Incident while carrying concealed with a fanny pack.

Personally, I use a fanny pack mostly while driving on road trips....more comfortable than any kind of body carry (IMHO).

However, I do live in South Florida where fanny packs are NOT an uncommon sight. If I do happen to wear mine, I doubt too many people (except for fellow gun nuts) instantly assume I'm carrying a firearm....after all, I look like what I am...a middle-aged guy with greying hair and a goatee....not exactly an obvious threat.

I have, accidentally, worn my pistol exposed (my shirt tail got caught behind the grip and I forgot to check when I got out of my car) and walked around without anyone seeming to notice, and no cops being called to the "man with a gun", here is a state that does not allow open carry.....people REALLY don't notice.
Yeah, that's why criminals always shoot cops (/sarcasm off). Have you noticed that uniformed cops open carry? Don't you think that most criminals would wait or go somewhere else rather than intentionally get into a gun battle?

No one will ever know how many times a criminal changes his mind about a hold up when he sees someone open carrying. There was an incident down South early last year where several criminals cased a White Castle, saw some open carriers present, and waited until they left before doing the hold up.

It's only a myth that open carrying will cause you to get shot first. A myth without any data to back it up. I'm not pushing open carry, but these silly myths need to be addressed.
Cops get ambushed all the time. Most of the time it's not reported- there are legit reasons for that. My Sgt was bounced a month ago. First Sgt also bounced recently. One had a brick, one had a blade. One dumped something into a sewer inlet, but we don't know what. Fourth one unarmed. Also, look up the incident in Lakewood, WA. Link Removed
Link Removed
Some BG hate anyone in uniform. Period. Sorry you got bad info.
For us, it's not getting any better. We just had a major training about that. We are not required to travel in pairs. No options.
I will keep looking for my civilian OC issues. Just need time to sort through my stuff.
White Castle

I remember this case- yes, we are required to study these cases.
No one will ever know how many times a criminal changes his mind about a hold up when he sees someone open carrying. There was an incident down South early last year where several criminals cased a White Castle, saw some open carriers present, and waited until they left before doing the hold up.
I will try to find those links, too. You are absolutely right about that one. I also saw it on some reality TV show (Most Daring?) Let me look for that one, too.
Good call...
48 replies to a thread about FANNY PACKS?? OMG! But then again I read them all!! What does that sayt about me? OH and Yes I have a fanny pack, But my GUN doesn't go in there...
I was targeted

Please cite examples where someone OC'ing (or with a fanny pack)has been targeted. I OC all the time in WA with never any problem. I would love to have a link for the videos you speak of.
I was targeted. Me. You're talking to one. I was in a restaurant and two State Troopers came up to me and asked what was in my pack. I told them what was in there, then they asked me for ID. Ok. They were happy and walked away. No problem.
I am still looking for the other videos. I have hundreds to look through. Bear with me.
I was targeted. Me. You're talking to one. I was in a restaurant and two State Troopers came up to me and asked what was in my pack. I told them what was in there, then they asked me for ID. Ok. They were happy and walked away. No problem.
I am still looking for the other videos. I have hundreds to look through. Bear with me.

I'll deviate from the topic a bit. Do I understand correctly? Two cops walk up to you for no reason, without provocation, and start an interrogation? Or is there more to this story? Just curious because while I don't talk back to LEOs, I'm not sure I wouldn't have asked them why they were interested, at least after they were done with me.
IMO there is absolutely no good reason for a straight man to wear a fanny pack. EVER. ;-D

IMO, there is absolutely no good reason for a straight man not to do whatever the hell the Constitution permits him to, including wearing a "fanny pack". Y'all just need to grow a pair. If you're going to carry a gun, you need to forget worrying about other peoples opinions of you, because self confidence without being arrogant or swaggering is important in not HAVING to use your gun as a substitute for your nads!
IMO, there is absolutely no good reason for a straight man not to do whatever the hell the Constitution permits him to, including wearing a "fanny pack". Y'all just need to grow a pair. If you're going to carry a gun, you need to forget worrying about other peoples opinions of you, because self confidence without being arrogant or swaggering is important in not HAVING to use your gun as a substitute for your nads!
I don't worry about what other people think of me. The only person I ever worried about convincing of my manhood is celebrating our 30th anniversary with me next month, so I could care less what anyone else thinks. Maybe those obsessed with it are having troubles with theirs. I don't know. But fanny packs/belly packs were never designed exclusively for females. Beats me where people ever got that idea. But if they're worried about their manhood, I guess that could be a problem for them. I'm just not worried about mine.
Open carry is inviting trouble. Anti-gun people have harassed a friend of mine several times. He insists on OC even though he gets harassed. (BTW: we live right near Columbine HS. Guns are a major issue here for obvious reasons) If you OC and go into a convenience store (example) and bg comes to rob the place, he's going to see your gun and shoot you before you have a chance to react. I've seen videos on that. Fanny pack is a visible mans of carry and bg knows that. They read all the same magazines and websites we read. They're not stupid (unfortunately).

