If you like the Judge you might the Circuit Judge

Red Hat

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Rossi Has a new carbine called the Circuit Judge. It uses the Taurus Judge cylinder and looks like their frame also. I think I like it!

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EDIT: found another pic

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Why is it chambered for the .45 Colt and not a more powerful cartridge? If not the .45-70, the .454 Casull comes immediately to mind.
Why is it chambered for the .45 Colt and not a more powerful cartridge? If not the .45-70, the .454 Casull comes immediately to mind.

Give them time. Taurus has just introduced the Raging Judge Magnum chambered in .454 Casull.

Taurus Raging Judge Magnum :: Guns Holsters and Gear

Taurus has moved the Judge line solidly into the “big boom” category with the introduction of the Raging Judge Magnum chambered in .454 Casull.

This six-shot, big bore revolver can fire .454 Casull, .45 Colt and 2.5” and 3” .410 shotshells. Due to the power generated by the Casull cartridge, the cylinder has a double lock.

The Raging Judge Magnum is available with either a three-inch or six-inch barrel. The six-inch barrel has a vented rib and can accommodate a scope mount.

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Just imagine what will happen to your support hand and arm if you get one that has bad cylinder gap and starts spitting lead and hot gas! OUCH>!&^%%#:hang3:
Just imagine what will happen to your support hand and arm if you get one that has bad cylinder gap and starts spitting lead and hot gas! OUCH>!&^%%#:hang3:

They took care of that also. It has a blast shield.

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Break down

If they made it break down with a folding stock or maybe a thumbscrew removal that would make a handy survival rifle/shotty. .410 for small game and 45 colt for everything up to elk. I think I saw where they made the new Judge at the SHOT Show accept 454 casull. If they put that feature into this carbine you could go from rabbits to grizzly.
Revolver Carbine Suggestions

Taurus had a great idea with it's Circuit Judge Carbine. Now, why don't they chamber it for .44 Magnum? I realize that this would eliminate the .410 option, but i think many shooters would appreciate it's increased capability as a rifle. Cutting the barrel to 16" and using a less fancy synthetic stock would make it even lighter. I also agree with other posters that a folding stock accessory would sell. And so would a take-down version, although for legal reasons this would have be designed in a manner to prevent the "rifle" from converting to an operational pistol.
There was an additional "cover" on this month's American Rifleman that was essentially a several page ad for Rossi carbines:
The Wizard has multiple available barrels, a la T/C's Contender. 21 Rimfire, Centerfire, Muzzleloader, and Shotgun calibers/gauges are listed.
The Rio Grande is a 30-30 Lever-action.
The Circuit Judge currently only available as described here.
The Ranch Hand is .357/.38Spl, .44Mag/.44Spl,, or .45 Colt

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