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I do not believe that a "civilian review" panel can fairly and neutrally and objectively look at a police related incident. They are NOT the police and should NOT be allowed to interview,interrogate,or otherwise investigate the police.Nor should they have ANY say whatsoever in the disciplinary actions of the officer(s) involved.
I have absolutely nothing to hide. In my city they tried a Civilian Review board. Unfortunately for them they were severely limited. It was found later that they were politically placed with an agenda from the alderman. Much like the agenda of Lauren Cnare the Alder of Madison her anti gun mind block.
As far as Im concerned,they can have 10 Civilian Review boards. I report to my Lieutenant. Period.
There is nothing in my contract that says I have to cooperate with a CRB. And I wont. Maybe Im like this because my city is far more political and corrupt than yours. (Richard Daley ring a bell?) Im sure in ssmaller areas a CRB would be useful. A liaison between Police Management and the public. A buffer if you will. I would imagine with proper screening and what not, they might even be an asset.
cortchubby:226427 said:First off take your meds and put the flag away you are waving.
It is clear you are anti police. Pay attention to the post,
POLICE answer to POLICE not some holier than thou civilian.(Like YOU)
That is what internal affairs is for, NOT YOU.
that is what department policy is for NOT YOU
And I could care less how mad you get,its the way it is.
Be a good citizen and mind your business. You have NO business
being in any oversight committee.
Insofar as your juvenile comment about living with mommy,
please. I dont live with my mommy. I ride yours.
Now have a cup of cocoa and have mommy tuck you in and dry your tears.
Maybe when you wake up in the morning you will be in a better frame of mindbut I wont hold my breath on that one.
And as far as my signature is concerned(while I dont owe you an explanation,I felt you should know. It was a saying coined by one of our Watch Commanders for the public housing details in Chicago. Dont like it? Oh well.
When you reply with your masturbatory rantings (and you WILL respond,people like you cant take a spanking and shut up) Try to stay focused on Civilian Review Boards.Not WW2 or some tangent that you trip off on in your rant oops I mean reply.
And like I said, you want to oversee police or be in their business then become the police. Have mommy sign a note saying its "ok" for you to take the tests. When you become one, immediately apply for Internal Affairs. Then you can critique and arm chair quarterback police actions all you want. Until then,MYOB.
Night night bunky.:yu: