In Illinois need a ccw


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im in illinois today i went to Indiana to try and shoot my pistol but they told me that i didnt have a ccw and i should not of brought it into the state . how do i get a ccw so i can shoot in the state of indiana ? please help
o i do but it was just convient to go there its like 30 min away and i could shoot my AR-15 there also i wil have to look for an outdoor range here in illinois
You could always leave the Peoples Republic of Illinois and come to Texas - we would love to have you and your guns... :dance3:
im in illinois today i went to Indiana to try and shoot my pistol but they told me that i didnt have a ccw and i should not of brought it into the state . how do i get a ccw so i can shoot in the state of indiana ? please help

o i do but it was just convient to go there its like 30 min away and i could shoot my AR-15 there also i wil have to look for an outdoor range here in illinois
None of this makes any sense. A CCW is not required by law to drive to the range. Now, while doing so, your handguns should be unloaded and locked in the trunk. As for your AR-15, not only do you not need a CCW to transport it in IN, but while in IN you may have it loaded while it is in the passenger compartment as long as it remains in plain view (assuming it is a rifle). Of course, the folks at the range probably would like you to unload it before taking it out of your car. Even if it is an AR pistol, you would just have to keep it unloaded and in the trunk, but there is no reason you would need a CCW to go to the range with it.

That being said, a CCW from another state wouldn't be a bad idea even if you don't leave IL very often. I recomend a UT permit, although they are taking about 4 months to get right now.
Under the letter of IC 35-47-2-2, in IN you do need a LTC to carry handgun to and from any place except your place of business, residence or gunsmith. There is no exemption for going to a range.

Under IC 35-47-2-21, if you have any CCW issued anywhere in the world you are legal in IN as long as you are not an IN resident.

Your best solution if you must go to an IN range is get a PA LTC. Just pay your $26 to Centre County and you'll get your PA LTC back providing you pass the background check. There is no training requirement to get a PA LTC. Center County PA Sheriff Nau is very pro-RKBA. Since IL does not have a civilian CCW law, you don't need one from your home State to get a PA LTC.
ok thanks and for utimmer43 that is what the DNR told me that i ws unable to bring my handgun into indiana without a CCW card ? i just thought it would e convienent to shhot my rifle there why not bring my hand guns also ? untill he told me that i couldnt
Under the letter of IC 35-47-2-2, in IN you do need a LTC to carry handgun to and from any place except your place of business, residence or gunsmith. There is no exemption for going to a range.
Wow, my bad. Sheesh, if you can't take your gun to the range, where can you take it? Lame. I am curious though, what about a gunsmith/ gun dealer who also has a range on his premisis? It does not specify that it must be to have it repaired.

IN could use a "freshening up" of their firearms laws. But then, what state couldn't?
Wow, my bad. Sheesh, if you can't take your gun to the range, where can you take it? Lame. I am curious though, what about a gunsmith/ gun dealer who also has a range on his premisis? It does not specify that it must be to have it repaired.
The IC is pretty clear. You can buy one and take one in for repair outside of transporting it to and from your home or place of business. If your handgun does not need repair then obviously you're not taking it to a place of repair. You might be able to get away under the letter of IC to use the range at the place of purchase immediately after you bought it.
Wow, my bad. Sheesh, if you can't take your gun to the range, where can you take it? Lame. I am curious though, what about a gunsmith/gun dealer who also has a range on his premisis? It does not specify that it must be to have it repaired.
Yes it does, Link Removed states;

