Lookee what I just found after being directed there from the
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus - ConcealedCampus.org website:
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That kinda puts a stake in the heart of the idea that colleges and universities, etc. are out of bounds on a federal basis, if the example of Utah didn't do so. And, if it passes, you can debate about what the meaning of the word "school" is until the cows come home. With that single, simple sentence enshrined into Indiana code, "A state educational institution may not regulate in any manner the ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms or ammunition.", the debate will be over.
I guess one can argue over what the meaning of "state educational institution" is.
We definitely want to get writing to our state Senators about this one. It was introduced by Sen. Nugent (sadly named Johnny, not Ted, cause how cool would that be?), R-43, from . Sadly, last year's SB. 66, prohibitting employers from prohibitting you from exercising your RKBA on your way to or from work went to the Committee on the Judiciary to die. SB.12 currently has 12 coauthors:
Jim Buck (R-21), Mike Delph (R-29), Brandt Hershmann (R-7), Dennis Kruse (R-14), Sue Landske (R-6), Jean Leising (R-42), Brent Steele (R-44), Marlin Stutzman (R-13), Greg Walker (R-41), Brent Waltz (R-36), John W. Waterman (R-39), and Michael Young (R-35)
that's 26% of the Indiana Senate right there. 12 more Senators and passage out of the Senate is assured and we can worry about how it would fare the House.
If your State Senator is on that list, please send them a letter thanking them for their support of your RKBA. If your senator is not on that list, please sent them a letter asking them for their support. If you don't know who your legislative (State or Federal) representation is, and you live in Indiana, go here
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Here's a copy of the message I sent to Skinner: (replace the italicized portions to suit your Senator and yourself)
I would like to bring to your attention the existence of SB. 12 regarding possession of firearms at state universities. As a representative of the district which encompasses RHIT, ISU, and SMWC, your position on this vital bill is of the utmost value. As a resident of your district, and an alumna of ISU and IU, I urge you to sign on as a coauthor of this bill which simply seeks to harmonize the regulations regarding the legal carrying of firearms while on college campuses with the same modes of carry off-campus by individuals who have already been vetted by the State of Indiana for criminal background and mental health issues and been found to be in possession of none.
When students so licensed to carry a personal protection sidearm in public leave their homes to go to class, they are legal, yet university after university passes student codes of conduct and school policies which seek to prohibit them from carrying their legally owned and possessed sidearms on campus under penalty of expulsion from the institution. This terrorism upon licensed gun carriers must stop.
In this day and age where gun-free victim zones are more and more being targetted by people with a motive for mayhem, the students, faculty, and visitors to our state's institutions of higher learning can no longer be expected to stand idly by nor should they consent to be disarmed.
These school rules against licensed gun owners do nothing to keep illegal guns off our college campuses. They only serve to keep the legal guns at home, or locked in cars parked on the street.
Please help to pass SB. 12.
Thank you.