I need some recomendations:

Rick O'Shay

New member
An older woman I work with called me this evening wanting my assistance in walking her through the permitting process and in purchasing a gun.

Here is the situation: She, like I said, is older with limited arm strength, she is a tiny thing. She will probably have difficulty racking a slide although I will be taking her to the range to test that. Many years ago she used to shoot, so is not total novice to firearms. On the call she mentioned she thought she should get a .38 snubbie and I did not argue the point, although I intend to steer her towards a semi-auto of some type. The problem is I am unfamiliar with compact double action semi-autos (I am a 1911 man myself) and could use some suggestions for a starting point on the search. Any and all suggestions, with a short explanation of why, are welcome.

For someone who could have trouble with the slide and may not spend the time it takes to master an auto a snub nose or any revolver for that matter would make an a good choice. Although I like autos they are not for everyone. A revolver is easy to use and very little can go wrong with them.
Well, if she has trouble racking the slide that seems to lean back towards a revolver. I forget (again) which one it was but if she is really recoil sensitive I got my ex-wife a S&W 640 or maybe 642 which concealed well, had 6 shots and was controllable yet accurate for CQ.

Before deciding what your short list would be though, you really need to get an idea what her strength and accuracy potentials are going to be. Put her in Rangemasters Ladies Intro course, the women instructors are absolutely fantastic in introducing women to CC and Defensive firearms. They will start her on a Glock 19 and evaluate her tolerance. My wife loved the course and immediately signed up for the CC class offered the next weekend. She stepped right up to my S&W 9mm but now really wants my metal-frame .40 and is anxious to shop for "her" carry weapon.
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For someone who could have trouble with the slide and may not spend the time it takes to master an auto a snub nose or any revolver for that matter would make an a good choice. Although I like autos they are not for everyone. A revolver is easy to use and very little can go wrong with them.

I agree 100% with you, but concealment will be an issue here. She is pretty vain about her appearance so I imagine a revolver will just end up in stuffed her purse before long. I think we may have to go with a slim semi-auto of some kind.
A J-frame S&W, or similar sized Taurus should fit the bill nicely for her. If these are too heavy, look at S&W's LadySmith and AirLite revolvers. As HK said, stay away from semi's if there is any doubt she can rack the slide.
Add my recommendation to the list. If she has any reservations of racking the slide or field stripping the firearm the only logical choice is a revolver.
Keep in mind that Bernie Goetz neutralized four subjects with a five round J-frame S&W revolver.

I would not want to take on the late Elmer Keith, the late Bill Jordan or Bernie Goetz in a competition. They're much better than me with a revolver than many of us are here with any semi-auto pistol and have the experience to prove it. Jordan has commented that he's faster than any semi-auto pistol I believe Keith has as well.

Someone who has mastered the revolver is much more of an adversary than any semi-auto pistol master. My first firearm instructor pounded that into me and after doing research about it she is right. She prefers semi-auto pistols, but acknowledges revolver masters are better. The only disadvantage you have with a revolver is capacity. If you've mastered the revolver you're up to par if not better than someone with a semi-auto pistol.

Do not knock a revolver enthusiast, you may end up losing if you do.
She should shop for a handgun just like she does for shoes. TRY 'EM ON. Get her hands on every handgun she can find. A few of them will "feel" pretty good with her eyes closed..... before too long, she'll find one that feels "just right". Pursue that one. Chances are, that particular frame is made in various calibers. If she buys a handgun that doesn't "feel right" in her hands, she'll never shoot it enough to become proficient with it...... if she's not proficient with it, she may as well carry a ball bat.

Then get training. A 44 mag won't help if she can't put rounds on target.

Would she buy shoes like mine, just because I like 'em, without trying them on first ?

Just my two cents.......
I have to agree that a revolver would be her best bet. Small concealable autos are not known for easy slide manipulation. One thing that I've found is to make sure what ever revolver she gets make sure that she can pull the trigger in double action. I've had to lighten up several J frame revolvers because they couldn't fire it with two fingers on the trigger. Any competent Gunsmith can lighten the trigger pull enough for her to be able to handle double action.
I have to agree that a revolver would be her best bet. Small concealable autos are not known for easy slide manipulation. One thing that I've found is to make sure what ever revolver she gets make sure that she can pull the trigger in double action. I've had to lighten up several J frame revolvers because they couldn't fire it with two fingers on the trigger. Any competent Gunsmith can lighten the trigger pull enough for her to be able to handle double action.

That is some good advice I never would have thought of.
HayO'Shay, + another 1 to the 6 shooter. Like Deer/Wolfhunter said the Taurus or Smith Hammerless. I have family that is ex LEO and she is pretty petite. She carries a Smith with Crimson Trace Grips.
Hey Jarhead!

I have been convinced on a revolver, but as to which kind, well...... You know how women are!

If she doesn't like Blued, Stainless, or Matte Metallic, look at Charter Arms' UltraLite Guns of Color. Link Removed
Not sure if I'm the jarhead you mean, but I'd suggest she handle several and see what she likes. A .357 will also handle 38 spl loads, so she could practice light, and maybe carry full .357 loads. Just a thought.
Not sure if I'm the jarhead you mean, but I'd suggest she handle several and see what she likes. A .357 will also handle 38 spl loads, so she could practice light, and maybe carry full .357 loads. Just a thought.

I think he was responding to RicBak, but with so many of us here, it's hard to tell.
Semper Fi!
Jarhead is one of the nicest things any squid ever called me. Except the one who called me his son-in-law.

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