Indianapolis Zoo


New member
Taking the girlfriend to the Indianapolis Zoo and wanted to know if CCW is allowed there. From what I have read, CCW is allowed in IN state parks, and the Zoo is in White River State Park. It appears OK to me.

Anyone have any insight or special information to provide?



I haven't checked, but does Indiana give legal force to places/businesses that post "no guns allowed" signs?
It varies from state to state. In some places those signs have the force of law behind them. In others, you can ignore them, but you must leave if asked or you could be faced with trespassing charges.
I can find anything in the statutes that gives any weight to business that post signs. There is no mention of ways to properly post signs or anything (that I can find). I was hoping a Indiana native might be able to shed some light on this issue.

Indianapolis bans fire arms in city parks. More problematic is the state law dealing with schools and property being used by schools.

1. In or On School Property.
2. On a school bus
3. In or on property that is being used by a school for a school function

To paraphrase a book on Indiana fire arms law " there is absolutely no case law to determine parameters regarding facilities being used by a school" so unless you feel like being the test case for Indiana law I would suggest discretion is the better part of valor.

The good news is that the zoo pretty safe so is the circle center area downtown. I carry when I am down town, but would not feel it unsafe to take my family to the zoo unarmed. Getting to those areas can be tricky, but once you are there things are OK
As to normal businesses the signs have no force of law. If you are confronted and refuse to leave it is trespassing.
Indianapolis bans fire arms in city parks. More problematic is the state law dealing with schools and property being used by schools.

1. In or On School Property.
2. On a school bus
3. In or on property that is being used by a school for a school function

To paraphrase a book on Indiana fire arms law " there is absolutely no case law to determine parameters regarding facilities being used by a school" so unless you feel like being the test case for Indiana law I would suggest discretion is the better part of valor.

The good news is that the zoo pretty safe so is the circle center area downtown. I carry when I am down town, but would not feel it unsafe to take my family to the zoo unarmed. Getting to those areas can be tricky, but once you are there things are OK

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM...that is something to consider. That makes it seem like if a school field trip involved walking to a nearby location, then the sidewalk becomes an area where the carrying of a firearm is prohibited. I certainly didnt consider this when i carried at the zoo, however it was during the summer, when school is out. Still what previous posters have said is correct, the no gun signs on business properties have no legal bearing in Indiana. You still have to leave if they tell you too.
It's not that the people at the zoo are dangerous, it's the lions and tigers and bears......OH MY!!!
So....what if the school has taken a field trip to the Zoo?....does that then fall under "property being used by the school for school function"?
That is the grey area ... as of now, I don't know of any cases where that portion of the law was used or tested so without cases to provide interpretation you take the risk of being the "test case" which means you get the privilege of going through the court system and paying the lawyers to try to prove your point.

Basically since the zoo is covered by other "laws" I doubt they would try to use that one unless they really want to screw with you personally, but it is something to be aware of. More worrying for us here in Indiana is if we get tripped up by local LEO who try to use that if we are at a local McDonalds when a school field trip comes by, or other places that would not be thought of as a school function, but qualify on that day.

More of a political worry then anything else. Most of the local communities with the exception of some of the metropolitan areas are fairly civilian carry friendly. In fact the Boone Co sheriffs office is tied into the local "Gunsite Academy" (affiliated with Gunsite in Arizona) in their off duty time and provide some really top notch training for the public.

There is a book that I recommend for those who live or plan to CC in Indiana. "Indiana Handgun Law 2nd Edition" by Bryan Lee Ciyou, Esq. ISBN# 978-0-9786276-9-0. It not only walks you through the specific laws for Indiana it gives you a baclground on how to interpret the legalese that has helped me puzzle out the meanings of the laws in other states when I will be traveling.

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