I carry open almost exclusively, and most people (80%+) don't notice a 3" S&W 686 on my hip, so I doubt they would have any inkling that there is a gun in a fanny pack. It is usually not something the "non-carry" public even considers.
Open carry is illegal in many places. That’s a problem, too. Like I said earlier, OC makes you a fast target for BG.

I am in NC and can open carry anywhere you can carry concealed and at least one place you can't. I know I have to make other arrangements if I travel to certain states, but it is not something I often do. NC and occassionally to visit family in VA.

End Quote

As for Open Carry inviting trouble .......... I disagree, trouble has a tendency to find a new location when an open carrier shows up ............. follow me into a convenience store a few times and you will see what I mean. I cannot find any evidence of an open carrier being targeted first so I will continue to go with the easiest access I can get, but I have 100% respect for everyone choosing for him or her self, how to carry.
As per fudo's post > > >Q. If you were a street thug, what is the first thing you would take from your victims?
A. Their bag of valuables. i.e. fanny pack. Now this may pose a problem for me. Lots of times I carry a "pocket" gun. That would be an LCP.
I wear a t-shirt and shorts. The only place I could carry any valuables would be in my remaining pants pockets. Now I am willing to bet that more then 95% of guys out there carry their wallet in their pants pocket. (front pocket being best to guard against pick-pockets.) Most street criminals know this to be true. So since it was pointed out that a "fanny" or "waist" pack would be the first thing a criminal would go for it makes me think that if you are not wearing such a pack the criminal would go for your pants. So to avoid this I will not wear a "waist pack" or pants!!!!:sarcastic::wacko::dance3:
open carry, fanny packs, etc

As per fudo's post > > >Q. If you were a street thug, what is the first thing you would take from your victims?
A. Their bag of valuables. i.e. fanny pack. Now this may pose a problem for me. Lots of times I carry a "pocket" gun. That would be an LCP.
I wear a t-shirt and shorts. The only place I could carry any valuables would be in my remaining pants pockets. Now I am willing to bet that more then 95% of guys out there carry their wallet in their pants pocket. (front pocket being best to guard against pick-pockets.) Most street criminals know this to be true. So since it was pointed out that a "fanny" or "waist" pack would be the first thing a criminal would go for it makes me think that if you are not wearing such a pack the criminal would go for your pants. So to avoid this I will not wear a "waist pack" or pants!!!!:sarcastic::wacko::dance3:
VERY good point. That's why I like the Kholster and Crossbreed holsters so much. I can carry regardless of what clothes I'm wearing.
There is a product that is compression shorts with a holster attached at the 5 o'clock position. I just don't like to carry at that position. I would rather carry at the 3 o'clock. I also like a forward rake to better conceal the grip. Does anyone know about a similar product (shorts/underwear) where I can re-position the holster anywhere I want it?
I'll deviate from the topic a bit. Do I understand correctly? Two cops walk up to you for no reason, without provocation, and start an interrogation? Or is there more to this story? Just curious because while I don't talk back to LEOs, I'm not sure I wouldn't have asked them why they were interested, at least after they were done with me.
Sorry I missed your question- Yes, they can just walk up to you and ask to see your permit. They are not supposed to do this, but it happens all the time. If that happens, you are not concealing very well, however, and bg knows about packs just as much as we do.
I was working a street fair and a guy walks past us with his gun OC. We didn't approach him, but we hung back and watched for a minute or two (literally). We just want to know that he's not going to 'go Tucson' on us.
As far as talking back to them, no, I agree that this is a very bad idea. If you are approached, just show them your permit. If they ask to see the permit, just say "ok, sure." and let them see it. Chances are they will say "ok. Thanks" and that would be the end of it. If they give you some sort of lecture or tip, just listen politely and don't talk back. You are very right on that thought.
Sorry I missed your question- Yes, they can just walk up to you and ask to see your permit. They are not supposed to do this, but it happens all the time. If that happens, you are not concealing very well, however, and bg knows about packs just as much as we do.
I was working a street fair and a guy walks past us with his gun OC. We didn't approach him, but we hung back and watched for a minute or two (literally). We just want to know that he's not going to 'go Tucson' on us.
As far as talking back to them, no, I agree that this is a very bad idea. If you are approached, just show them your permit. If they ask to see the permit, just say "ok, sure." and let them see it. Chances are they will say "ok. Thanks" and that would be the end of it. If they give you some sort of lecture or tip, just listen politely and don't talk back. You are very right on that thought.

