinks like you do. He will lose his job, and be sued, lose and have to pay alot of money, and may go to jail, after he is judged by Citizens in court. Not His LT. So Lets watch what he gets. Chicago has 1000s of cops who can hide and foster wrong doing and thinking. power is easy to be misused when the people you swore to protect have no voice in the matter. But be careful when they lose hope they hang bad cops.
I saw a dead officer who was using his power to scare people and get things and steal from the people he was patroling for. He raped a 16 year old and not a thing was done by the brass. the village rose up and hung him. New police were hired and I got hired as a patrolman, same village. I met with the elders and they were very on guard at first. it took me two years before they supported me. cause of people like you.
I rose in the ranks fast and was posted as commander by the providence I patroled. when I was alone in a back area I could get a whole village to help me, hunt or rescue or digg a well. Cause I was one of them. you get no support from and do not deserve any support from the people who pay you and your sworn to protect.
mess up too bad and the people come for you. Harless is seeing that now. we are yelling for him to be fired and sent to jail. The brass can't sleep because we are the heat. We the citizens are screaming for him to be gone. If they don't listen and it gets worse, here the courts and the voting booth gets it done, over there ten men would come for you in the night. drag you out and hang you. you fight back they shoot you and maybe kill your family, not nice but you push and they push back. that badge on your shirt has only the trust of the people you serve to shield you once thats gone its a target. you see the video of cops taking down a man who ran on a soccer field, and started beating him in front of the fans. they went too far and hundreds of people stormed the field and beat up the police officers. thats what happen when you forget your not god! Chubby you ever protect anyone not oppress the people you patroled.
run in to a burning house, stop someone from bleeding to death, deliver a baby. help a little old lady across the street. I hope you did cause if you never did, The Horror you are is beyond words.
Did you ever show compassion for a women beaten up by a male. help a lost child, get medical help for a car crash victim. I hope you did. But If You did? did you look down on them? because they were black, poor, or just not cops. is the only person who deserves respect your lT. I am hoping your full of **** and never wore a badge cause you have no idea what it stands for.
Go suck your LT's thing.

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