AL is a may issue State so the issuing Sheriff can make the rules. However if you are visiting AL and carrying on a recognized or reciprocal CCW, you can do whatever State law does not explicitly prohibit. AL sheriffs do not have the authority to revoke a CCW they didn't issue.
MI is what I call a dry State. .02 to .08 and you may get your MI CPL suspended and pay a $100 fine; .02 is roughly one drink. However it's a civil infraction if you're carrying in MI on a recognized or reciprocal CCW. MI county gun boards do not have the authority to suspend or revoke a license or permit they did not issue. Unless you're convicted of a crime, the issuing jurisdiction of a shall issue State will just give you your license or permit back or worst case they sit on it and you just report it lost or stolen and get another one from the issuing jurisdiction. However, there is caution with may issue States, they may revoke it.
However it is a civil infraction so nothing will happen to you other than paying a fine if you're .02 to .08 under
MCL 28.425k.
I'm in Nevada where liquor is easier to get than water in many parts of the State; it's .10 BAC in Nevada per
NRS 202.257. It's a misdemeanor. However you will most likely lose your NV CFP if convicted. You'll also lose the firearm if you endangered others with it while intoxicated. If you have any other States you'll likely lose those too, especially CT and UT.
I also have a European philosophy with respect to alcohol. One or two will not hurt you if you're in reasonably good health especially if you have them with a meal. I also acknowledge that if you do have any trace of alcohol in your system, it can be used against you if you're in a motor vehicle accident or other justifiably use your firearm in self defense.
When States start having the absolute prohibition attitude with respect to driving, which will never happen as it will affect many industries especially tourism, then I will have it with respect to carrying. DUI is the predominate public safety threat.
The only reason it's still .10 BAC in Nevada is our State legislature hasn't gotten around to lowering it to .08 BAC. The only incident that I have heard of with someone being intoxicated with a firearm was with an FBI agent at a casino. He went into a restaurant freezer and shot up a case of frozen lobsters with his service pistol. I think it happened at the Gold Coast. It made the news. I believe the incident happened a few years ago.