If he was armed....?


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Saw this on my home page. Sad that it's getting worse and worse everyday in my home town.

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I wonder what he was thinking going out unarmed. Why wasn't he armed? Orange county has one of the top 5 highest CCW issue rates in FL.:sad2:
People call me crazy when I go out to check on a noise armed, but you just never know. Its a shame this happened, but it should remind us all about the problems out there. I think, however, that if there is a noise and your unsure its one thing. If you know its a prowler, stay armed and ready to go check, but also get the cavalry on the way. I know that the cavalry does not show up fast in some areas, but it does not hurt to get them over there with you. You never know when its not just a prowler, but prowlers. Safety in numbers so to speak. As long as the cops know your not the prowler and don't shoot you.
Memphis said,Sad that it's getting worse and worse everyday in my home to.

It is getting worse everywhere. I live in the Fort worth area. It is bad enough here but you drive 30 miles east to Dallas and there are shootings and killings just about everyday. At least here we can carry a hand gun. I would hate to live in a state or city where only the BG's are allowed guns.
Yeah, but have'nt you been watching the media. According to the arguments, banning guns in D.C helped lower crime. Yeah my humble [auto edited] it does. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. Thats why D.C has held the title of most violent crimed city in the nation for so many years. I'm glad I can carry a gun un-restricted in my place of residence and on my person.
Yeah, but have'nt you been watching the media. According to the arguments, banning guns in D.C helped lower crime. Yeah my humble [auto edited] it does. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. Thats why D.C has held the title of most violent crimed city in the nation for so many years. I'm glad I can carry a gun un-restricted in my place of residence and on my person.

I was watching some arguements on tv last night. I guess the gun ban in DC helped so much that the murder rate doubled after a time... yes now that is great work...
Wow --what a bummer. And the dude had a black belt in martial arts. It's ashame that his martial arts instructor didn't tell him about firearms as an extension of the martial arts. Doesn't matter how fast one can kick ,gouge or jab--it's tough to out manuver a bullet.
It says that the crime rate there is high--why did he go outside unarmed ? Maybe his martial arts gave him a false sense of confidence or he flunked his situational awareness class.
I feel bad for the dude and his family
That is very unfortunate. I would never "check" on something if there was even a little suspicion of something is up. If I throw on my Glock at 3am in the morning to take my dog out you'd better bet that I'll have it with me if I hear something outside.
If someone tells me they saw someone jump my back fence, I'm definitely not going outside to check. I'll double check that my doors and windows are secure and call the police. Then I'll hole up in my bedroom and wait. If they enter my house, then I'll take action. I'd hate to go outside and face them, because it'll involve facing lawyers later and there's nothing outside of my house that I'm willing to risk everything for. The lawyers will ask simple questions like "why did you go outside when you knew there was a threat?" and "we're you looking for a gun fight?". Remember, the jury is going to to ask themselves what a reasonable person would do. In this case, a reasonable person would stay inside. Especially in states like mine where you can only shoot to protect yourself, or an innocent person, from death or severe bodily injury.
If someone tells me they saw someone jump my back fence, I'm definitely not going outside to check. I'll double check that my doors and windows are secure and call the police. Then I'll hole up in my bedroom and wait. If they enter my house, then I'll take action. I'd hate to go outside and face them, because it'll involve facing lawyers later and there's nothing outside of my house that I'm willing to risk everything for. The lawyers will ask simple questions like "why did you go outside when you knew there was a threat?" and "we're you looking for a gun fight?". Remember, the jury is going to to ask themselves what a reasonable person would do. In this case, a reasonable person would stay inside. Especially in states like mine where you can only shoot to protect yourself, or an innocent person, from death or severe bodily injury.

I second that!

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