Internment Camps ?


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Have Interment camps been built or not? You decide.

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Glenn Beck says they're not real, so that must be the truth.:lazy2:

Seriously though, if anyone were to take a few minutes to do an internet search, they would see that they are very real.

But why would the government be building "internment" camps? Perhaps to detain large numbers of citizens during martial law? Why would the government want to do that to it's own people? They couldn't possibly have any bad intentions, after all this is America...right? Auschwitz was because of Hitler, that couldn't happen again anywhere else...right?
Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin actually wrote a book on this in 2004 entitled, "In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror." I have no problem scrutinizing people with Arab or Muslim sounding names more closely than you would an elderly nun, but internment? No way no how can you justify taking away the property of and sending to internment camps people who've done nothing wrong. It was wrong during World War II, it was wrong during the early days of this country when the Natives were put on reservations, and it would be wrong today.
And as often as history has repeated itself in this matter, I won't be at all surprised when the "round up" begins for "the greater good."

That's another 'wake up call' America. Take back our Gov't. :mad:
They are not internment camps

They are FEMA camps. It is just a coincidence that the barbed wire points in and not out.
Those aren't chimneys there uh...uh really old fashione cell phone towers yeah...that's it...cell phone towers

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin actually wrote a book on this in 2004 entitled, "In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror." I have no problem scrutinizing people with Arab or Muslim sounding names more closely than you would an elderly nun, but internment? No way no how can you justify taking away the property of and sending to internment camps people who've done nothing wrong. It was wrong during World War II, it was wrong during the early days of this country when the Natives were put on reservations, and it would be wrong today.

article6 of the bill of rights states"the rights of the people to be secure in there persons,houses,papers,and effects,against unreasonable searches and seizures,shal not be violated,and no warrents shall insure,but on probable cause,supported by oath or affermation,and particularly describing the place to be searched,and the persons or things to be seized. and a part of article 7, nor be deprived of life,liberty,or property without due process of law,nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. i belive the founding fathers knew what they were doing!:angry:
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FEMA Facilities Hidden In Plain Site
For Immediate Release
Contact Debbie Morgan, [email protected]

Columbia, MO, December 15, 2010 - There have been reports that a multi-million dollar government facility is being built in Wichita KS to house military and the national guard, and it will also be used by FEMA as emergency housing in case of emergency. Is there really a need for FEMA to build new facilities? Past recent history says there is not.

In the most recent Lewis/Franchi production, Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2, Oklahoma City resident and talk radio host James Lane shows viewers a different use for old, empty buildings: emergency housing for FEMA. During the Hurricane Gustav disaster, the Lucent Technologies Building, in Oklahoma City, was used to house hurricane refugees from Louisiana and Texas. Lane's concern, however, stemmed from how easily this particular building could be "locked down." In light of the possible quarantining of individuals during a biological attack, emergency or disaster, this particular facility is quite alarming. It is completely fenced, with barbed wire on the tops of the fencing, with turnstile entry and very limited entry and exit points. It did not help matters that there was rail access just a few feet away.

Lewis and Franchi have received several e-mails about FEMA facilities; from towers going up all over Charlotte NC, to FEMA adding on to a school in Augusta KS, to the new facility being built in Wichita, KS, to a former army infantryman reporting that, during training at AP Hill, he and others witnessed a huge prison-like facility on the base. In Seymour, CT, FEMA held a class on disasters and emergencies and handed out "homework" for the students...the filling out of FEMA documents that the concerned parent says were "very intrusive" and that they requested "very personal information."

Other topics and questions covered in Enemy of the State include the disturbing training of local and state police officers by the Department of Homeland Security, the roll the SPLC plays in government information and their demonization of the Oath Keepers, the part the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act plays in local and state responses to emergencies and much more.

For more information and to see teasers of the new film, please visit Camp FEMA: Evidence of Internment Camps in America


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