IC 35-47-2-2
Excepted persons
Sec. 2. Section 1 of this chapter does not apply to:
(1) marshals;
(2) sheriffs;
(3) the commissioner of the department of correction or persons authorized by him in writing to carry firearms;
(4) judicial officers;
(5) law enforcement officers;
(6) members of the armed forces of the United States or of the national guard or organized reserves while they are on duty;
(7) regularly enrolled members of any organization duly authorized to purchase or receive such weapons from the United States or from this state who are at or are going to or from their place of assembly or target practice;
(8) employees of the United States duly authorized to carry handguns;
(9) employees of express companies when engaged in company business;
(10) any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in firearms or the agent or representative of any such person having in his possession, using, or carrying a handgun in the usual or ordinary course of that business; or
(11) any person while carrying a handgun unloaded and in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or to a place of repair or back to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or in moving from one dwelling or business to another.
As added by P.L.311-1983, SEC.32.
While IN is a pro-RKBA State, you do need to understand the logistics of the law. Since the range owner the OP has referenced is aware of this quirk in the IC, I suggest the OP get a PA LTC if the OP wants to continue to use their handguns on ranges in IN. IN has a restricted LTC for target and hunting only.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I've already admitted that I was. To that end, I too would recommend the same. My point now is that I find the wording to be unclear in that "to a place of repair", in my opinion, does not necessarily mean to be repaired. The way I interpret it, someone could drive back and forth from their home to a gunsmith even if their gun doesn't need any work. I know it's a stretch, and why would anyone want to do that anyway. But if there were a gunsmith with a range on his premisis...

Again, I'm not saying he doesn't need a LTC, and since IN has the "Qualified License" for target and hunting, it is obvious that he does. Just pointing out that 1) there is ambiguity in the wording, and 2) to require a LTC just to go to the range is asinine, and ought to be changed.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I've already admitted that I was. To that end, I too would recommend the same. My point now is that I find the wording to be unclear in that "to a place of repair", in my opinion, does not necessarily mean to be repaired. The way I interpret it, someone could drive back and forth from their home to a gunsmith even if their gun doesn't need any work. I know it's a stretch, and why would anyone want to do that anyway. But if there were a gunsmith with a range on his premisis...
One of the things that good CCW instructors do is think like an attorney; particularly a DA, prosecutor or plaintiff's counsel in the case of civil suits. Intent factors heavily into law. Did the defendant intend to have their firearm repaired? If not, they were not taking it to a place of repair as repairs were not needed. That's a very simple argument to win in court. I don't have a law degree and I could win that one. Also keep in mind that an IN range advised the OP that he needs some sort of carry license or permit to bring his handguns. Given that information I think you'd be treading on very thin ice with your argument.
Again, I'm not saying he doesn't need a LTC, and since IN has the "Qualified License" for target and hunting, it is obvious that he does. Just pointing out that 1) there is ambiguity in the wording, and 2) to require a LTC just to go to the range is asinine, and ought to be changed.
The question is do you want to be the test case? $26 to Centre County PA is cheap insurance that you won't be if you don't live in IN. I don't see it as ambiguous. It's pretty clear to me what you can without some sort of license or permit to carry with respect to handguns. I don't argue how asinine it is but it hasn't been a priority of the IN legislature to address. The current Indiana Code is what it is.
utimmer43 no bashing going on here i thought it was preety messed up also but i didnt make the law .

thanks to all the other posts i found out i can send in a application to PA and get a ccw through that state .

thanks to all replies very helpfull !
Also keep in mind that an IN range advised the OP that he needs some sort of carry license or permit to bring his handguns. Given that information I think you'd be treading on very thin ice with your argument.

The question is do you want to be the test case? $26 to Centre County PA is cheap insurance that you won't be if you don't live in IN....... The current Indiana Code is what it is.
No I don't want to be the test case, and please realize that do I recomend anyone else try it either. My first post in the thread was what I thought was allowed, but I was wrong and have acknowledged so. Now I'm just pointing out little quirks in the wording and raising hypotheticals. It's what I do. But it is not a recommendation to try acting on those hypotheticals.

I agree, get the PA LTCF if you (OP) wish to go to IN with a handgun. And you're right, the IC is what it is. My opinion is that it's dumb, much like a whole host of other State and Federal laws that I think are dumb. But I still obey them and recommend everyone else do so as well.

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