Interesting that the police do this where you are. While I am not offering any inference I am reminded of past and present govts that stop citizens for no legal reasons. I suggest we are seeing an elevated police state atmosphere in many parts of the US and this seems like one example.
re: LE questions

Interesting that the police do this where you are. While I am not offering any inference I am reminded of past and present govts that stop citizens for no legal reasons. I suggest we are seeing an elevated police state atmosphere in many parts of the US and this seems like one example.
I see your point. It makes sense, however, as long as they are not documenting my name, address, etc as a formal stop, I don't have a problem with a simple question. They didn't call anyone or document the stop. All they did was ask if I had a permit.
The reason I don't worry about it too much this way, is because we have seen people carrying who have felony warrants and also carrying drugs. Some of them had just left some sort of crime scene. I just want to remind everyone that we are upstanding and responsible citizens. Not everyone carrying a gun is a 'good guy' like we are. I've been shot once and stabbed once. Those were enough. I won't be disappointed if I end up saying the same thing at 80 years old.
"Nothing screams "gun" as much as a fanny pack"

Or an untucked shirt tail ;-) Seriously, when in Walmart and I see someone with an untucked shirt tail, I wonder if they are carrying.

However we carry, we think it is obvious to everyone else. Yes, it might be noticed by a cop or another carrier, but most non gun people just do not notice....and so what if they do? As has been observed by many people who open carry, most people are totally oblivious to a fully exposed gun on a hip. Do you think those same people think "gun" when they see a fanny pack? I don't think so.
I don't tuck in my shirt tails because I'm a slob, not because I'm packing....LOL
I found a good substitute for a fanny pack... Home depot sells a three tool holder pouch, made by Husky.. It goes on your belt and has a cell phone pocket on the front, it also has a pocket perfect for my Mag on the front.. The main pocket covers most of my mid size Mauser 1934... I took a peice of black cloth and folded it over the remaining exposed portion of the gun.. I keep my shirt untucked and it looks like I got a work tool pouch on, because I do... Gun doesnt print, eyes don't turn, no one even suspects it... If you have a mid size to smaller gun, give it a try... only $5.00
How things have changed!

Concerning fanny packs ~ I have a MIL-TECH fanny pack which I literally carried around the world in 1997 without any questions asked whatsoever, anywhere. This was worn when traveling through airports in Richmond, VA, Dallas-Fort Worth, LA, Shanghai & Beijing PRC, and return. It was also worn daily while in China. Needless to say, there was no handgun involved. It was used to carry local money, ID, and a small cassette recorder to take notes. (I am a writer). It was worn quite visibly on my person everywhere. No airport security asked to x-ray it or open it. Believe it or not, this is a true account of what could be done only 14 years ago. I would not attempt to try this again. Where has our freedom gone?

Endowment Member N.R.A.
As per fudo's post > > >Q. If you were a street thug, what is the first thing you would take from your victims?
A. Their bag of valuables. i.e. fanny pack. Now this may pose a problem for me. Lots of times I carry a "pocket" gun. That would be an LCP.
I wear a t-shirt and shorts. The only place I could carry any valuables would be in my remaining pants pockets. Now I am willing to bet that more then 95% of guys out there carry their wallet in their pants pocket. (front pocket being best to guard against pick-pockets.) Most street criminals know this to be true. So since it was pointed out that a "fanny" or "waist" pack would be the first thing a criminal would go for it makes me think that if you are not wearing such a pack the criminal would go for your pants. So to avoid this I will not wear a "waist pack" or pants!!!!:sarcastic::wacko::dance3:

Just make sure you got a PERMIT for that "thing":eek:

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