Interesting Day at the Dog Park


Jesus - Our Greatest HOPE
I took my 3 1/2 year old Golden to the dog park today and there was a lady there with a crippled Shepard-Lab mix. I asked her what had happened to the dog and she informed me that it was a rescue dog that had been shot with a "hollow point" bullet. She went on to say that the guy must have been some type of survivalist, otherwise why would he need "hollow point" bullets.

I tried to explain to her the concept of self defense and that you should not shot anything that you do not want to destroy and that when your life was in danger you want to stop the threat as quickly as possible.

Needless to say it was a lost cause.
Ahh, maybe she was a lost cause but we never stop trying, do we? And at least she had enuf heart to adopt a rescue dog.
Ahh, maybe she was a lost cause but we never stop trying, do we? And at least she had enuf heart to adopt a rescue dog.

I tried to explain to her that it wasn't the ammo that was used but that the dog should not have been shot at all if it was not a threat. You don't shoot a dog for just being on your property.
Could the dog have been victim of some pointless shooting by some moron that felt the need to shoot for no reason? Sure it is possible, however I feel unlikely. Was the dog shot because he was just sitting there minding his own business? Probably not. I would of not even bothered getting into it with her because it is a loose loose situation because she is not going to understand because in her mind, the dog was innocent no matter what. Gotta love people like her. Best of luck to her and her dog.
too bad it was a lost cause. some people just refuse to listen to sound reasoning. but good job for trying to educate.

and I guess all law enforcement are just a bunch of survivalists.
For someone to shoot the dog is sad. For her to make an off handed remark about the shooter being a survivalist and about the type of ammo shows ignorance on her part.
most likely it was a justified shoot. if not she would have said something about the guy now being in jail(unless she knew nothing about it). It is sometimes easier to explain a justified shoot against a human than a dog. And you go to jail for shooting a dog just as fast as a human (at least now days).
most likely it was a justified shoot. if not she would have said something about the guy now being in jail(unless she knew nothing about it). It is sometimes easier to explain a justified shoot against a human than a dog. And you go to jail for shooting a dog just as fast as a human (at least now days).

Now days, you'd probably go faster for shooting the dog.:wacko:
Remember, her ignorance is probably not her fault. She has been brainwashed for all of her life. We need to be gentle, non-judgemental, and compassionate with her. She may have had a family memeber or friend who was killed in a drive by, we do not know her trauma.

How I think we should approach something like this is to say something like "People use hollowpoints so the bullets don't go through walls and kill the kids in the next room, they're actually safer."

It will probably not get a positive response, but by staying friendly, pleasant and not trying to shove it down their throats, we become "that nice person who might like guns" rather than a gun nut. And, we might find someone who is willing to listen. Use pleasant reason not passion and paranoia.
Remember, her ignorance is probably not her fault. She has been brainwashed for all of her life. We need to be gentle, non-judgemental, and compassionate with her. She may have had a family memeber or friend who was killed in a drive by, we do not know her trauma.

How I think we should approach something like this is to say something like "People use hollowpoints so the bullets don't go through walls and kill the kids in the next room, they're actually safer."

It will probably not get a positive response, but by staying friendly, pleasant and not trying to shove it down their throats, we become "that nice person who might like guns" rather than a gun nut. And, we might find someone who is willing to listen. Use pleasant reason not passion and paranoia.

Well stated!
Remember, her ignorance is probably not her fault. She has been brainwashed for all of her life. We need to be gentle, non-judgemental, and compassionate with her. She may have had a family memeber or friend who was killed in a drive by, we do not know her trauma.

How I think we should approach something like this is to say something like "People use hollowpoints so the bullets don't go through walls and kill the kids in the next room, they're actually safer."

It will probably not get a positive response, but by staying friendly, pleasant and not trying to shove it down their throats, we become "that nice person who might like guns" rather than a gun nut. And, we might find someone who is willing to listen. Use pleasant reason not passion and paranoia.

Good points. We need to correct misguided oppinions but in a way that will not give them more reason to think we are a bunch of nuts.
Just this last weekend I had to explain about hollow points to my future mother-in-law. She was ignorant of the fact that they are essential in a self-defense gun because, like most, she has only gotten her information about guns from the media. It took a little explaining about stopping power and what not but she now understands why mine and her daughter's guns are loaded with JHP's.
Just this last weekend I had to explain about hollow points to my future mother-in-law. She was ignorant of the fact that they are essential in a self-defense gun because, like most, she has only gotten her information about guns from the media. It took a little explaining about stopping power and what not but she now understands why mine and her daughter's guns are loaded with JHP's.

My favorite response from people is "Why do you need cop killer bullets?" I usually do not even respond to these people.
My favorite response from people is "Why do you need cop killer bullets?" I usually do not even respond to these people.

these are probably the people who need the proper response the most. otherwise they will just keep getting their misguided info from the wrong sources.

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