Information page slightly misleading - should be changed, I think


New member
The main page for Vermont says you must:

"1. Be of age. In the state of Vermont, that age is 16 or older. You must be at least 16 years of age to legally purchase a gun and keep it loaded on your person in public.
2. Obtain permission from a parent or guardian to carry a gun if you're under the age of 16. Failure to do so may result in being deemed a delinquent child by the state."

To the uninformed reader 1) makes it sound like you must be 16 or older to carry a loaded gun in public. But this is false. If you are under 16 you may carry a loaded gun in public with permission from your parents, as we see from 2) and the actual legislation.

I think this should be corrected as it would tend to mislead. Careful readers of the whole page will see that it is self-contradictory and go read the actual law to see the actual position, but less careful ones would get the wrong impression.

I realize that federal law stands in the way in most circumstances for people under 18, but this is not even mentioned in the page either.
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I've read this a few times and still can't figure out what is misleading. I am stating exactly what you say is misleading and should be corrected.
What I find is misleading is that wyoming idaho and florida honor vermonts permit.
I would like clarification on how this is done since Vermont does not issue permits?
Unless that has changed ..if so how about some info on where a vt citizen can acquire a permit?
What I find is misleading is that wyoming idaho and florida honor vermonts permit.
I would like clarification on how this is done since Vermont does not issue permits?
Unless that has changed ..if so how about some info on where a vt citizen can acquire a permit?

Vermont honors FL permits. The reverse is not true. Here's the quote from the Div. of Licensing website:

The State of VERMONT is unique in that it does not issue weapon/firearms licenses. Florida licensees - indeed, licensed or unlicensed citizens from any state - may carry in Vermont. This presents a problem for reciprocity with Florida. Florida law provides that an out-of-state resident must have in his or her immediate possession a valid license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. Since Vermont residents have no such license, the right to concealed carry cannot be extended to them under Florida law.
Vermont honors FL permits. The reverse is not true. Here's the quote from the Div. of Licensing website:

The State of VERMONT is unique in that it does not issue weapon/firearms licenses. Florida licensees - indeed, licensed or unlicensed citizens from any state - may carry in Vermont. This presents a problem for reciprocity with Florida. Florida law provides that an out-of-state resident must have in his or her immediate possession a valid license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. Since Vermont residents have no such license, the right to concealed carry cannot be extended to them under Florida law.

My thoughts exactly.Why it is misleading is that the reciprocity map shows idaho wyoming and florida as honoring vermonts permit.We honor all permits because "we don't need no stinking permit" LOL
But how can those 3 states honor a permit that does not exist?
Go to the reciprocity map and click on vermont.