Interesting FBI Study

Weapon Choice:

Predominately handguns were used in the assaults on officers and all but one were obtained illegally, usually in street transactions or in thefts. In contrast to media myth, none of the firearms in the study was obtained from gun shows. What was available "was the overriding factor in weapon choice," the report says. Only 1 offender hand-picked a particular gun "because he felt it would do the most damage to a human being."

Researcher Davis, in a presentation and discussion for the International Assn. of Chiefs of Police, noted that none of the attackers interviewed was "hindered by any law--federal, state or local--that has ever been established to prevent gun ownership. They just laughed at gun laws."

Why doesn't that surprise me.

This is pretty scary. I need to get some more practice in. Shooting and drawing. I know I need to be much more observant. I tend to not notice things around me and realize this is nothing but stupid.
Even though this study was done regarding Law Enforcement, it certainly has application to the individual with a CCW! ;)
Very good article. One thing that always bothered me about LEO training, at least in this state, is the percentage of accuracy they need.

As an armored car messenger I was required to shoot my handgun with 80% accuracy.

The local police only need to qualify at 70%. Why? One would think it would be best for the cops to be better shots than the armored car personel, wouldn't you think?
That was a good read, I am surprised that Evan Marshall would make that article available, It seems that the only Info he wants to share are his grandiose opinions, or those of his flunkies
That was a good read, I am surprised that Evan Marshall would make that article available, It seems that the only Info he wants to share are his grandiose opinions, or those of his flunkies

He does love his little brown nosin' groopies doesn't he? :rolleyes:

It does provide food for thought for the average citizen also.Ecspecially the info on body posture used by most criminals that carry or the way they dress.I think no matter where you live,we have probably seen this behavior,but never really thought too much about it.
Interesting. especially about the accuracy and practice. Looks like we could all learn from that article in many ways. I am gonna print it and throw it in the P.D. substation in the E.R. for my buddies to see when they come on.
I have put the link in my favorites for future reference.

You never know when you will need this information. :D


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