Personally, I use a fanny pack mostly while driving on road trips....more comfortable than any kind of body carry (IMHO).
However, I do live in South Florida where fanny packs are NOT an uncommon sight. If I do happen to wear mine, I doubt too many people (except for fellow gun nuts) instantly assume I'm carrying a firearm....after all, I look like what I am...a middle-aged guy with greying hair and a goatee....not exactly an obvious threat.
I have, accidentally, worn my pistol exposed (my shirt tail got caught behind the grip and I forgot to check when I got out of my car) and walked around without anyone seeming to notice, and no cops being called to the "man with a gun", here is a state that does not allow open carry.....people REALLY don't notice.
However, I do live in South Florida where fanny packs are NOT an uncommon sight. If I do happen to wear mine, I doubt too many people (except for fellow gun nuts) instantly assume I'm carrying a firearm....after all, I look like what I am...a middle-aged guy with greying hair and a goatee....not exactly an obvious threat.
I have, accidentally, worn my pistol exposed (my shirt tail got caught behind the grip and I forgot to check when I got out of my car) and walked around without anyone seeming to notice, and no cops being called to the "man with a gun", here is a state that does not allow open carry.....people REALLY don't notice.