~If a crazed gunman attacks you..."throw things at him"? WTF!?~


~The Dude Abides~
Raquel Payne-Giles, principal at Paul W. Bryant High School, said the school's faculty and staff started their training this summer. She said she was surprised that the training taught them to even attack an armed intruder.
"They did a skit where a person walked in with a toy gun and what actually happens if everyone throws things at him," she said. "The person began to protect themselves, and it threw him off for a few minutes. That's the time to run."
Police Lt. A.B. Green, who is overseeing the training, said hiding from intruders is sometimes not enough.
"We can train teachers and students to a certain degree. At a certain level, though, we have to train the students to use their last resource, which is to defend themselves," he said. "We want to remind them that they can also fight for themselves using whatever they can use. It's more like, if all else has been exhausted, you fight for your life."

Teachers, students in one Alabama city told to fight back if facing violent intruder | Fox News

Throw your books at the gunman then Run little sheeple...RUN!!
Baaaaaaaaah......Baaaaaaaaaahhh! :blink:

You just can't make this crap up folks. :big_boss:
Reflex will cause him to duck. Better than hiding under a desk with your thumb up your ass. People in middle and high school aren't going to have a six shooter on their hip.
I think thats great, they need to start training teachers and students about this type of self defense, it might never happen at their school but the training could help later on in life, you never know?? The way this world is changing everyone needs this type of training.
Reflex will cause him to duck. Better than hiding under a desk with your thumb up your ass. People in middle and high school aren't going to have a six shooter on their hip.

And therein lies the friggin problem my friend!

School staffers 'should' be allowed to concealed carry sidearms if properly licensed to do so.
Then any crazed gunman can be 'shot & stopped' instead of 'hit with erasers and pissed off'.
Just my .02 cents.
Sounds like the same thing we got during our teacher in-service.

This entire video is a friggin joke imho.....
Seeing all of the people run and hide as the gunman continues to kill more innocent victims is very infuriating to me.

When seconds count the police are too many minutes away folks!
The answer is not to run and hide...the answer is to meet the threat with equal or greater force & stop the threat asap.
When will the masses wake the fk up??
Remember the Texas Tower shooting, folks were getting their long guns out of gun racks in their trucks and firing back at the AH, may have saved lives, not sure I could throw an eraser that high. Stay back I am hiding under the desk with chalk and an eraser, that should work. What idiot produced this video, more than that what idiot would think this would work.

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