If you could only have 1 pistol, what would it be?

I know it will sound strange but if I can only have one pistol it will be my Kel-Tec P-3AT. It is the only one that I always have on me because it simply disappears so well. I may go to a bigger addition when carrying allows, but the 380 is still there and if I can't be comfy with a bigger gun, the the 380 is my primary.

So if I can only have one, I want the one I carry.
wow trying to pick between my 1911 and 1445lda, both 45's, but a big differance in rounds 8 vs 14? I would have to take the 1911 good power great to shoot cheep mags, and easy to get parts for. As said the 1911 has survived for 98 years, through many of wars, and with millions of rounds. I would fear to thing of having a glock in Vietnam.
I would have my G29. In fact I have more than one. Concealable even in shorts and tee shirt (SmartCarry). Powerful ( good for 2 and 4 legged creatures), reliable, easy to maintain, 10+1 or 15+1 and with a barrel swap can fire 10MM , .40 S&W, .357 sig, and 9x25 Dillon. Heine sraight 8 night sights and CT Laser and set to go. For me the ultimate handgun for the reasons stated above IMHO.
Reminds me of the question: "If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could have only one book, what would it be?"

I'd say "How to Build a Boat."

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