I need input on Bersa BPCC 9

Both are Mod. 686 .357 Magnums. With .38 special rounds they fire beautifully, and accurately, but with .357 magnum rounds, they lock up! And when I say lock up I mean cylinders, triggers and hammers! I have a Colt Detective Special in .38 Special that I've never had a problem with. These have locked twice and have been sent back twice. I just got them back and I haven't tried them out yet to see if the problems are fixed.

I have a S&W Mod. 586, .357 Mag and have had it for thirty years with no problem. Also, the Chief Special .38 for my wife which we have had even longer and no problems with it either. Sometimes, one just gets a lemon, even in the better name brand weapons, which tends to leave a bitter taste in your mouth for the entire brand. Fortunately, I haven't bought a lemon yet!
Yes, it's happened to me with several other things. You'd think I'd catch a break evey now and then!

I don't own a revolver but recently shot a friends S&W 642 and another friends Charter Arms .38, not the Bulldog maybe a Bullpup?
I somehow got both of them to lock up and fail to fire. I know how to clear the rounds and after reloading both carried on. I must have a special touch. My daughter is looking for a snubbie to CC and likes the Ruger LCR. Ruger does inspire confidence but I'd prefer she look at the LC9s pro.
Maybe have her look at the LC380 which has less recoil and seems to be a very good gun. Also maybe look at the .32 H&R mag. :dirol: