I'm thinking night shoot at my range


God Bless Our Troops!!!
It's going to be New years eve...we are in the country...I'm Thinking night shoot at my range on private property...any thoughts?
Blammo Ammo sells a nice shotgun shell called "Dragon's Breath" that turns a 12 ga. into a fire-breathing, target scorching hoot of a good time for any celebratory night fire! :biggrin:
Darn, When we we kids, (And had to walk in 2 foot of snow a mile to school) it was no big deal to load up the black powder guns and trigger them off out over the lake... Black Powder at night is pretty cool... H#ll, now days we'd go to jail just to get them out of the front door.... Like JJF says Light 'em up!
I'm going to do the same thing. Gotta limit it, though. With everything going on, I don't want to waste too many bullets...
It was a hoot

At the berm at night...zombie gun lights blazing...In the words of the immortal Hank Hill...
