You could always put the gun in a case in your trunk unloaded through illinois and open carry in Wisconsin. Not sure if you have anything that would look good on your hip at a wedding though.
I have to attend a wedding in Wisconsin and I live in Saint Louis Missouri. Which means I have to travel through Illinois to get to Wisconsin, the 2 most anti-gun states on the planet. So please pray for me that I make it to the wedding and back home safely.
My brother's wedding is coming up in 2 weeks, and his fiance insisted that it be in place that is a gun free zone. Her mom knows I have a CHL, and asked me not to carry during the wedding, because she supposedly will get in trouble for me carrying. I'm not going to incriminate myself by saying anything, but you know the saying, "It's better to be judged by 12, than carried by six."
And that's not even the worst part of it...I have to wair a purple tie!!!
God be with you on your journey. Maybe someday we'll live in a truly free country again.
... or a nice Mossberg 500... if it's "that" kind of wedding?
Since when are women the boss. They are both adults. If his wife-to-be is ordering him around now, before their married, he better run. It's you duty to help you brother by getting him on the next train out of town. :sarcastic:
I guess the info on is not correct because Wisconsin has had CCW for 3 years I was told. I don't know if they honor any other permits though.
Wisconsin does not issue permits of any kind. They do, per the attorney general, recognize open carry, however, some jurisdictions are less than friendly towards people carrying.
Whoever told you that does not know what they're talking about. The only people allowed to carry concealed in Wisconsin are current and retired LEOs under the Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act of 2004.