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Citizen Review Board

If any police jurisdiction had a citizen review board, problems would only happen once. Maybe not at all to start with. I have read about many problems that are similar around the country. Every police jurisdiction should have a citizen review board.

The citizen review board would review such cases of misconduct by Police and correct the problem. The citizen review board should have the power to correct any police problem.

A citizen review board should have three citizens and three policeman from the jurisdiction that it represents.

Most policeman will not testify against another police officer. If no policeman would serve on the citizen review board then it should be comprised of all citizens.

It breaks my heart every time I hear about how the Constitution of the United States gets violated. People who pledge to uphold the laws and the Constitution and then violate them.

You don't sound to sure about any aspect of OC,or CC. Your even less confident regarding police reaction. With the Bill through the assembly in WI, the LEOs are on there toes, and off our backs. I won't tell you how to react in a situation, wouldn't even if I knew you. That is the wrong thing for a non instructor to be doing, I don't want to be writing that letter home. MY suggestion to you is training, I truly believe it would help you to decide what is best for you. You'll be more likely to respect the word of an instructor. Good luck.
The Leos are on their TOES? Yea! Thats what happen in Canton! The Leos abused a ccw carrier and told him He should kill him. Thats what is happening I think the LEOS need training in this new law. In Nov I will put in my app for a ccw. I will carry concealed when I get the permitt. I go to the range two times a week for a few hours with my friends. We have been going to the range for about two years now. I am a U.S.Marine VET.
I was a officer overseas in a county PD. served there for5 years then came home. Missed my family and the U.S.A. I was Young and wanted to see the world. What I saw was power, the people who have it make the rules.
The people who do not have it pay for it. except here power here is limited (Thank You CONGRESS and the first GOV Body. They knew what would happen if all the power was in the top peoples hands. AND ya know the top rich people have been chipping at the limites ever since. arming the people is the last stand when some buddy gets to big and powerful and rules over the people harshly he gets shot. History shows people will fight back if they have the means. even from a german concentration camp with their hands.
"to those who worship evil's might beware the power of my american 2amendment right."
No,there is a "citizen review" board called the Independant Police Review Authority in chicago. They do NOT know what its like in the street and have no clue the stresses and dangers. They are CIVILIANS whom,without any police experience whatsoever,can decide if an incident is justified or not. IPRA was politically appointed and its members are on their own personal agendas against the Chicago Police. IPRA goes to the scene of crimes,interferes with police investigations,contaminates crime scenes and DEMANDS that officers surrender their weapons to THEM when civilians are shot. If I was still working and a civilian asked me for my weapon,after I stopped laughing at him I would walk away. I do not believe that a "civilian review" panel can fairly and neutrally and objectively look at a police related incident. They are NOT the police and should NOT be allowed to interview,interrogate,or otherwise investigate the police.Nor should they have ANY say whatsoever in the disciplinary actions of the officer(s) involved.
No,police officers are sworn employees of a government entity. As such are NOT subject to a "citizen review" board. Sorry, I didnt answer to civilians when I and my mission team did what we were called to do,nor would I if I was still operating.Civilian review boards are inherently politically assigned with NO prior knowledge of police procedure or operations,have their own agendas as to politically correct policing, and do not by any stretch of the imagination have a clue about field operations. Given that,they should not be permitted to oversee police operations. We had a group in my city called "cop watch" that spend inordinate amounts of time following Police Officers around and filming them.They even tried to video my unit while conducting a drug surveillance. While it is good to have accountability,they more often then not interfered with and obstructed police operations. They stopped abruptly when their video equipment including tapes were taken as evidence in a crime investigation.
I have dealt with "civilian review" people who felt that our methods and tactics were 'more than what was needed'(regarding a forced entry to a known drug distribution area)I sat and patiently listened to all the questions,and comments and critiques. Funny thing about that review board,3 of the 5 members of it had criminal histories. Needless to say,that meeting ended with the police in the "win" column.
While you may feel that you should be able to delve into the actions and operations of the police,I will be the first to tell you first hand that under NO circumstance would I place in jeopardy any unit member or divulge any information to you about our operations or missions.I dont mean to hurt your feelings and good intentions but its none of your business. You can read about it in the paper like everyone else. Bottom line here is if you were to enter MY crime scene,you as well as the offender would be sitting in the back of my patrol car. And to your comment that police are civilians,If,in fact this is true,why then can the police arrest you and cause you to be charged with a crime?Its called police power NOT civilian powers.
I am not in a position to nor care to engage you in a debate over whom I report to(or in my case reported to) Suffice to say,the people I reported to were police. By all means I encourage you to form your little group and "review" what we do out there to keep you safe and protected. But before you decide to oversee any police operations and take any form of corrective actions, it might suit you well to go thru the academy,pass probation,and push a beat car around some god forsaken area of your city before YOU ever decide to critique ME.
Thank you for your comment.
Stay safe.
WE THE PEOPLE, The Constitution of the Unitied States, The Bill of rights,WW2, you ever hear any of these words.
Your post mad me madder than I have been in a long time. Police officers are sworn employees of a government entity, Do you remember what they swear to? do You know what the police are sworn to uphold? The law!
Not police procedures not to protect your fellow officers from the law. THE LAW!!! We the people.
The law belongs to all of us not just boys in blue. Guess what (if you were ever a cop) guess what happen if your were charged with a crime as a policeofficer? you go to federal court and a civil judge. You don't get to wear a uniform or carry a gun your just a citizen and if you were found guilt you went to a federal prison. We may not know the ways of the jedi-COPS but we know the law, you remember what you swore to up hold. You list your job as a armed security, well your arrogant, your anger is very open so if your were a cop your not now you lose your job? we have every right to see how the police serve us , You do agree right? the police should serve and protect? Well guess what cops who think they only have to fear or respect the top cop. forget He owes his job to a mayor or other offical we elect. because of tapes a lot of cops who think like you will go to jail. your conduct is reviewed by us? any american can make a complaint vs a policeofficer and if you think that the other police will always watch your back and lie guess again. In Federal court you guys sing like any other crook. I am so mad at your ****. you know the best police dept as far as stopping crime was the Nazies.
We americans and the world went to war with them and kicked their ass. You are so out there that you must have worked in canton. That cop was thinking he was god too look where it got him. we the people are going to make sure he gets his day in court
By the way I was a cop and I went to the academy and served 5 years on a force in the usa and 6 years overseas.
got hurt and now too old to serve, No cop i knew or saw would talk like you a real cop knows there are bad cops out there who need oversight. OH and your tag line is **** we came we saw we kicked their ass ect I Bet your overweight lived at home with your mom. and a virgin. I was a Marine sgt too i know about serving.
go watch your porn and play call of duty cause you live in a dream world. don't share it with us. PLEASE
There there there bunky unclench those fists and dry those eyes.

