I Need Help Asap Please!


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Hi everyone i live in ny rockland county i'm a certified peaceo ifficer with firearms,certified correction officer,and recently employed with the federal bureau of prisons as a c/o and can carry on my credintial in all 50 of the states,my problem is my local judge is breaking my horns i see a doctor for anxiety and now he is questioning my mental health and is tring to deny my permit what can i do!
Get a letter from the doctor soon if he is on your side. If not get one that is. File for disabilaty. Stay safe and try Acupunture it will help anxiety and will show you are getting some help at the first signs of stress anxiety.
Until you are pronounced...

Hi everyone i live in ny rockland county i'm a certified peaceo ifficer with firearms,certified correction officer,and recently employed with the federal bureau of prisons as a c/o and can carry on my credintial in all 50 of the states,my problem is my local judge is breaking my horns i see a doctor for anxiety and now he is questioning my mental health and is tring to deny my permit what can i do!

Until you are adjudicated as mentally deficient, incompetent or institutionalized, by a mental health professional...you are GTG. A lot of military and LEO types are seen by mental health professionals for job related stress. They still carry. A judge is not a mental health professional. He does not have the qualifications to make such a call unless he did medical school and I doubt that.

Lawyer up! Get a good one. Ask questions in a higher court about this judge's ability to make a fair and impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW!:boom04:
The lawyer up advice is the best. However, the subject of drugs and guns does warrent deep thought. Some drugs can increase the severity of anxiety attacks and some drugs can affect patterns of thought. I caution any individual that carries a gun to fully study the influence of any drug that affects the CNS and how this would come into play in the gun situation. The knowledge of the specific affects of the drug used on the thought and emotional process can help the individual cope and function correctly.
Thanks for the reply i see your point but did you read the whole thread i'm cleared by a doctor that i have no physical or psch reasons not to carry and i'm a federal leo and carry already on my badge and they did not have a problem with it so i don't see the judge's point!!!!!!!!!!

Get a different judge. I am a licensed mental health professional (Minnesota) and as others have said, without treatment and (big part) a DSM IV diagnosis by a medical or mental health professional, you are no different than anyone else. Heck most of the people on this board get strong anxiety whenever Obama opens his mouth. I know many people who have a CCW and are on either antidepressants or antianxiety medication.

Good luck
thanks for your reply i wish i could get a different judge but this is the one assigned to my county in the letter he said i can bring a lawyer if i so please i think it would be a good idea to bring one 250 an hour i think is worth it seeing as this judge is so anti gun that something i might say he might interput the wrong way and deny me!

I'm a little confused. If you are a FLEO and your agency has not terminated your ability to carry on based on your federal credentials, then a "local" judge has no jurisdiction and can not tell you you can not carry. I would contact my local FLEO rep and ask WTFO.
I already did that and they have no say over a permit to carry as a civilian my federal credientials are are while i'm employed as a fleo now if i retire i need the permit to carry and the judge has the final say this is what happens when we let our rights to be trampled on and give authority to the judges of each county to do as they like!
I don't wish to sound flippant, but your biggest problem is where you live. Any state that would elect a Clinton to the Senate is not going to be very friendly to a gun owner. In the South, we may be intellectually challenged inbreeds, but our gun laws and judges don't hold it against us.

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