First off take your meds and put the flag away you are waving.
It is clear you are anti police. Pay attention to the post,
POLICE answer to POLICE not some holier than thou civilian.(Like YOU)
That is what internal affairs is for, NOT YOU.
that is what department policy is for NOT YOU
And I could care less how mad you get,its the way it is.
Be a good citizen and mind your business. You have NO business
being in any oversight committee.

Insofar as your juvenile comment about living with mommy,
please. I dont live with my mommy. I ride yours.
Now have a cup of cocoa and have mommy tuck you in and dry your tears.
Maybe when you wake up in the morning you will be in a better frame of mindbut I wont hold my breath on that one.
And as far as my signature is concerned(while I dont owe you an explanation,I felt you should know. It was a saying coined by one of our Watch Commanders for the public housing details in Chicago. Dont like it? Oh well.
When you reply with your masturbatory rantings (and you WILL respond,people like you cant take a spanking and shut up) Try to stay focused on Civilian Review Boards.Not WW2 or some tangent that you trip off on in your rant oops I mean reply.
And like I said, you want to oversee police or be in their business then become the police. Have mommy sign a note saying its "ok" for you to take the tests. When you become one, immediately apply for Internal Affairs. Then you can critique and arm chair quarterback police actions all you want. Until then,MYOB.

Night night bunky.:yu:
Cops with attitudes and no respect for the taxpayers who hire them are exactly why Cops are disrespected so often. Those with bad attitudes need be removed. Those who think it is cute to verbally abuse "civilians" need find another line of work. I've always had reasonable interactions with cops but I guarantee, if I ran into the power mad morons who think they make the laws and they are the only ones who should be armed, it would become my life's work to get them fired.

And childish whining on both sides contributes to the bad opinions that many of the foolish anti-gunners hold and certainly doesn't help our need and goal of actually following the Constitution including the Second Amendment.
I do not believe that a "civilian review" panel can fairly and neutrally and objectively look at a police related incident. They are NOT the police and should NOT be allowed to interview,interrogate,or otherwise investigate the police.Nor should they have ANY say whatsoever in the disciplinary actions of the officer(s) involved.

Well it seems that Internal Affairs or Internal reviews can't do the job either. Our court system trusts the citizens for jury duty so why shouldn't the police trust a citizens review? Is it because we haven't been taught the art of beating a suspect with a night stick while screaming stop resisting? You sir strike me as having that us ver's them attitude. How dare those lowly citizens think they can review us. This kind of attitude is part of the problem. What are you trying to hide?
I have absolutely nothing to hide. In my city they tried a Civilian Review board. Unfortunately for them they were severely limited. It was found later that they were politically placed with an agenda from the alderman. Much like the agenda of Lauren Cnare the Alder of Madison her anti gun mind block.
As far as Im concerned,they can have 10 Civilian Review boards. I report to my Lieutenant. Period.
There is nothing in my contract that says I have to cooperate with a CRB. And I wont. Maybe Im like this because my city is far more political and corrupt than yours. (Richard Daley ring a bell?) Im sure in ssmaller areas a CRB would be useful. A liaison between Police Management and the public. A buffer if you will. I would imagine with proper screening and what not, they might even be an asset.
I have absolutely nothing to hide. In my city they tried a Civilian Review board. Unfortunately for them they were severely limited. It was found later that they were politically placed with an agenda from the alderman. Much like the agenda of Lauren Cnare the Alder of Madison her anti gun mind block.
As far as Im concerned,they can have 10 Civilian Review boards. I report to my Lieutenant. Period.
There is nothing in my contract that says I have to cooperate with a CRB. And I wont. Maybe Im like this because my city is far more political and corrupt than yours. (Richard Daley ring a bell?) Im sure in ssmaller areas a CRB would be useful. A liaison between Police Management and the public. A buffer if you will. I would imagine with proper screening and what not, they might even be an asset.

I do not claim that all cops are bad. Having family members that served on the force and working with them in a official capacity when I was a medic I have seen both good and bad. Most were pleasant to work with and respect was a two way street however I have seen them IMO cross the line before.

I am not suggesting that police report to a CRB either. They should report to their SO. The CRB should participate in a AAR type capacity if a complaint is filed or the death of a suspect occurs. If the CRB or an internal review is politically motivated, biased or tainted in any way then it defeats the purpose and is harmful to the overall health and well being of the community for which they serve.
.But true enough most civilian review boards ARE tainted.Some far more than others. Good luck getting yours going. Contact your local Alder. Im sure they will be more than happy to assist you.
the only thing I dont agree at all with reviewing the death of a suspect. Be it a shoot or while in custody that is a matter for (in your case) the DOJ(assuming you are in Wisconsin) and under NO circumstance should they have investigatory powers over a police related duty related shooting. Unless they have taken the EXACT SAME gun and use of force training as the officer involved,you cant honestly expect them to be able to make a fair impartial judgement. Aside from that can review all you want. After my Lt clears it for you to see.
Cute red lettering.

When you post what I say please post my quote. Not your edit of it.

Aside from that remember, I protect YOUR rights as well as mine.
You may not like that and I could care less but bottom line here is
review all you want after my Lt. clears you to do so.

Sad how the liberals infiltrate this blog.
when you want to review the police BECOME the police.
Take care.
cortchubby:226427 said:
First off take your meds and put the flag away you are waving.
It is clear you are anti police. Pay attention to the post,
POLICE answer to POLICE not some holier than thou civilian.(Like YOU)
That is what internal affairs is for, NOT YOU.
that is what department policy is for NOT YOU
And I could care less how mad you get,its the way it is.
Be a good citizen and mind your business. You have NO business
being in any oversight committee.

Insofar as your juvenile comment about living with mommy,
please. I dont live with my mommy. I ride yours.
Now have a cup of cocoa and have mommy tuck you in and dry your tears.
Maybe when you wake up in the morning you will be in a better frame of mindbut I wont hold my breath on that one.
And as far as my signature is concerned(while I dont owe you an explanation,I felt you should know. It was a saying coined by one of our Watch Commanders for the public housing details in Chicago. Dont like it? Oh well.
When you reply with your masturbatory rantings (and you WILL respond,people like you cant take a spanking and shut up) Try to stay focused on Civilian Review Boards.Not WW2 or some tangent that you trip off on in your rant oops I mean reply.
And like I said, you want to oversee police or be in their business then become the police. Have mommy sign a note saying its "ok" for you to take the tests. When you become one, immediately apply for Internal Affairs. Then you can critique and arm chair quarterback police actions all you want. Until then,MYOB.

Night night bunky.:yu:

You are clearly part of the reason the public has such disdain for LE. As much as you'd like to think your above the law and part of some para military organization, YOU ARE A CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER and apparently one who clings to the us vs them mentality instead of being part of your community. You are answerable to many civilians, including your mayor, governer, state AG, judges, state reps and your state senators. See they have authority over your boss and you, might want to reconsider that mentality of yours.
You report to your Lieutenant who reports to his Captain who reports to his Police Chief who reports to the Mayor who reports to us, the civilians.

I support and respect Law Enforcement, but your attitude concerns me. Remember not all of us are sheep.
Yawn. Ok Example. Come to an incident I am assigned to and start "Reviewing" what is being done there.
THE moment you interfere with an on going police investigation or fail to heed the dispersal order....BINGO...Arrest for Obstruction.Again while CRB is a good thing in SOME cases,you WILL wait until the police investigation is over,the scene cleared for civilian re-entry,and police command has been notified.
You might not like it but its the way it is and will be.
Take care.

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